Chapter 032
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Markus is waiting patiently for the right time. The information Augustus holds is vital, but it must be brought to the surface slowly. Asking too many questions or forcing the issue right away might cause the conversation to derail. Abel would also likely figure out what he was doing.

Patience is the goal. For now, Markus is enjoying the company of everyone at the table. Enough time has passed for the ordered food to already be delivered. Plates are nearly empty as the group talks with each other. Markus takes a bite out of his remaining hamburger, which is surprisingly high quality compared with food back home. Eclair and Aurora idly chat between themselves as they pick at their salad.

Ellie comes by the table to drop off more glasses of beer for Augustus and Abel. Three, Markus counts in his head. They're already each on their third glass. He then stares down near his plate, looking at his own half-empty glass of beer. It's still the first one of the night for himself. Moderation was going to be key.

“Augustus, what's it like to live in the capital? I haven't been there myself.” Markus says as he continues eating. It's another topic to pass the time, to let the pair enjoy their beers.

Augustus smiles brightly as he talks about his life back home. He talks about his two adolescent boys, and the wife waiting for him. In exaggerated gestures, he reminisces about the two story home in the outskirts of the city. It took him years to save the money, but it was all worth it to be away from the crowds.

Caelum is the home of the royal family and the branches of government for Ronoa. Augustus talks about how celebrations or holidays might shut the entire city down. Many good and bad areas exist like anywhere else, but he knows them all. He mentions interesting areas too, like how the city center has buildings that sound like small skyscrapers.

Sometimes, Augustus talks with a more personal tone. He worries about the school his boys attend, but most of all, if the war will still be ongoing when his children come of age. One day he hopes the laws will be relaxed in regards to the trapped people of Earth. It would be nice to spend more time with the friends he's made at the holding compound.

Markus listens closely to the words coming from Augustus. The man certainly has an interesting life, and his stories are truly captivating. Abel too, joins in with his own tales of the capital. His near misses with previous jobs before meeting Augustus.

Beer keeps coming to the table because of Ellie. Soon, numbers four and five have arrived for Augustus and Abel. Markus has only started on his second glass. He thinks to himself, and decides the right time has arrived to slowly guide the conversation.

“The capital sounds amazing. Especially the compound for the Earth people. Do they ever tell you how they came to our world?” Markus says to Augustus. He then taps a finger on the table near Eclair and Aurora. They understand his sign, focusing on Augustus to help pick out information.

“Yes! Gateways... of all shapes and sizes.” Augustus replies. His face is flushed, but otherwise he's having a good time.

The answer was shorter than Markus hoped, forcing him to ask “Gateways? I don't understand, where are they?”

“In many places! For example, the nation of Silva to the west is an island parallel to the American state of... uh, California, I believe. They have a constant flow of lost souls from Earth. To the point where dedicated outpost are in areas where occurrences happen the most often. Many of the Earth people in Silva simply walked into gateways without ever knowing. Hunters, hikers, children, and more. Silva doesn't even know where the majority of their gateways are, just general locations.” Augustus says with serious tone. It was clearly an interesting topic for him.

Markus thinks back to the portal he used. If not for chance, he would have never realized the portal was where it was. He then says “So on Earth... there is nothing to warn the people?”

Augustus gets excited as he says “Nothing! In fact, all across our world the information is the same. The entrances of the gateways cannot be seen on Earth. Unsuspecting people and animals have wandered into Noverra for thousands of years. However, sometimes the locations of entrances are known.”

The information catches the attention of Markus. He asks “What do you mean?”

“Well... another example is to the south in the Empire of Aztela. Their ancestors where in... I think Mexico... and some other countries I forget. Anyway, entire populations evacuated from disasters to flee to our world.” Replies Augustus, leaning on the table as he talks with animated arms.

Aztecs, Mayans, Native Americans? Markus racks his brain trying to remember history lessons from school that might match the information being provided. As he thinks, Augustus continues talking.

“Sometimes, gateway entrances on Noverra are known. Marked with carvings, monuments, and whatever else. To the east of here there is a good example of a marked gateway in some cave ruins.” Augustus says before taking a drink from his beer.

Markus knows exactly what he was talking about. It was a perfect time to roll into a question that has been sticking into his head all night. He says “Interesting! But if we know where some entrances are, why can't we just go to Earth whenever we want?”

A burst of laughter erupts from Augustus before he says “I wish we could, but the River Theory makes it extremely difficult. Ever heard of it? I'm a big supporter of the idea.”

“No, what is it?” Markus says with genuine curiosity.

Augustus quickly grabs a napkin with each hand and rolls them into balls. He puts one hand higher than the other, saying “The higher ball is Earth. The River Theory states all the gateways are connected like rivers. What that means is people, animals, plants and whatever else 'float' much more easily down the river to Noverra. However, it also means things from Noverra have a difficult time going against the flow back to Earth.”

The eyes of Markus open wide with surprise. It's an incredible piece of information to learn. He then says “Wow... but you said it's only difficult to reach Earth. It sounds like travel is still possible.”

A big grin forms on the face of Augustus. Everyone else at the table is intently listening and wondering what was next. He finally says “Yes! Simply become a fish that swims against the flow. Powerful magic items, creatures with high mana, and other options exist that allow travel to Earth. It's happened plenty of times already. The people of Earth know about beastials, mermaids, monsters, and countless other Noverran things.”

“What!? Really?” Markus says with surprise.

“Mermaids seen while visiting Earth become the stories of their sailors. A lizard monster wanders into a village becomes a dragon in folklore. The werewolf of legends is just a beastial wolf man that passed through a gateway. Camelot, Atlantis, and Olympus too. Noverra has influenced Earth in many ways, but Earth has definitely influenced Noverra more.” Augustus says with an excited tone. He's enjoying himself very much as he talks.

“Amazing.” Markus says while leaning back into his chair. Augustus has opened up the world of Noverra in ways he couldn't have imagined. He looks down toward the fae, and sees faces mixed with genuine excitement and curiosity. It looks like their own knowledge has increased too.

Evergreen has now gotten quieter as more patrons have left since the time the conversation started. Many hours have passed since dinner began, and it was looking like it would be time to leave soon. Markus has so much more he wants to ask, and jumps into a question without thinking. He says “What would you do if you met someone from Earth?”