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I was on my bike pedaling back home. The wind blowing in my face and threatening to pull down my hood. T.R.A.I was sitting behind me, her arms wrapped around my waist, thankfully the seat was big enough for the two of us. Once we reached my house, I waited until I was inside to let Ember out of my veins.

Raising my hand, Ember exited my bloodstream. Once fully materialized, she again stretched and let out a small yawn. "OK, now that's over you ca-" Fuck, I forgot one of the most important things! Ember doesn't have a room! And neither does T.R.A.I! Ember, still holding her clothes, sensed something was wrong.

"Sean, what is it?" She asked, bending over slightly. With a sigh, I answered, "Ah, I forgot to give you guys your own rooms to sleep in, sorry about that." I said apologetically. "What? Why would I need my own room? I'm more than happy to sleep with you!" She responded, a hint of suprise and shock in her voice.

"I'm fine with staying in a guest room. You do have a guest room, don't you?" Asked T.R.A.I, lowering her glasses a bit. "Yeah, it's on the left of the third floor." I answered T.R.A.I. She nodded and started towards the stairs, having been taken on a small and short tour around the house before leaving to help me get Ember some clothes.

But she stopped halfway to the stairs, her head turned to look at the book, which was still in the living room. "You don't mind if I take the book temporarily to study, would you?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine with it." I answered her. She gave a small smile, grabbed the book, and went upstairs.

Though, I couldn't focus on her exit, I had a pouting Ember to consult. "SERIOUSLY! I'm absolutely fine with sleeping with you! Why would you see me not having my own room as a problem!" She raved. I was about to explain and apologize to her, but she interrupted me. "Don't you want someone to keep you warm at night?" She asked me in a seducing tone. Getting closer to me, she pressed her B.B.B's against my arm.

Looking into my eyes, she made puppy eyes at me again. To get me to let her stay in my room with me, she used a powerful combination of her cuteness and sexiness. I do not know how, I do not know when, but SOMEONE must of taught her how to do this! Unless it was the book, or something that she just knew, like T.R.A.I and the amount of hormones in milk.

With my eyes desperately trying to look away, I replied to Ember, "Y-Yes... You can s-stay in my room for now." She leapt into the air, brimming with joy and victory. Sighing, I went into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat....


*'Sluurp!'* I finished some leftover spaghetti, wiping off sauce from my lips with a napkin. Now that I was done with that, I think that it's time for some well deserved sleep! Getting out of the chair, I proceeded to go to my room, Ember following me the entire way. Grabbing some pajamas, I went into my bathroom to change. I also ordered Ember to put on her robe if she wants.

After changing, I found Ember standing there with her robe on. Without a second thought I leapt into the bed, Ember following my example...


Slowly opening my eyes, I let myself awaken back from my dreams. Turning my head to my side, I was greeted by.... GOD MOTHERFUCKIN' DAMMIT, her B.B.B's are out again!!! My little guy was beginning to e l o n g a t e, so I gave it a good smack to keep it down, which inadvertently caused me to recoil in pain.

Since I just threw myself onto my bed then fell asleep, I didn't have to throw the covers off me. Getting off the bed, I began to make my way downstairs. I already knew that Ember was following me, so I didn't bother to look back. When I reached said downstairs, I nearly jumped from a loud crash.

Quickly looking behind me, I fond T.R.A.I falling down the stairs with my book in hand. I swiftly dodged out of the way. T.R.A.I met the floor headfirst with an 'oof!' " T.R.A.I! What happened!?" I asked with worry. She quickly gotten up from the floor and adjusted her glasses. "Sean, I have made some very important discoveries!" She said with excitement. 

Well that explains why she made out with the floor, she must have been very excited to tell me this. "Like what?" I asked with curiosity. "Come to the living room, I'll show you my discoveries there!" She said, practically sprinting towards the living room. Once I made it, she already had the book open.

I made myself ready for what was about to happen, along with Ember. After flipping a couple pages, she eventually stopped. Looking over her shoulder, I observed what was on the page. It looked like a.... Door? "This, is a rune spell, inngangsport, but it's unlike any other rune spell there is..." Ok, I do kinda know what runes are, but then again this is real magic so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask a few questions.

"Ok, so what exactly is rune magic?" I asked the all-knowing T.R.A.I. "Rune magic is one of the few types of magic that require absolutely no affinities, along with sorcery and chi magic." Ok, rune magic appears to be a type of magic that would be very popular for its ease of use and accessibility, good to know when I finally get to teaching the world about magic. "The only requirements to use this form of magic are an understanding of the magic and some magical writing fluid, like liquidized mana." 

'Interesting' I thought to myself. "Though this particular rune spell is... Different, somehow, from the rest. It's some kind of teleportation spell, but there are other teleportation spells in runic magic. I have an understanding and liquidized mana to use as writing fluid, it works, but I can't use it."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "It requires a door to use, any door at all in fact. You write the rune down onto any door with a magical writing fluid and it's supposed to take you somewhere, but every-time I tried to open the door it was locked. I made sure that the door was unlocked beforehand, but when I tried to open it again it was still locked."

"That's when I realized something. Something so simple that I almost bashed my head through the wall for not realizing it sooner. I can't use it, but you can. The spell was made specifically for archmages, anyone else, even their own familiars can't use it without the help of an archmage."

This is getting even more interesting, a spell that only archmages can use? "Apparently, when an archmage approaches a door with the spell cast on it, a key will manifest in their hand that can be used to unlock the door." Ok, good to know, now I won't get some weird cliche moment.

"And let me guess, you want me to see where it goes?" I asked. T.R.A.I just responded with a nod. "The guest room closet door already has the spell cast on it." I began the very short walk up to the guest room closet, Ember and T.R.A.I following me. When I made it to the guest room I looked in my hand and bingo, a literal key.

I looked towards the closet, it was normal in every single way, except for the glowing blue writing that I couldn't understand and keyhole that wasn't there before. Inserting the key into the keyhole, I twisted and unlocked the closet door. Opening the closet, instead of the usual dark space with boxes I was met with a swirling, portal that shone an eerie blue. 

"Welp, what I'm about to do may be stupid as hell but why the fuck not." I said to myself. Stepping forward, I walked into the portal...

Sorry for the very late chapter. The corona virus messed up my schedule. But now I will make sure this book gets one chap per week as usual. Again sorry for the late chap.