017 – Havru Villager
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Once again, I get out of her shop richer than before. This time my gains are one level in Apprentice Artist and Apprentice Prostitute, a new armor and the knowledge that I'm having sex with a married mother.

Funny thing how she is making harder for her to resist my charms.

The armor that she gave me wasn't different from a normal shirt, in fact the only difference from a normal shirt was the subtle glow that radiates when the enchantment is being used. What it was enchanted with? Slashing Resistance. It was what I found more practical to have enchanted for me as I could only have one enchantment.

After my little play with Dayane, the sun was already almost at top of the sky. We only searched somewhere to eat our lunch before walking out of the city gates, this time without any problems.

Something interesting to say is that the village was in the exact opposite side from where I had appeared in this world. Apparently there was no civilization in that direction and only monsters had live in that area. I don't know how Taveon may have been doing to himself in that place but certainly he wasn't there voluntarily.

Different from that nowhere place that I had appeared, this village is apparently on the way to another big city and is the only connection that this City, whose name I discovered to be Havord, and another one called Havrio. I don't know much about these two cities as I only heard about them occasionally on the market but I at least know that they have some importance.

Our way to the Havru was almost uneventful, the only enemies are low leveled bunnies and incredibly one level 13 bunny. That thing was the high point in the travel, a level 13 bunny. I was amazed when I saw a bunny so high leveled, it must be truly nearing a turning point in his live.

He became experience thought, so he'll never reach there. While I was having a little emotional moment over the death of the high level bunny Luna came to me and said that she got levels in all her classes. That turned my mood to good again.

With all these level, her Commoner reached level 10 and unlocked many classes that I already had. Most important for her was that she now had Apprentice Swordsman unlocked, which she promptly asked if I could equip it in exchange for Commoner.

I was a bit hesitant in taking Commoner out as it can possibly unlock something important in the future but since she didn't had that worry and was already happy with her actual classes I didn't had any arguments to go against it. 

Looking at my screen it also seems that I gained a level in Apprentice Magician and Apprentice Blacksmith, making me happy for the fight.

When we reached the village it was almost four in the evening and the sun was already going down. There wasn't any more levels after fighting the powerful bunny.

The Havru village was a exactly like I expected from a village in this medieval setting. The roads are ground, the houses made of wood and the people are very dirty. The only thing that surprised me was the amount of people yelling, I honestly should have remembered that.

Other thing to take note was that it seems that this village was mainly composed of Humans, Elves and Drako. Elves seem to be in a lesser number but it was still enough to be a fourth of the total population.

When we reached the entrance of the village, where there was a fence separating it from the outside. Two guards stopped us,"Halt! What are your business in this village?" He said


Human; Male; 25

Apprentice Warrior 30



Elf ; Male; 45

Druid 37


The human guard was the one who called us out, they're both sitting on stools before we reached some meters from them. 

They're both stronger than what I would expect from someone in such tiny village. Maybe they need to get so strong? Or maybe they just practiced their skill's everyday and got themselves this high level? That wasn't important now.

"We are fighter that came from Havord, there was a quest to investigate something." I answered without minding their initially sharp instances. 

Hearing my words the guards get more at ease and the elf said," Them you can enter, the young one will guide you to the village chief." And the human motioned for us to follow him.

We're silent during the whole way to the chief's house, I only watched our surroundings. It was a interesting place to live, the old people are high leveled, young people not so much.

I even saw a 55 years old man that had a level 59 Commoner class. That old man alone made me question the need of a fighter to investigate the killings.

Reaching the house of the chief was fast, the house was near the entrance. Or maybe it was on the center of the village and it was just that tiny.


Drako ; Male; 59

Elder 14


The village chief was a very old man but his body didn't look the part. In fact he doesn't seem older than forty years, he was almost 2 meters tall and had the same incredible muscles that I saw in many Drako males. 

"Welcome fighters, our village didn't expected to have someone coming so fast. But it's even better like this, more lives can be saved ." He said as he took my hand in a tight hold. He wasn't as strong as he seemed, probably because the Elder class is low level or didn't have many strong boosts.

"Good, my name is Luko and I'm the chief of this village. You can come inside so I can explain better what is happening to our village." Said Luko.

I only nodded and said, "Nice to meet you, my name is Birch and this is Luna, my slave." He nodded and signaled for the door.

Inside it seemed very cozy, probably because of the many fur rugs. We seated in chairs near a table and Luko gave us water that was inside a jar,"Sorry if I don't have anything better." I shook my head, water was enough after this much walking we had to do.

Taking out the jar and the clay cups, Luko seated himself and started talking.

" It had started somedays ago. The village had been attacked by a monster, it had killed two young men. We had thought it was a wild beast that invaded us, we commanded our strong men to search and kill it. But nothing was found in the forest. 

The beast attacked again on the next day, we searched the forest once again and nothing. That was when we decided to make the request to the battle guild, we thought that someone experienced would come for us."

I pondered about it for sometime. What can this beast be? It can enter the village unnoticed so it must be something silent. It also only attacked the weakest members of the group, the young, so it must have at least one bit of intelligence. Lastly, it can flawlessly escape the village and get lost on the forest with any trace.

This isn't a normal beast, this thing is too smart to be just a simple wolf or boar. Maybe if it had evolved enough but in that case I wouldn't even have the chance to fight it.

"Have someone seen the beast?" I asked.

Luko shook his head with disappointment and said," Not sight, we only heard howls and seen the claw marks on the victim's chest."

A howl and claw marks? This isn't enough for me to work.

I continued to question him about many things that I thought related to the quest. I got information enough to begin a building a plan to get the beast.

My plan was very risky, it may not be the best idea as it is very dangerous but I'm confident that it'll work. I discussed the plan with Luko and he understood that we'll need take this necessary risk. He was reluctant but in the lack of a better plan decided that it was the best choice. He can't just wait and see the youths from his village dying after all.

Soon the night fell.

We're waiting for the beast to come near some houses, I could see what the victims had in common and linked them to this other boy, as we another nine people but four of them live near each others.

We're waiting for the beast to come. I'm already equipped with the chosen classes and my Slash Resistant Cloth, the Nameless Sword is already waiting in my hands also.

Luna was equipped with her Iron Scimitar and the leather armor gave to her by that nameless seller. We only need to wait for the beast to came and we're done.

And soon, I heard a scream echoing in this silent night.


Bestial Anger

This skill make the user temporarily loose control and act solely on instinct. It enhances battle senses and the power of the attacks. In exchange the user had a weakness to mental attacks in this state.


I'm sweating because of my stockpile, soon it will end. T^T