Chapter 6: Encounter
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The rest of the classes weren’t anything noteworthy. Well, I wouldn’t go as far to say that, but compared to the mock battles it was less interesting. Still, it was important for us to further improve. For example one of the classes taught us the fundamentals of magic, while the others were of similar things.

I paid attention to the classes, as there wasn’t anything else to do. With that classes had ended for the day. Sighing, I got up from my seat and left the building. Luckily there weren't any distractions when leaving the academy. 

On my way walking around the open market, I saw from the corner of my eye a glimpse of magic. I stretched my hands, cracked my knuckles, and went to investigate like anyone would do.


I sneaked towards where I caught the magic n being utilized. I carefully made sure to not make any loud noises to alert them. I stopped in my tracks midway through, I almost had messed up. 

Considering this is the alleyways leading to a sketchy place in town that already meant that some sort of backhanded deal was going on. If I get involved in such things with my uniform then they’ll immediately know that I’m a student. And then if I don’t kill them or let some escape, then rumors will spread about that particular student aka me. I have no intentions in being part of all that, that’s why I’m retreating for now. 

I quickly went to buy a robe that a magic caster would normally wear. This should at least cover my face and uniform. At the end of the day, I’m just investigating. It’s not like I’ll be showing my uniform any problem if they don’t see my face.

Enough pondering, I should get going. I continued the same pathway before I left and scanned the area to check if anyone had come through the area while I left. Looking like I was still in the clear.

Entering a very suspicious place of town, I could very easily tell that illegal activities were being done, or at the very least questionable. I blended in decently as some people also choose to hide their faces with masks and things of that nature. 

Of course, I barely paid attention to that because my attention was focused on something else. While being late, I still was able to see what caused the source of magic. 

The reason I was able to sense the magic was due to being able to sense mana. Everyone can sense mana however each person’s mana feels differently. However the change is so small to the point where you only have two ways to tell the difference, one when you're either very familiar with the mana or you specialize in this field.

After all, knowing how to do this is an excellent tracking ability. This is how the justice system, identification, and more things work here. Though there’s still documents. That’s why the murders of the Riel town are thought to be made by the same perpetrator. 

Back to the current situation, I saw two middle-aged looking guys surrounding a demi human girl, her cow ears were the first thing that made me reach that conclusion. She looked to be younger than me by one or two years, give or take. 

Both of them had small daggers which could easily be hidden, they were carefully approaching her in order to not let her have any way to escape. The demi human trembled, looking around in panic.

When observing her appearance further, her short black hair was cut in a very simple fashion, like she had grabbed a sharp object and just sliced it. And to say she undeveloped would be an underestimate. She was pretty much a cutting board in the chest department. This was by no means an insult towards her to sexualize her. This was more to show how malnourished she is.

I didn’t use her frail figure as an example since they’re not that bad at first glance, in fact if she wasn’t a cow girl then from my perspective she would be a skinny girl. 

Cowgirls are known to have large breasts which is a reason as to why their price is high when being sold into slavery. And basic anatomy tells us that malnourishment is a cause of growth stunt which in turn relates to the breasts not growing. 


To be honest, the more closely I observed her, the more she’s not as malnourished as I originally thought. 

The effects of stunted growth aren't that bad…?


It’s none existent…

She’s just malnourished since she hasn’t been eating…

Has she already been a slave? I thought they were trying to sell her into slavery. It’s not uncommon for demi humans to be walking around in these parts of town, while never openly seen they are communities where demi humans reside. 

The only reason their government hasn’t done anything is because they’re isn’t a reason to do so and the demi humans can actually protect themselves. Plus what are some free demi humans gonna do?

She doesn’t seem to be part one of those communities due her malnourishment. If she is a part of them then she wouldn’t be out here alone for that matter. Plus since most of the communities are separated there should be plenty of food for them.

Well, no matter. I’ve spent so long thinking about this that the middle-aged men already pinned her to the ground. I really can’t afford to waste time in my thoughts.

I made my presence clear, not trying to hide. I didn’t think knocking them while being sneaky was a good idea. Although that would get the job done, the aftermath would be hard to deal with. 

After all, I have no intention of involving myself in further troublesome circumstances.

“Hey. Mind telling me what you’re trying to do?” I asked, walking in their field of vision.

Noticing me, they turned to me and stared confusedly. “Business? I’m trying to get paid?” he said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

“Would you like it if your daughter was to be sold into slavery?” I inquired, testing the waters.

“Of course not, but if I don’t do this I’ll have no money to support my family. And at the end of the day with no money my precious daughter will be sold into slavery as well as me and my wife. I would rather be the hunter than the prey,” he shrugged, apathetic.

This was another thing about this country that could be considered messed up. If you don’t earn enough money, which in turn leads to debt, keep in mind while this town may be considered a town it’s as expensive and almost as populated as a city. Since the school is near, they won’t let anyone live here. Most people here are either nobles or well off merchants. Oh, and the students and their families.

Anyways, since the cost of living here is quite expensive, unless you have a good paying job you aren’t surviving. It’s a high risk, high reward to live here. Getting into debt is a bad thing for you, if you can’t pay it off with your job, your family or the person, if they alone, but most have families, are forced to work with no pay until you finish paying the debt. 

Yeah, selling and buying human slaves is illegal, but since it’s the government who makes you work they can easily bend the laws. After all they weren’t bought or sold into slavery, just working to put off they’re debts.

How do you get into debt in the first place? Everyone should know how to so I’ll skip it because I have more important matters to attend to.

“Why don’t you get yourself an actual job?” I asked, continuing testing the waters.

“I mean, someone has to do it? Slavery is a big part of the economy. It isn’t illegal so of course they’ll be jobs where you captured run away slaves or slaves in general. Technically I have an actual job,” he explained, touching his temple.

“Heh,” I chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” The man asked, perplexed as he still held the demi human girl, not letting her go.

“Nah, you’re absolutely correct.”

“And that made you laugh? You sure are weird…”

So I was correct, huh?

I made a small fist, ultimately losing strength in it. I have made my decision, and it was not due to sympathy. It was because I knew who I was dealing with.

“I know you're hiding! Come out!” I shouted, alerting the two men. 

The two of them got on the defensive.

“Stop fucking hiding and come out, Lipski!” I shouted with frustration evident in my voice.
