Chapter 1: Truth or Lie?
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Many footsteps echoed through my surroundings as students entered the school one by one. For some reason Nelson decided to stick by me, following me wherever I went. Most likely that really wasn’t the case as we were both heading to the same place which was the auditorium. 

Since the academy grounds were beyond impressive, I had no idea where to go. The only way to not get lost within the gigantic building was to follow the masses. I hoped that from the abundance of people, at least some knew where to go because the rest of us are trailing them like ants. 

“Uh, why are they splitting all of a sudden?” Nelson nervously commented, mouth left hanging open. 

“I have no clue.”

“Should we take a gamble and follow a random group?” 

Of course, this was to happen. Not everyone here is from the same school year, but if that’s the case then choosing who to follow shouldn’t be so hard. We could just look at them and estimate their age, the younger they look the more likely they’re a first year. While this wasn’t a very impressive plan, it’s better than nothing. Observing the group of students gave me enough information to make a decision. 

“No, we’re going to follow the left group,” I pointed towards them.

“Sure, I guess. There’s nothing much to say about how you made your decision,” he sighed, scratching the back of his head.

Agreeing on following the masses, we walked faster to catch up to them. Blending into the crowd was something I’m always used to.

I never stood out as a child nor completely blended in like a mob. In school I have always been someone who is a bit known, but isn't anything noteworthy as supposed “mobs” are more well known than me. Who could’ve guessed that the most average person ever suddenly gains an increase of popularity due to their actions. 

On the other hand, there are the worst students that are mostly considered cannon fodder that suddenly gain a boost of power and popularity as well. 

This goes to the point where us above average folks get surpassed by random students who have no business being that powerful or well known. I’ve witnessed this countless times, and I have no doubts that this will be a recurring theme here as well. 

Me saying all these things might give the impression that I hold grudges or feel jealous of them. But truthfully, that isn’t the case at all. I couldn’t care less, after all I never interacted with such students on a deeper scale. 

Now that I think about it the phenomenon in itself is pretty strange, suddenly gaining power with no consequences is impossible. There must definitely be some foul play, not that I can prove anything. Most of these theories are just that, countless other people hold the same thoughts yet there is no proof to back our claims. 

You may accuse me once again of being envious, but then again when you logically think about there’s no way of explaining their sudden revival. 

As I was too busy thinking about this, we arrived at the auditorium. The whole area had no reason to be this big. Each of the walls were decorated with various frames of aluminum in school and the founders of the school. 

This left me wondering how they haven’t run out of space, but I let that go when I heard students begin standing next to each other, making line after line. I followed, after finishing it made it seem like some sort of standing at attention. It wasn’t as strict as maintaining an upright pose with an assertive and correct posture: famously "chin up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in". 

Soon the headmaster gave us some words of inspiration. If I had to sum up his whole speech it would be something along the lines of, “you are the future of the nation,” and “make sure you prove your worth.” 

I’m willing to bet that most students didn’t even listen after hearing the first words. Poor him. The headmaster’s encouragement went in one ear and out the other, that’s how little they paid attention. Most probably assumed that it wasn’t that important, and they were right nothing much was said. But, hey, you need to respect your elders. 

After the whole boring speech, the student council took over. Who could’ve guessed that they have a large authority over the school!? Are they more important than even the headmaster!?

In all seriousness, they hold quite the authority for being a student. Most of the members are third-years with the more exceptional being second-years. Joining the student council as a first-year is unheard of, so if the opportunity presents itself you should immediately take it, no questions asked. That’s if you're lucky enough to be noticed by them. 

Anyways after their words which I forgot, lines were vertically chosen based on where you were standing. The most I could do was wait for our line to be chosen which wouldn’t take too long as we were close to the left, where the door was located. Nelson’s line was called next which meant that my line would be next, the next time I could see him was if we were in the same class, but the chances are slim to none.

Rest In Peace Nelson, you will be missed. 

When it was our turn to be called, we were led towards a table where a silver-haired, gold eyed teacher was casually sitting, sipping on some coffee, legs crossed. The students at the front told her certain things and she gave them a piece of paper, inferring it held information about our assigned classroom. I patiently waited for my time to come. 

When my turn came she gently smiled, making direct eye contact. “Name, please?” she asked.

Hm. She looks quite young to be a teacher. From the looks of it she looks to be in her early to mid twenties. If she’s a teacher here that must mean she’s quite the prodigy.

“Taetel Chaim,” I responded.

Flipping through some pages, muttering, she took a sheet of paper and handed it to me. I grabbed it, moving out the line. This piece of paper contained the information that indicated my classroom.

I gazed at the paper, scanning the words by one one. Once I read it, I flipped it on each side to fully register the words on the paper.

“…” I gulped.

“Shit,” I cursed, lowering my head.

It turns out my class is 1-B, this meant that I had been placed in Class B. While there’s nothing inherently bad with it, there’s just a tiny problem. One so insignificant that it shouldn’t matter, yet I need to say it.

“My future is doomed…”

I’m not one to have low self esteem, still I know my own limitations. I’m confident enough in my ability to say that I can avoid being in classes F and E. However, I’m not sure if I will surpass being placed in D or C, even with that I’m in Class B. This school year is either really lacking or I’ve been placed in Class B as cannon fodder. The more I think about it, the more apparent the latter is true.

There’s absolutely no way to go down a class. 

Wait, there might be a way. 

What happens when a classroom holds forty-one students? The limit is forty a class, meaning the lowest performing students are placed down a class. My only problem with this solution is that I have no idea the circumstances or requirements to change classes or when it can happen. Hmmm, I don’t think they will let a student change everyday as that would cause too much chaos. 

While thinking for a solution a shout caught my attention. “What did you say!?” A taller student was yelling at a shorter student. 

From my perspective it looked like the bigger one was threatening or at the least getting aggressive towards the fellow student. The aggressor clearly had some anger issues as the other student looked terrified. As I got closer to them, I could see the features or both of them. 

The one yelling in anger was male student with slicked back red hair, his deep sky blue eyes glared at the black-haired girl. Her hair violently swayed once the red-haired boy grabbed her shirt. The girl struggled, flailing around as she attempted to remove his hand. 

“Bitch, what the fuck did you say!? Say it! Or are you too much of a pussy to say it when you’re confronted?” he sneered, fuming from rage. 

“N-n-no! I-I didn’t say anything! Please stop this! It hurts!” Tears were beginning to well in her eyes. 

“No shit. What did you think was going to happen?” 

He lifted his right fist making the girl shriek. I looked around and to my surprise no one was nearby, I was alone watching this unfold. This was quite peculiar as a scream that loud should gather the attention of most since most are nosy as hell. But that’s besides the point, what matters is if I should interfere in this situation. 

It’s sus—

The moment where the male student moved his fist I quickly dashed, tightly holding it. “Huh? What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” He switched his anger to me. 

“Calm down, we’re in public view. You can’t go attacking people in the open or you’ll be expelled. Plus I want to ask her some questions myself,” I said, scanning my surroundings for potential witnesses.

The male student flinched. “I-I know, but there’s no way I’ll let her comment slide!!” He swung his right fist as to shake me off, which worked as I let go, but for the wrong reasons.

“Let go,” I seriously said to him.

“Why woul—“ As soon as we made eye contact he immediately let go. 

“…huh?” Surprised by being freed, she stood in confusion.

“Now, would you care to explain why you ended in this predicament?” I made sure to restrain the male student by standing in front of him as if protecting the female student.

“I don’t know. H-h-he suddenly got aggressive for no reason.” 

“Yet from what I see, you must’ve said something. There’s no way someone would react this way.”

“I never said anything to get him like that! We’ve known each other for a while, and he’s always been like this!”

“I see.”

Oh, that’s how it is. I’m not the type of person to interfere in another’s business. But from experience, I don’t like how this is going or how it seems. I need to make sure that the red-haired guy doesn’t get expelled and at the same time get rid of his anger even if temporarily. I may need to risk my education, I already checked and nobody is near for the moment. 

But one thing that doesn’t make sense is why was she alone with him while fully knowing his behavior?


The longer I drag this out, the more likely someone will catch on. I must make a decision quickly. Before things escalate.

“Do me a favor,” I smiled, making myself unthreatening.

“Uh…? Um…what is it?”

“Clench your jaw.”


Swiftly, I raised both of my hands tightly clenching them, then quickly delivered a jab to her face. The jab grazed her left cheek as she barely managed to dodge in time. Since she moved sideways unexpectedly, her balance was off, making her an easy target.

“Guard your legs!” I said, insinuating I’ll sweep her legs. 

Instead I threw a right kick, strengthening my body on the moment of impact. For extra good measure I spun around for a roundhouse kick, hitting her right at the chin. 

“That was easy,” I sighed, wiping my nonexistent sweat from my forehead. 

She collapsed down unconscious like a puppet getting all their strings cut, the red hair student chuckled at her misery yet also looking at me with a confused expression. I responded in the same manner.

“What was that?” he asked, rage subsided. 

“Just venting my frustration on someone,” I replied, shrugging.

“Though I want to say that I would’ve done the same,” I continued, placing my hand on his shoulder.


“Me personally, I wouldn’t let someone badmouth my parents and let them get away with it. However, you need to differentiate when to do something about. You can’t go around beating up people,” I explained, going towards the dea—unconscious body.

“Tch. This was one of the moments I had to act. Let’s just say this isn’t the first time she had tried those things,” he stared at her with disgust.

Unlike his appearance and demeanor, he carefully chooses his words so as to not reveal too much information. Even so, I could grasp the gist of it. I made the correct decision by knocking her out.

“Like I thought, this academy isn’t what it seems—no it’s exactly what it seems,” I whispered to myself.

“Still, can’t you get expelled for attacking a student even with a reason?” I inquired, leaving her body a bit hidden from public sight, she’s not dead, okay?

“Can we?” he replied with another question.

“Who knows, that’s why I asked. By the way, what’s your name? I’m Taetel Chaim, assigned to Class B or 1-B.” 

“Lester Norman, Class 1-A,” he responded, nodding to himself. 

“Hm, quite the shame we weren’t placed in the same class. Well, then we’ll have to part ways. Goodbye,” I said, walking away.


You may be wondering why I attacked her, but to my defense that was the only way of defusing the situation if my thinking is correct, if it isn’t I just beat a random person. 

It’s my first day of school, and I already knocked out a student. Hopefully this doesn’t come out to bite me in the back. Though from what I know the most will be an unfortunate coincidence, nothing more and nothing less.