Ch. 87.6 – Battle against dragon
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A dragon huh? Only a week passed since we entered this forest, and something like that already appeared. Fortunately we were prepared for an enemy much stronger than this, but it will still take some time to kill it with its massive health pool, and there’s no guarantee no one will be injured.

Should I help them?

But then, I would have to leave my precious coffee for later and it could get cold. Let’s forget it and just watch them, maybe my students will learn something new by fighting a dragon. Arthur probably could do this alone, so to make things a bit funnier I sealed some of his abilities before. I did it before entering the forest, with an excuse that he needs to conserve his strength for the queen.

Funny how even with his full strength he wouldn’t be able to lift a finger if faced with her in full power. Well, if things get dire I will of course interfere, my students are much more important than my coffee after all. Still, getting a bruise or two is not a big deal, so they will probably be fine anyway. But for girls the bruises would be a problem huh?

I’m still amazed how they managed to bring that much beauty products to an expedition into the heart of enemy territory. I mean, they even stuffed a whole bathtub into a spatial storage just so they could take a warm bath here, and the amount of shampoos and conditioners they had on them was just too astounding to talk about it.

I wonder how they manage to find safe places to use these things, even in our main camp soldiers constantly struggle to fend off monsters, and if they wanted to bathe there it would be inevitable that they would give men some nice views, but somehow nothing like that happened yet. They just go out at random intervals and return with renewed makeup and clean hair.

It’s one of this world mysteries, how women manage to keep themselves clean in the center of monster infested territory. Even Lex was unable to confirm how they do it, and this guy should have a professional peeper license with how good he is at it. Well, he ends up flying more often than not, but you can’t exactly expect to be successful at peeping at some of the strongest girls from our city.

Wow, Liza’s really going at it, she should really tone down her spells or I will end up with dust in my coffee. It is said the more eccentric the mage is, the more power they have, but she’s really pushing it. Who in their right mind would use explosion magic in close proximity to themselves, and actually hit their allies with it?

Fortunately it was Lex who took the most of the spells power, and he’s a sturdy guy so it will be alright. Still, I would prefer if she focused on hitting the dragon, not her colleagues, but he tried to take a peek at her panties a second earlier, so he probably had it coming. Maybe she shouldn’t wear short skirts? You would expect a mage to wear a robe, but it’s almost impossible to persuade her, even if the stat bonuses are better on them.

Oh, there comes the self-proclaimed queen Elle with her twin rapiers. One wouldn’t expect from someone who brags all day about their superiority to actually have even a sliver of strength, but her piercing power sure is something. She just went right through the outrageously hard dragon scales with her attack and made a hole all the way through.

Too bad it healed right away, dragons are surprisingly tenacious. Ahh, she’s got angry, I think I’ll move a bit further away or things are going to get dire. I wouldn’t want to get splashed with dragon innards after all. I always wondered where she got a berserk skill, a girl who brags about being the most proper lady of this world.

You can’t refute its strength sure, but it’s a mortifying sight to see a beautiful girl literally enter the dragon through the hole she made in its side, and then proceed to obliterate it from the inside. I would prefer if she at least spared the meat since it’s quite tasty, but along with expensive organs, she turned everything into a bloody paste.

Only bones and scales remained after she was finished. Berserk is a terrifying skill, I’m still disappointed in myself that I let her acquire it, but what’s done is done, and for some reason she doesn’t seem to suffer from it’s side effects like gradual losing of mind, so again, it should be alright.

“Director, Elle did it again… What the hell is that.”

“Yeah, I saw it, and what you might be referring to?”

“Did you just kill all these monsters yourself?”

I nodded with my head, there was an awful lot of monsters that tried to interrupt my coffee drinking, so I had to take care of them. Can you believe it there was another dragon in there? I almost had to put away my cup and use my hands, but fortunately it was a relatively young one, so just blowing slightly was enough to kill it.

Still, the pile of monsters that wanted to interrupt the battle against the dragon was awfully big, I wonder if someone sent them to ambush our expedition, one dragon was already much, but two? Sure it looked like the first one was dispatched easily with Elle’s berserk, but she could only finish it off like that because it’s mana was dry after getting attacked by soldiers and students for about half an hour.

I think I will have to be a bit more active in the incoming days.