Quick Update – Story revisions
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Hey yall! Thanks to any of you who have stuck with the story this far! I wanted to make a quick update explaining some big-ish changes to Demon Days. 

To get straight into it, im editing all my previous chapters. For the most part, this means rewording stuff to make it flow smoother, and be hopefully a lot less dry to read. I really want my story, and especially my characters, to feel full of life and personality, and I dont think ive managed to do that so far.

Of course, I dont want to make yall have to wait ages for a new chapter, so dont worry I wont be focusing all my attention on just editing for a month or something! So far, ive already gotten like 6 chapters polished in two days, and I think I can get a bunch more done today, and my rate of editing has kinda been going up too!

But yeah, lots of editing, lots of improvements (hopefully) and a few minor changes to the plot. While the changes arent major, and anyone who has read up to this point should easily be able to understand the story without rereading, I do recommend at least skimming the new parts cause I think they do a lot better of explaining stuff and introducing the characters.

Two major changes are the earlier fight scenes and how charms/the star system works. I streamlined the charm system a lot to make it simpler cause the extra complexity really didnt add anything helpful, and removed the star system entirely.

Also the fights felt realllly pointless with no actual stakes in it, like if I was just reading the story for the first time I know I wouldnt be invested at all. So instead of just having fighting for the sake of fighting, I decided to scrap all the early mock battles and instead have a big ol 5v5 group battle as a way to introduce the characters!

I personally feel that this will make the action feel less just thrown in there, as it instead serves an actual purpose: to introduce the characters, to give a better explanation for why our main characters want to stick together, and to show off what our characters are currently capable of.

Anyways sorry that this update thingy was kinda all over the place. Im super bad at being organized when trying to explain stuff like this oopsie. Ill post another update (as well as delete this one) when all the editing is done and the story is fully ready, so if you dont want to do any rereading until all the edits are done, just wait for that.

Thank you all so much for reading my story! I hope I can improve my style so that you all can enjoy it more!

Oh shit and i forgot to mention one last little thing. Chapters are gonna be 3k words abouts from now on instead of 1k words.