6-Origin (Ten years old)
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After that fight I was unable to move my body for a day or two

Fortunately elder had informed my mother that I was staying at his place longer than she assumed.


 “your last attack in sparring session really did a number on me”Hovra said enthusiastically 

“I thought I would’ve been knocked Unconscious”

“Is that so” I replied 

While laying down in one the guest room beds in house

I got up and I had been fully recovered from the sparring with elder 

He soon started to to walk with me side by side on the second floor of his seemingly enormous home 

It was there I saw Yuki sitting in the living room

With her pale turquoise bob cut and her whitish silver eyes 

“Does she know I’m here “I whispered 

“That’s why she is here”he said

“Doesn’t she live with you?” I asked softly 

“No she lives with my son-in-law” he said weeping

“I can see you two” she interrupted 

“Come down here and sit” continuing her speech

Going downstairs I could see she had white overalls and a black beret. I sat on the couch across from her

“So what are you doing here” she said coldly

“I want to get stronger”I said firmly

“I know what you’re thinking you can barely control mana let alone become stronger than Alastor” she said as she criticized me

“I see”

“Elder I will be taking my leave” 

“Alright kid” as he said looking apologetic 

I walked away ignoring Yuki’s cold remarks and insults


After walking out on Yuki I needed a new sword since I had broke the previous one. This let’s go to the only blacksmith in town for one that doesn’t break

The Blacksmith is the father of Delia the girl with the fire Karma Yuki and her I don’t know them at all 

and surprisingly  he does have weapons and armor however all they ever need from him is armor 

‘Come to think of it Was the First time I talked with Yuki properly’

As I thought to myself I had reach my destination 

‘The Blades of Taurus huh’

I had walked in through the front doors hearing 

Delia’s father saying “looks like he finally arrives earlier than expected no less”

“Huh? You knew I was coming?” 

“Of course I knew Hovra put a word in for you it also looks like you didn’t bring any money with you either”

It was upon these words that I realized I LEFT MY MONEY AT HOME 

It was embarrassing to say the least

“Grab whatever weapon you want”Taurus’ offers

“Can I grab two?”

“Sure no one ever buys them any ways”

I looked around and among the many weapons mounted on the wall there were two on a barrel that caught my eye

“What kind of sword is that” I said pointing at the barrel containing two swords one wooden one in a sheathe

“Those? they came came from the East from what I here the wooden sword is called a bokken or something, and the sheathed one a Odachi but no one ever bought them so I was thinking of scraping it”Taurus explained

“I’ll take both of those, got any thing else like that?“

“Seriously?! how’s a kid like you supposed to draw that“

“No but when I’m older I will draw it by then”

“Alright I can see your resolve as hard as steel I think I have four more blades like that let me check in the back”

I saw him walk behind the counter, grab his keys and walk to the door behind him grabbing two more swords similar to the Odachi but not as long as it

“Smaller Odachi?”

“No Although similar The shorter one is called and wakizashi and the longer one a katana the foreigners from the East would carry two of these the on each side of the waist for some weird reason so I was given another pair to go with them”

“How am I supposed to carry all 6 of these swords home?”

“Do you know them meaning mind over matter?”

He had said that with a fox like grin

That day I was forced to carry 6 swords of considerable weight with these very small hands ALL AT ONCE however. the goddess of luck (misfortune) shined on me because there was no one around to see my struggle