Ch. 15 – I hate traps
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This time the floor wasn’t wholly visible from the entrance. All I could see were stone walls, that looked a bit like an labyrinth. Well, it probably was one, and to be honest I was expecting it to appear sooner or later. The thing was, that I really hoped that it would be later, when I would be confident in my ability to go through safely.

For now all I knew was that I had to stick to one of the walls, and then even if it would take a lot of time, I would come out somewhere. Did I have a lot of time though? I wasn’t sure if there were monsters that I could beat here, so my food situation could become a little bad.

Speaking of food, where did my human meat obsession go? I remember having those weird cravings, but they seem to have disappeared right after I met the actual humans. Or was it because I entered the dungeon?

I always got a level up in my mental resistance skill when my cravings got too strong, so maybe it was an outside attack and it was now blocked by the dungeon walls? But why would someone attack me with intention to just make me eat meat?

I’m still pretty sure it was something that I got from my previous memories, from before I was connected to the system, and I just don’t remember it because I probably barely had any intelligence as a very inferior spider.

It’s nice that I can think now, but if it wasn’t for the system, I would probably be a mindless monster, and would have died in the forest. Well, if I wasn’t separated from my mother I wouldn’t actually be born as an inferior and would be intelligent from the start.

Now tell me, whose idea was that to get lost in thought in the middle of the dungeon? Oww, that hurt. I didn’t see where it came from, but I had an iron bolt stuck in my right side. It’s was painful I wanted to cry, but it was me who triggered the trap so I had no one to blame.

Ehh, now I had only about twenty percent of my hp left, this wasn’t what I would call a successful start of a new floor. Could you just stop? Why are you shooting at me when I’m not even moving? I didn’t activate any trap so why these iron bolts just come at me indiscriminately?

This wasn’t fun, while I was dodging them quite easily, just one hit could kill me. Wasn’t this bad? Another bolt just went right under my stomach grazing it slightly. Wait, why did this one explode? Why are they all exploding now? What is happening!?

I was now running with all my might, not caring about getting lost, just to escape from the trap hell.
I didn’t want to become a roasted spider. I hoped my chaotic run didn’t activate another traps, because if I would have to dodge anything more than my current burden I would most likely failed and died.

Seconds became minutes, and I still continued to run in slalom while trying to protect myself from imminent death. Suddenly I ran onto another pressure plate, activating a pitfall before me, and I failed in not falling into it.

Luckily the bottom wasn’t rigged with spikes, and I just took a bit of damage from falling. I landed on something that gave crunchy sound in response. Looking around I saw something that didn’t exactly make it look peaceful, since my whole surroundings were filled with white bones.

While I would prefer the situation where there was meat on them, just bones didn’t scare me. I mean, why would they? It just meant that something murderous lived here. So I didn’t have to worry. Unless actually I meet this something, and I think I will in seconds, so actually… yup, it’s pretty scary.

With my whole body trembling, I made a weapon for myself with my web, and waited for my next enemy to show up. It should be pretty strong to leave a pile like that, so with my extremely low hp my chances of survival again were pretty slim.

I waited for a while, but nobody showed up. Earlier I thought I heard something so I was thinking it was a creature responsible for this mess, but it seemed like I was here alone after all. Now I had to just get out of this hole and continue my walk.

I turned around to search for a possible exit, and then I saw him. At least four times bigger than me, bigger than even my mother, a giant black spider was there. It was just staring at me, probably for some time before I noticed him.

How could he sneak behind me like that? And why didn’t he attack? Maybe it was a spider sense of camaraderie or something? I tried moving a bit to see if he would follow me, and he did but only with his eyes. I didn’t sense any bloodlust or anything similiar, there was probably not even a slightest intention to attack in him.

But why? Why a monster in a labyrinth would be peaceful? Second later I got my answer and it left me dumbfounded. I mean I knew I was a princess, but I didn’t expect a random spider in a dungeon to bow before me.