Chapter 26 IMPOSSIBLE !
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Chapter 26 IMPOSSIBLE !

As a precaution I will put in spoiler, this chapter and and the next chapter.
Normally, there is no problem but you never know. It's a test.
And in the future there will be darker chapters that will have real reason to spoiler. I would warn before.



I refuse !

"Useless ! Girl accepts your fate ! "

The witch took a step back while observing his techniques, the trajectory of the brambles, the speed of the attack and the technique used.

She dodged with elegance in the air.

The witch did not notice the discreet smile of her opponent.

The brambles suddenly changed angle while multiplying and imprisoned the witch.

Observing the situation, the old man began to shake his hands, so much behind him, a green aura came out of his body and spread very quickly in the air.


The witch screamed in pain, she felt the brambles pierce her skin. She began to struggle.
A circle of magic appeared in her eyes.The temperature around her rise dangerously.


the witch disintegrates everything around her.

"Flames always have advantages over plants, did you know the old one? "

" As I said young people are really arrogant, you should be able to sense it now"

The witch noticed too late a strange odor comparable to drugs. She noticed his body numb and pain.

"If my brambles are capable of crushing my adversaries, my martial spirit is capable of producing a gas capable of inflicting pain.

The air we breathe in moment is harmful for all living beings around, except for myself.

" I underestimated him !" Thought the witch.

She wrote again in the air, while trying to distance herself from each other.
The old man followed her closely and planned thorns.

A rain of fire appeared in the air and went towards him, they destroyed everything on their passages. When a violent energy out of the body of the old man.

He scattered all the balls of fire in his path. Sharpened brambles came out of his hand and formed a blade. The cultivator spat a green smoke in the air that hid his figure.

The witch lost sight of him, numb, she had trouble keeping on her guard.

" I got caught like an amateur !"

"You had no chance against me from the beginning."

The witch felt a blade pierced her dantian.
her face show despair. She could not understand. How she had beaten so easily, so much was still waiting for her.

"HAHHAHA Yang zhun, your grandfather has a wonderful surprise for you ... when you girl, I decided to make you sex slave hahahaha!

Tears ran down the witch's cheeks.
An immense rage ran through her body before she fell unconscious.

The old man laughs very loudly. he did not realize the landscape around him slowly distorted.

"" Well, as soon as I've extracted this ancestral energy and breakthough, I'll go back to the clan, the magical beasts behave in a very strange way!

"I think you have other worries to worry about right now," a familiar voice answered. replied a familiar voice.

The old man shocked by what he saw.


The witch was standing in front of him, in good shape. wth an amused air, her hand on her chin.
She did not seem to have moved since the beginning. As if their fight had never happened.

The other finger of the girl told him to look behind him. When the old man turned his head, he was extremely frightened.
