Chapter 041
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The walk to the iron gate is quiet between Markus and Oscar. Neither man says anything. Only the sound of footsteps fill the air as they both move through the estate grounds. Soon, Markus can see a large group of people loitering outside the wall. All of them Crimson members, with a single figure standing right behind the metal bars of the gate. It's the woman called Monica, waiting with her arms folded as she watches both men walking closer.

Oscar leans over to Markus to whisper “I'll talk to see what they want, but I can already take a guess. Keep your gun handy. We may need to scare them... or worse.”

A nod from Markus acknowledges what was said, then he grips the assault rifle tightly. The fingers of his left hand anxiously tap on the fore grip of his weapon. The index finger of his right hand stays ready near the trigger.

“Don't act so nervous. People like them can sense it. The trick is to make them fear you more.” Oscar whispers to Markus. “Sometimes... it's the only advantage you have.”

Both men continue to walk closer, before stopping themselves a few yards from the iron gate. The large group of Crimsons behind Monica now notice their presence. Ten to fifteen men, with maybe more out of sight behind the wall. Several of them stop what they're doing, choosing to stare at Markus and Oscar.

No one is speaking, except for a few murmurs from Crimsons at the back. Small crates and various supplies are sitting out in the open. A large tent is halfway built beside another lying flat on the ground.

Markus turns to take a good look at Monica. She's the same height as Oscar, with long brunette hair reaching halfway down her back. Monica's face is a longer, more manly shape than expected, but she still has feminine features highlighted by makeup. The clothing she wears is tight fitting on her athletic body, accented with lots of red. Markus notices her shirt sleeve still stained with blood. Suddenly, her brown eyes shift to him with a sharp gaze.

The eyes of Markus and Monica lock onto each other for a few moments, then break away at the same time. Looking at the Crimsons gathered, Markus notices the two estate guards sitting on the ground. Just as Oscar predicted, both men have other Crimson members bandaging them up. The guard with the shot shoulder is already moving his hurt arm around as healing magic is being performed.

The sight of the healed Crimsons amazes, and terrifies, Markus. He looks around and soon spots the other men from earlier in the day. At the back, the scarred Crimson is standing together with his partner. Bandages and blood stained clothes can be seen on them. The man with the blown off finger has a bandaged hand. His finger is still missing, but the wound looks healed. Markus realizes Oscar is absolutely right, the healing magic of this world changes everything about fighting.

“So what do you want? Answer is still the same as last time.” Oscar says to Monica. His words break the silence. Everybody looks at him as he continues saying “Please leave the grounds. Countess Olivia has nothing to do with you all. You won't find any ransom here.”

Markus turns his head around for a moment to look at the estate building behind him. It makes sense now, about where he is and who Oscar serves. Even the Crimsons behavior can be attributed to the owner. Hurting any royalty or government officials would certainly bring all sorts of response against the criminals.

“Don't act smart. We've cut you off for weeks. You should be running low on everything. Besides... no one will be checking up on a Countess that has already disappeared from public view. Just pay us and we'll leave.” Monica responds back.

Oscar gives a big smile and simply says “No.”

Monica gives Oscar a vicious stare as she says “Fine. Figured as much.” She then unfolds her arms and points to Markus. “You. The man from Earth. Whats your name?”

Markus glances to Oscar. He thinks to himself about how to respond, but decides there isn't any point in lying. She'll find out sooner or later.

“I'm Markus, and I hear your name is Monica.” Markus replies with cold stare. Face-to-face with Gus' killer. Countless emotions are twisting inside him.

“I'm Monica Latavia, but everyone calls me Red.” Monica says with a smile. She then leans on the iron gate seductively, her small breast pressing against the metal as she says “Markus... don't get caught up with these folks. I've seen what you can do. We can help each other, especially us keeping you away from the government. They'll do anything to get you.”

A laugh escapes from Markus. He then stares back at Monica while saying “I've already seen what you do. Go to hell.”

“My dear Markus, you wound me. Everything I do is strictly business. Think about it clearly. No one is going to help you in this world. I'm sure you know that. With us... you can have freedom, riches, and even me. I've always wanted a man like you. A Noverran woman will rarely turn down an Earth man. You're simply too exotic.” Monica says while flashing a wicked smile. She places a hand on her hip and winks at Markus.

A nervous smile appears on Markus. He glances over to Oscar again, who gives him a shrug at the situation. Markus stands quietly for a few seconds, then says “Nah, answer is still the same. Go to hell.”

Monica's smile immediately vanishes, turning into a fierce scowl. She leans against the iron gate with both hands saying “I've already lived through hell. But I promise, you'll be a corpse or my pet soon. And all your equipment will be ours. I gave you a chance.” She then turns to Oscar to say “You too old man. No more games. Everything has changed now.”

“We'll take our chances. I already figured things would reach this point eventually.” Oscar replies back, grinning at Monica. “I promise you, our lives will cost you dearly.”