Bonus Chapter 103.5 [VN information about one character]
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BONUS Chapter 103,5  [VN information about one character]
While Su yue and Yang ling were fighting.
A few meters further, sitting on a rock.
Pandora looked at a puddle on the ground.
A person's face of a girl with long black hair and blue eyes appeared in the water.
This face was familiar, very familiar.
Pandora and this girl exchanged a look.
The black haired girl began to speak.
"Are you sure you have time to talk to me?"
"Don't worry about that. I have a lot of time to spare. Let's talk about you instead, has SPNagi already started to write your world's history?
"He has already started writing chapter 0 and 1 which summarizes the first part of the visual novel in my high school or Yang ling high school.
But I also think he overestimated himself a little too much in this project,
I don't know if he'll be able to draw our clothes.
"Oh? Yet you're human, it shouldn't be hard to design high school outfits!"
"SPNagi told me, however, that he had plenty of ideas that he was not able to reproduce in drawing."
"He could at least have created your face."
"You're right. You can see my face and it's already a start. Even though readers can't see it yet.
After all, I am one of the most important people in my world. I must have a pretty face. "
"Who are the other important people you're talking about?"
"Are you doing it on purpose Pandora or are you doing it for people who read us? You know who I mean!"
"I'm doing it on purpose of course, the three important people except you have to be ...
A Yang ling still alive after his accident "
"And your two female rivals!"
"The first one who rejected Yang ling
 Qing mei and another girl called the school angel.
"You are lucky, you have a lot less rivals than me!"
"Lucky, I don't really know, the person who is going to control Yang ling is going to influence my life.
The choices that person will choose affect my world and my destiny.
But at least there's one thing that everything and I both share! "
"Do you really want to make this announcement now?"
"Obviously Pandora!"
"Readers will also know your true identity, you mean it anyway?"
"Readers must be curious or curious about who I am? Don't keep them waiting for Pandora. I'm starting first then!"
"As a human from the SPNagi visual novel ..."
"And as a witch from the SPNagi light novel ..."
"I tell you My dear Reader that I, Minako, are the most difficult person to conquer regardless of Yang ling's world."