02. The Power of the Moon
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The situation turned bad. Restoring the plants in the field wasn’t a good idea.

John and friends were outside of her residence. They were shouting, announcing, and accusing Myune as an evil witch. They must have come back to the field and find out the place was restored as before. The odd occurrence made them feel suspicious and angry.

“Quickly show yourself or I will report you to the village head!” John threatened.

“She must be a noble. She resurrect dead plants,” whispered his friend.

“We should report her to the nobles! Maybe they want to adopt the outcast,” suggested the other friend.

Report to nobles. That was like committing suicide.

Myune peeked out from the window. Two of John’s friends were gone. Even if they didn’t know the truth—whether or not they reported it to nobles—it was dangerous for her. She had to leave this place.

Myune packed her valuable things into the briefcase. With hurried steps, she left her bedroom and sneaked into a small alley. After passing by a stable, she escaped toward the dense cornfield.

Suddenly she heard dog barks behind her. John and friends knew she escaped. They chased her.

Unfortunately Myune wasn’t a fast runner. He body was weak, so John caught her and tied her at the guardrail.

“Where are you going, evil witch?” John asked, gagging her mouth with a dirty cloth. Then, his eyes spotted a small briefcase on the ground. “Ah, Steve, open the briefcase! It must be filled with dangerous potions.”

Myune tried to struggle, and John punched her in the belly. The girl screamed and fell to the ground.

“What is this? Only a story book, an old iron necklace, and a ripped doll?” Steve said after opening the briefcase. He felt disgusted and tried to not drop her things.

“Trash girl only owns trashes,” mocked John. He pulled her hair until she screamed. “Why do you care about your weird things so much? I know you are poor. Or… are those from someone you love?” His friends laughed. “Ah yes. Since when there is someone who loves you back? Just burn them all!”

Flame of anger dwelled in her heart. She really wanted to destroy John, but John slammed her to the ground. Supported by his friends’ cheers, John punched her over and over.

When Myune kicked his left thigh, Steve helped him. He picked up the teddy bear and tore it into two halves. “Hei, look!” he said.

Angry. This feeling surpassed her usual anger. She couldn’t contain it any longer, and she unconsciously summoned a giant thorny vine from the ground and surrounded them.

John and his friends panicked. They screamed for help, but no one heard them. They tried to destroy the vine wall with any means, but nothing succeeded. The vine was spreading to the middle as if moving to crush them.

“Wait a moment!” someone shouted from the sky. She was Elaine. “Sorry to disturb you guys, but you bothered our dragons’ sleeping time, so they had to let out this plant to shut you up.”

Myune was stunned to see Elaine’s action. The fairy protected her. She was pretending to have a dragon with the white moon power.

A white-scaled dragon landed in front of them. John and friends’ jaws dropped in horror. The villagers in this village rarely saw the loud creature.

“You thugs! At what basis you think this pretty girl can use magic? I came from afar and saw what you did. As a peace loving fairy, I told my dragon to restore the field,” said a fairy boy from atop of the white dragon.

“Who are you?” John asked. He was ready to escape.

“I am Loth, Elaine’s cousin. I just arrived at this village yesterday. By the way, if you bother this pretty girl anymore, Lizzy will bury you guys alive!” Loth threatened. Lizzy roared loudly, making them run. They cried like children who had seen a ghost in the middle of the street.

Myune staggered as she approached her broken belongings. Her book was ripped, and her necklace was broken. Those made her sad, but nothing made her sad more than seeing her teddy bear. She almost couldn’t recognize it anymore. The cotton came out of its body, and its head was severed. She was mad at those people who had messed with her things.

“Are those important to you?” Elaine asked.

“Yes,” Myune replied.

“Must be from someone important to you.”

Myune nodded again. She covered her hands with white light and restored the teddy back as before.

“Wow, you are right, El. There is no way a mere villager has this power,” Loth said, impressed.

Myune stared at the uninvited guest. “What are you doing here?”

“I followed Elaine. She said I could find someone who could use the power of white moon,” Loth answered.

Elaine was shocked to hear his confession. She could no longer escape from Myune’s fearful gaze. She knew going on the bad side of someone with the power of the moon wouldn’t last well. Moreover, in this deserted place, she could be buried alive.

“Eh, eh! But you have to thank me. At least, those bad guys think Lizzy is the one who has the power of the moon,” Elaine said quickly, panicked. Myune didn’t reply to her and instead, she stared at her more. “Okay, okay. I found out about you from the book store. You didn’t get along with your cousin, and he always bothered you. I was just worried for your mental health, remembering you have a hidden power—”

“By telling your cousin and his dragon?” asked Myune in an annoyed tone. Her voice contained her anger, making Elaine and Loth gulp. Lizzy jumped and his behind Loth.

“About him—” Elaine stared at her cousin. Loth shook his head. “Tsk! Fine. Loth has a friend from the castle. His friend knows a royal family member is hiding in this place.”

“You shouldn’t have revealed it!” Loth protested.

“So what should I say?” Elaine asked back, annoyed. The siblings fought.

“Who is your friend?” Myune asked.

“A nobody. Either an intern or a guard. Can’t really remember—” Before Myune burst out in anger, Loth cut her quickly. “Wait! My friend said a few nobles are suspicious of the prince.”

Suddenly Myune felt weak. Hearing the name was something she had been waiting for. The girl almost forgot his figure. Her eyes reflected her longing.

“The palace is a mess. The politic isn’t going well, the magic isn’t stable either. The frontier guards are going weaker. That’s what I know. And my friend said the weakness of the leaders makes the nobles rebel. They are targeting the prince, but they know he is powerful and cunning.” Loth took a breath, and then his face turned serious. “They also know that the prince is hiding his family member somewhere.”

“I am sure you are his sister. I know if after I saw your power. Only royal families have that immense moon power,” added Elaine.

“And then you said you put her in unfortunate situations many times,” cut Loth, making Elaine annoyed.

Myune sat down and held the iron necklace tightly. Her eyes were void of emotion, even though her mind was a mess. “So are you guys going to hand me to the nobles? Or are you going to kill me?”

Elaine and Loth were annoyed to hear that. “What on earth are you talking about? It is our honor to meet you. I and Loth have been researching about the disappearance of the royal family members—” Elaine stopped when Myune put on a sad face. “Oh, I am sorry. It must have been hard for you to lose your dear family.”

“I was three year old at that time,” Myune said. “Every day, I always asked about my parents’ whereabouts. My brother could only say they would go home. He promised. And then, he always went to somewhere.”

“Was he the one who put you here?” asked Loth.

Myune nodded. “He never visited me anymore. Only these things that reminds me of him.”

“Why don’t you try to meet him?” Elaine asked.

Loth hit Elaine’s arm. The pink fairy moaned in pain. “She is taking shelter in this place! If she goes to the mainland, she is going to be killed!”

“You don’t need to hit me like that!” Elaine protested.

Myune put her things into the briefcase, and she stood up and cleaned her skirt from dirt. “I have to go. Thanks for helping me.”

“Eh, I want to invite you to play.” Elaine looked sad.

“You have found out who I am. This is my advice: stay away from me!” Before Elaine and Loth could protest, Myune bowed and left them alone.