Ch. 65 – Weird place
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When I opened my eyes, there were no mountains in sight. No matter where I looked, there was just vast emptiness. I was currently in the middle of a grassy plain, a very unnatural one because of how flat it was. I couldn’t even find a small pebble that would disturb the perfectly even grass, there was also no signs of someone ever stepping on it.

I searched around for anything different, feeling a bit alienated in the sea of grass, and sure enough I saw something in the distance. Something resembling a tree was lodged firmly into the line of the horizon. I got a feeling that I needed to be there, near the tree, and not in these vast planes.

I quickly tried standing up since I wanted to go there, but something went wrong and I ended up diving face first into the grass. I couldn’t find the cause for this slip-up, so I immediately tried standing again. The result was the same, I ended up lying on my face with slightly hurting nose.

Wait, nose? Do spiders have these? I lifted my hand to touch my face, and surely enough, I freaked out. Since when I had hands? Since when I had a human face? Since when I had human legs?

The reason why I couldn’t just stand up as easily as always was the absence of six out of my eight limbs. For some reason, instead of my normal spider body, I ended up in this human one. It didn’t feel weird, but I had no experience in using only two legs for walking, so in the end, I couldn’t even do something so simple.

I took a quick look at my body and gasped at how white it was. I nearly blinded myself while staring at my skin under the bright sun. Apart from that, I had a white dress, that miraculously wasn’t even a bit stained with green, even after falling into the grass a couple of times.

I sighed loudly, which was also a new for me, since as a spider I couldn’t really do something like that. My voice surprised me a bit, I even started searching around for the source of the sound I heard before I realized that it belonged to me. I tried saying something, but all that came out was some incoherent babble, since I wasn’t used to using tongue and etc.

I was quite satisfied with how I sounded though.

Suddenly feeling like I wasted enough time I remembered that I had to get to the tree. I tried standing up again imitating Felicia and after a nearly minute of wobbling I finally got onto my feet. Well, at least for a second, but that wasn’t enough to discourage me.

It took a moment, but I managed to stand and even make a step, but then I had to stop again. I had close to no idea how to keep balance while walking. Felicia wouldn’t really be a role model for that, since she was more of a cat than a human when it came to movement. I can’t even hear her steps when she walks.

Okay, so I will go with experimenting.

And sure enough, after ten minutes, I succeeded at having a somewhat stable walk. I’m pretty sure I broke my nose in the process though because it hurts pretty badly. Well, there is no blood so I’m sure it’s not that big deal. Anyway, I was moving, slowly, but surely.

I’m not sure how much time have passed when I finally reached my destination. I’m also not sure of my bones were still intact after the amount of times I stumbled and fell. I was just glad that torture called bipedal walking was finally finished.

The tree I used as my landmark, ended up being a giant apple tree. Honestly, I’ve never seen a tree as big as this one. Even its apples were bigger than me, reaching maybe the size of that ancient dragon. And there was a countless amount of them hanged on this tree.

“You sure are a weird one.”

I turned my head at the sudden voice and saw an old woman sitting in a rocking chair, knitting something. I didn’t see her earlier when I was looking around, but sure enough, there was a grandma sitting under a giant tree in the middle of infinite grass plain.

“Funny, how millions of people across the countless worlds, whose genius could be described as a divine gift, who strived for their entire lives to get here mostly ended up dying before they could achieve their dreams. And here you are, unaware of your current location, only transported here because of the quirk belonging to the species you evolved into.

I guess you are a lucky one, huh? In my entire life I’ve never met a species like yours, who are simply connected to this place by default. Not only that, but your soul doesn’t even match your body, and I have to say, you look a bit similar to me, maybe your soul was the reason you were able to evolve like that? Well, I guess this doesn’t matter, I have no idea what god created your species, but there’s no need to go after him.“

Now that I heard her I was sure. Gods definitely had a plan for me, that was set in motion a long time ago. From the start, the only reason for my existence, was their amusement, as they were looking at me getting confused to death.

Seriously, what the hell is happening.