Chapter 18
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[Digging]. It was a simple skill to learn. Most mammals who lived in burrows knew the skill. And while Lima Bean wasn't sure hares lived in burrows, she was sure Bo could learn the skill.

Hares had the trait [Adaptive] after all.

The plan was for Bo to dig a tunnel on the other side of the burrow, preferably far enough away from the fox so he wouldn't notice. There, he could escape and have some fun.

'Huh? You want me to...not listen to Michi?'

'You want that break right?'

'Yeah but...Michi always said if I didn't listen, bad stuff would happen!'

'You can't always listen to Michi...Sometimes, he isn't always right.'


'And besides, he hasn't even taught you anything interesting yet! Have you learned any tricks from your status from him?'


'Well, I know a bunch of tricks! For instance, you can make your status shorter.'

The leveret looked indignant at her words. He thought that having a long status was cool. 'Why would I wanna do that?'

Fortunately, Lima Bean knew how Bo thought about his status. It was important to get him on her side for this rebellion could work. She clicked her tongue and bumped him on the nose. 'Silly hare! Don't you know that the less cluttered your status looks, the cooler you are?'

His eyes lit up at that. 'Really?'

Lima Bean chuckled to herself. Babies are so easy. Reminds me of Brownie a little bit. A pang went through her chest when she thought about her little cousin. She hadn't seen her family in a long time, but she feared that if she left the burrow, the fox might come after her. She didn't want to lead him to an even larger feast. If by 'sacrificing' her freedom she kept her family safe, she'd do it thousand times more.

She pushed those gruesome thoughts away and refocused on the task at hand. 'Yup! You just need to open your status and think of condensing your Character Sheet, Stats, and Abilities so only the captions show.'

Bo nodded and started to concentrate. Seeing the way his face scrunched up in thought, anyone would have thought he looked adorable. Lima Bean did, too, but she kinda thought he looked constipated. She glanced at his rear end, idly wondering if something would come out. Fortunately, nothing did.

And then Bo shuddered and his ears shot straight up. 'Wow! It worked! Lima Bean, this is so cool!

'So, did you do what I told you?'

'' His ears flattened against his head in embarrassment. 'I got distracted when I saw my points and so I started to use them...'

She rolled her eyes. He was so easily distracted she wondered how Michi got anything done before she came here. But then she thought back to the fox's and the falcon's conversation...

'Hey, Bo?'


'Do you remember your mom?'


Lima Bean turned to find him staring at the ground, an odd expression on his face. 'You've never met her before? Where were you when you Awakened?'

'...I was flying.'

'Flying? How?'

He perked up at her question, thrilled to be away from that topic. 'Yeah! I woke up and then the brute-no, Brutus was carrying me in the sky! It felt like I was flying!'

'Huh...okay. Weird. Anyway, you wanna dig that tunnel now?'

'Michi might be upset...'

'I'll take you to see some super cool bugs.'

He grinned. 'Okay!'

Once again, Lima Bean thought to herself, Babies are so easy.