011 – City
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The morning of the next day was almost exactly like the one before. I woke up with a kiss from Luna, it seems like she actually wake up before me but continue lying down waiting for me. It must be a pretty cute sight, the Bestia girl looking at my sleeping face with her tail wagging.

She actually can perceive when I'm about to wake up, before I am actually awake. That being the case she actually can kiss me in the best possible moment, not waiting for me wake up naturally and she kissing me after nor suddenly awaking me up with a kiss.

The next part of our day was the breakfast were we continued freeloading off Taveon, he must have much more food stored. He does have a pretty big carriage to feed after all.

The day passed like the one before, many crowds of low leveled monsters had been taken care by Luna. She even got a level in Apprentice Warrior during the killing. As for why just Apprentice Warrior? That I don't know. 

Up until now all my classes had been leveling uniformly, the only exception being my racial class, Commoner and Hero. Suddenly I had the will to facepalm. She had both, the Commoner and the racial class, it was obvious that she would level irregularly. Alright, not obvious but still...

At almost midday, when I was almost asking Taveon about it, we finally saw the city at distance. It had pretty tall wall, maybe around 7 meters? The walls are made from some kind of gray rock and I can see people walking above them, so it must be thick too.

At end of our road I could see a enormous gate, likely 6 meters tall and 7 wide, it seems enough to pass two carriages at same time. Judging by the Taveon's size, 3 meters in wide, and the other carriages on the road with us, 2 meters. Taveon's carriage is actually a pretty big one if you compare it with the ones around us.

We could reach the gate without any problems, the other carriages seemed to give priority to us for some reason.

When we reached the gate there was a man in leather armor with a spear at his back signaling for us to stop. It look like the guy is a guard, I honestly thought that they would be dressed like medieval knight or something of the like but I was wrong.

Maybe leather armor I'd better for mobility inside a city or something of the like? I don't know but they should know better than me.


Human; Male; 23

Soldier 27


Using [People Analysis] actually helped me to understand that this guy probably wasn't a guard yet, he is just a soldier. Even if a strong one this guy wasn't a actual problem yet, he would only be of some threat if he was already a Guard. It also left me thinking that maybe Soldier was actually a requirements necessary to become a Guard.

Taveon is a honest merchant so he obeyed the 'guard' without any problems. That was the moment where I'll see if there was actually some problem with my stay in this city, if my lack of any documentation would be a problem.

"Hey Taveon, it's you?" Yelled the distant guard, it seems like Taveon was actually a well known person in this city. That gave me some security about this all going better.

"Alden! Yes, it's me. How are the things? The training is going well?" They actually seem very friendly, maybe they know each others on a personal level? But Taveon look old enough to be actually this man's father. I don't have idea about how they could meet.

"I'm good, I'm good. The training is very harsh but I'm toughing it out. Many had given up however. But we can't continue delaying the line more than this. Just give me your identification and we can let you go."

Alden surprisingly is actually a responsible guy, how marvelous. I already had my fill from arrogant guard that think they own you something just because they have a tiny control over if you can pass or not. Both in real life and in novels.

At Alden words Taveon made a troubled face, I became anxious about it,"Alden, I have a problem. My guards had all died against a wolf pack on the way. This honorable Warrior actually helped me and protected me for a good part of the road. The thing is, he doesn't have a actual way to identify himself but I promised him that I would let him inside the city. Can you solve this little problem of mine?" Alden looked at me suspiciously, he must have thought that I'm a seedy individual. 

"Normally we would be very hardliners with someone like this but since you're willing to talk for him, we can speed the process. Come with me, without weapons." He said, still eyeing me with a stony face. 

I can understand his side, I'm a unidentifed individual trying to sneak inside the city that he was supposed to protect. I won't hold a grudge against someone that was only trying to to his job.

I jump out of the coachman seat and follow along the Soldier, Luna was trailing right behind me. He questioned me during the path we had  to thread, who am I, who was the girls following us, from where I came from, he made many questions before we finally reached out destination.

It was a closed room with black stony wall, I'm sure that it was somewhere on the underground. Inside the room there are few things only a white orb, a table and a man seated on the other side of the table.


Human; Male; 34

Guard 29


"Put your hands on the orb." Said the Guard. I obeyed the man that will make the big decision, no reason to antagonize the man.

When I put my hands above the orb it shined with a faint golden light, I think it's a good sign.

Seeing the color emanating from the orb the eyes of the guard changed, they enlarged like they're about to pop out of his face.

Maybe golden wasn't the right color.

The got up from his chair and saluted me in a single move. "Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. I thought it was a vagabond trying to enter the city." He said, still leaving me without understanding what happened. But I don't know if it's a wise move asking what is this about.

"What happened Guard?" I decided to take the risk, this guy was demonstrating too much responsibility. Even if I make a foolish question I think it won't be impossible to save the situation.

The Guard didn't even delayed a second to answer my question, proving my actual thoughts.

"Sir, the orb only glow golden when there is someone with a special class is touching it. Normally it's used to detect holders of criminal classes, it shine red when it was the case." Here I got a very important information, I can't let myself touch these orbs again. Last thing I want are people flocking to me because of some special class, think about it now, it's certainly Hero.

I'm okay with people knowing that I'm  strong, but knowing that there is something like Hero may be troubling.

Using all my persuasive powers to make the man hear my words, I said,"Make sure that this information doesn't go out of these walls. I'm trying to begin a new life, last thing I want is someone powerful searching for me." And his only response was saluting me again. 

I think that my entry was guaranteed with this.

"There is something else? I want this to end as soon as we can, I have other things to do after all." I said, still with my powerful person mask. 

"No, there wasn't anything to do anymore. Sir have a special class, that alone should allow you to enter the city. With Mister Taveon speaking for Sir there wasn't anything more to question." Said the Guard. As he ended his phrase the man was already walking out of the room, possibly to get me a guide out of this place.

Now, I just need to worry myself with me and Luna. We just arrived in this city and we don't had nothing, no food, no place to sleep, no job and most important no money.

We have literally to find ourselves all these things before the nightfall and sleep peacefully. Or maybe not, this will be our first night alone in a closed room after all.



Skill Explanation:


This skill create a mental connection between the user and whoever was they are trying to coordinate. The mental connection make easier to understand thoughts and actions made by the ones in connection. The skill get stronger every time that someone with this skill enter the mental connection.


Finally they arrived at the city, even if they had some resistance.

Also, guys. Mow that you know about special classes, why don't you guess which ones are? I'll introduce many classes after all, and not always will tell in the story if they are or not especial. Appraisal can't disclose that much by itself.