Chapter 10: Abilities Training (Part 1)
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FIO38 had an odd mix of class and skill-based abilities. Most games’ players’ abilities are determined by class or are unlocked by skill usage, not both. However, in this case the developers didn’t seem to know what kind of game they wanted so mixed them in odd ways.

To unlock access to magic or combat abilities players had to attain a certain level of class, profession or skill. But once unlocked they could learn and use what they trained in any current active class.

Active class selection mostly just determined which class experience would be assigned to, but it also provided a small bonus to certain skills and abilities. As it had an hour cooldown and couldn’t be changed in combat, it was best just to leave it on the class to be leveled up.

This odd mix of course led to horribly balanced game play. Wonderfully exploitable unbalanced combinations just waiting to be discovered and used on the poor singled class focused saps.

As Sophitia hasn’t gained any levels yet, she is still level 0. But this is a special level that allows one to learn all three basic classes’ abilities. This is to allow new players to try out each of the three start classes and decide which one they will play.

It’s still possible to freely level any unlocked class levels but tier one classes are not very good, so popular opinion was to focus on just one of them to unlock the more advanced tier two classes as soon as possible.

There is even a class unlock for getting level 5 in each of the start classes, jack-of-all-trades. But with it’s all stat growth rate of E and weak abilities which mostly focused on crafting it was a very poor choice of a class to get.

As to why people just didn’t level all the classes, this was from the imposed level cap of 60. Players could only have 60 total levels across all their classes. A player could have 20 levels each in recruit, student and servant tier one classes, but it was far better to have them in higher tier classes instead.

So naturally Sophitia will spread her leveling out to all the three tier one classes. Of course, there is an exploit to it. As so few players did this as everyone knew it was a poor choice the combination wasn’t well tested. And anything not well tested is like catnip for cheating players to exploit.

Besides her spread out unfocused stats will work well with a wide range of abilities she will get by doing so. As for the exploit, it works on the fact the game has two broad class types. Classes for those who pay-to-play and lesser classes for the free-to-play plebs. Also called the common classes and noble classes.

The common classes only go up to tier three, while the noble classes go to tier six and even at the same tier are better than the common classes. But if one had already leveled in the common classes then later when they forked over money in micro transactions they would need to start over or else continue to have some of their levels be those of the common classes they had from before.

Naturally, to make sure the money flowed, when the fee was paid the commoner classes would be upgraded to noble classes. This turned the worthless jack-of-all-trades class into the hero class. A far superior class. It had a C class stat growth rate and a wide range of combat abilities which used several stats each to improve their effect.

However, to compensate for this the hero class takes 10 levels in each of the basic classes instead of the 5 levels in each jack-of-all-trades required. Making a decent class but not an overpowered one. But if the jack-of-all-trades is unlocked first, then the pay-to-play upgrade changed it to hero class 15 levels early.

A normally tier four class being unlocked when most are still in tier two or three classes… Just thinking about it makes Sophitia smile to herself.

As to how micro transaction work now? Sophitia has no idea, but she is sure there must be some method to it. But first she’ll focus on her strengths and start leveling the servant class and healing abilities.

Skye leads her to the most ornate building in town. Although not the largest, it is certainly the most eye catching. Instead of wattle and daub construction it is made completely of stone with six statues outside its entrance that remind her of the three commoner tier one classes on one side and three noble versions of them on the other.

It certainly seems like the right place but Sophitia wasn’t expecting the almost temple like atmosphere surrounded it. She was expecting a normal looking building with the trainers stuck in the basement or something.

“Skye, why is it so impressive looking? I was expecting something simpler.”

“Why wouldn’t it be impressive looking? Training new adventurers to fight monsters is a starting town’s purpose. Without the system granted by the seven great spirits of the world, the monsters would’ve killed us all,” Skye says in a reverent voice.

If only Skye knew the truth of the world, Sophitia thinks to herself. But now is certainly not the time to inform her about how wrong she is.

After walking inside, she thinks she might’ve been wrong about this not being the largest building in town. The keep in the center of town was certainly taller, but she can see stairs leading down to somewhere underground and from the outside the building looked to be around three stories tall. There is also door leading to backyard which looks to be some kind of training yard.

As Sophitia is looking at the building she hears a loud hissing followed by Skye replying with a low yowl. Looking over she sees Skye with her ears down and all tensed up from looking at a blond catgirl. I also notice that both catgirl’s tails are lashing side-to-side quickly.

The other catgirl stops hissing and says, “What’s a worthless cat like you doing here? You’re not welcomed and you should know by now that you’ll always be a worthless, unskilled flat stat.”

“What do you want, Missy?” Skye asks.

“It’s Melissa to you, and I want your ugly, junk smelling self to leave my surroundings before your stink contaminates the place, obviously.”

Catgirls being catty to each other? The situation leaves Sophitia bemused at first.

“I’m here to show my mistress where to train. So, no.”

“You have an owner? Who is the worthless scum that took a pet like you in?”

Skye’s cat ears flick forward and she puffs out her chest before saying, “This blessed one has graced me with her ownership.”

The catgirl Melissa seems at a lose for words as she looks at Sophitia. This lasts only a moment before a calculating look enters her eyes. Melissa now addressing Sophitia, “Blessed one, you should get rid of this worthless cat. Let me be your pet. I have better class levels and skills and make you far happier than she ever could. Did Skye let you know she is a flat stat? She’ll never amount to anything more than worthless junk.”

Skye lets out another low yowl before saying, “Missy, you already have an owner you thieving cat. You’d betray them just to hurt me? You’re not worthy to be a catgirl.”

“I don’t want to hear that from a fake catgirl. Unlike you, I was born as one and can actually make my owner happy. And how many times do I have to tell you; only my owner can call me Missy.”

This fight is quickly getting annoying to Sophitia, so she steps between the two before saying, “I’m very pleased with Skye as my pet and have no interest in you. Please don’t make more of a scene in public.”

After being rejected Melissa eyes narrow as she looks at Sophitia’s information. “A blessed of Invidia? Now I understand why the least blessed chooses the most worthless to be her pet. Like attracts like. Whatever, keep each other miserable company, I’m done here anyway.”

Well, meow to you to, Sophitia thinks as she watches Melissa leave the building.

“I’m sorry Mistress.”

“Meh, things happen. Let me know if she gives you any problems when I’m not around though.”

“Of course, mistress.”

“I’m not the least of the great spirits. I’m just hiding my strength and waiting for the right time! You should smite her. Here, I’ll give you a quest for it.” Invidia says, out of nowhere.

“New quest: Punish the heathen catgirl. Publicly embarrass Melissa in someway for insulting the most powerful, beautiful and smart great spirit Invidia. Reward 30 DP,” a message window says.

Apparently Invidia has been watching her. Well whatever, it doesn’t change what she will do any time soon. But it does motivate her to figure out a way to exploit Skye’s flat stat problem sooner. As that would make the perfect public humiliation for Melissa when she is proven wrong about Skye.

Moving on, Sophitia moves up to the large desk in the middle of the main room. Three human girls are sitting behind the counter but two are healing other adventurers. Moving to the free one Sophitia is greeted by the girl.

“How can I help you today, blessed one?”

“I require training in the three starting classes.”

“Would you like the quick cast or formal chant training?”

Sophitia had forgotten about that. There are two ways to use abilities and spells. One is the quick cast system that auto casts spells and abilities. The other is the chanting language. Chanting allows one to customize the spell on the fly but is more difficult since any mistakes can cause it to fail or behave in unexpected ways.

With the quick cast there is no customization and the power is less than chanting but it’s easy to use in combat. With the chanting being more versatile but far more difficult to use in combat. As Sophitia had focused on physical abilities before she wasn’t as familiar with the chanting language.

Physical abilities focus more on movements to activate them with only a little chanting language required. But as she is going for the more spell-oriented side, she should get a refresher course of the chanting language.

Unlike most games there isn’t much difference between spells and combat abilities. They are basically the same thing. However, combat abilities tend to be mostly physical movements with only their name requiring the chanting language to activate. While spells are mostly chanting language with only a few movements to activate.

“I would like to have both please,” Sophitia says.

“That will be 30 copper for the skills and 3 silver for the training. The training will be over the next three days at midmorning bell until noon. To use the basic training yard is 10 copper per day. And if you’d like a trainer it will be an additional 20 copper per hour, or a silver for a full day, for their service. Any questions?”

That is mostly as Sophitia expected but there are some differences. The trainer and training yard are new as is the chanting language training. Before the skills would just be a onetime purchase with the chant required to use them listed in the skill info. Training and learning the chant were up to the player. It was only later that people experimented with the chanting to figure out they could customize the effects.

“The training yard is to train stats? Does having a trainer help with that?” Sophitia asks.

“That is correct. Having a trainer increases the benefit of training, also they can point out any errors in your movement if you are practicing combat abilities or spells.”

Sophitia hands the girl her money and receives three skill cards in return.

“To learn the skills, just hold the card and read the inscription on them out loud.”

She does so and gets the three starting skills: the recruit skill of slash, servant skill of request aid and the student skill of study.

The customer service girl says, “If you’d like to start learning today, midmorning bell is only in a few minutes. You can wait here to begin.”

“That sounds fine. Do you mind if I practice the quick cast skills while I wait?”

“Go ahead.”

Going to take out money to use the training yard Sophitia is stopped by the customer service girl.

“No need, it’s only a few minutes and the chant training is done in the training yard.”


Skye remains behind to chat with the customer service girls. Sophitia is about to tell her she should train too, before remembering that Skye in her current state can’t use any abilities or gain anything from training. Mentally shrugging, Sophitia goes out back to use the training yard.

After learning the three skills they appeared in bottom of her vision. It takes a couple tries to learn how to select and use them with her eyes as it’s a bit different than it was in the game. But soon Sophitia gets the hang of it.

Without any weapons the effect of slash isn’t very interesting. It creates a white glow around the edge of her hand for three seconds. If Sophitia hits the training dummy with a karate chop during this time, it does two points of damage. That is the main benefit of slash, its doubling of basic weapon damage. With her current bare-handed damage being doubled from 1 to 2.

After her first damage dealt to the dummy though the full combat HUD is displayed in her vision. Her remaining HP, SP (stamina points), FP (favor points) and MP (mana points) are all shown in one corner. With her current target in the top middle and quick select bar at the bottom being shown.

Request aid is equally unimpressive. When used it creates a green glow around her hand and she puts it on the dummy to recover 10 damage. As she is aligned with Invidia this has increased the effect and reduced the cost of using the skill. Normally it only heals 5 damage and costs more to use.

Finally, the study skill. It’s mostly a passive that increases the learning of enemy information and provides more information when used on items. It does sometimes show unknown enemy weaknesses or provide hints on material usage. In the case of the wooden dummy (nature) its weakness is metal as Sophitia already knew.

After stopping the combat HUD fades away. It was actually very well done. Only showing up when she wanted it and going away when she didn’t want to see it. To bring up the quick cast menu she only had to look down for a second for it to appear again. Always nice to have a well-made UI to make life easier.

Continued in part 2 (Next weeks release, it was a loooong chapter.)

I got around to posting some info in the glossary section. If you want all the character stat sheets, detailed ability descriptions and game rules you can find them there.