With her brow creased in contemplation, Venisa rapped lightly on Chronos’ arm, her gaze carrying an undeniable longing. “He’s really here,” she murmured, her voice barely louder than the rustle of the leaves above us.
As the sun battled its way through the dense canopy, its beams glinted off the statue’s white surface. “Isn’t there a version of him here?” I asked.
Venisa took a moment before slowly shaking her head. “It’s complex, but no. There is only one Chronos.”
I drifted my attention over to Venisa. “When I go back to the present, will you remember me?”
She swivelled to meet my gaze. “Yes, she will. I’m curious about what my future self thinks of you. Are we friends, enemies—lovers?” Her smirk held a spark of mischief.
I responded with an exaggerated eye roll. “Exactly how old are you?”
With a nonchalant shrug, Venisa replied, “Oh, just around a thousand years old.” A light of amusement flashed in her eye.
I paused, taking a moment to absorb her words. “Wow.”
It was remarkable how long she had been alive. The multitude of places and events she must have experienced was truly mind-boggling. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder if her life hadn't become somewhat repetitive over time. The monotony was already an issue for me, and I was merely seventeen.
Laughing at my reaction, Venisa pirouetted lightly. “Thanks. I know I’m old,” she jested. “Regarding your talents, I would rank up your essence stat, so we can explore the Magical Arts tree together. Our configurations are similar, and I can help guide you through the demon tree, even if it varies from my own.”
I nodded, eager to move forward. “Shall we do this now?” I asked.
“Yes, but let’s do it while we walk,” Venisa suggested, waving me forward to navigate through the thick forest.
As we ventured further into the untamed wilderness, I asked, “How do you propose I distribute my other stats? I am afraid of focusing too much on the wrong one.”
She took a moment to ponder before responding. “I would concentrate on areas such as health and, for a lust demon, regeneration. As for the rest, it’s up to your preference and fighting style, which can differ among individuals.”
An insect landed on my neck, and I swiftly swatted it, feeling a disconcerting crunch under my hand. "What about dexterity?" I queried, brushing the remains of the pest onto my trousers.
“As your dexterity increases, you’ll find that weapons appear lighter and swinging them becomes easier," Venisa explained. “However, this enhancement doesn’t extend to your bare hands, so physical attacks remain relatively unchanged. It also makes it more difficult for others to disarm you.”
"Understood," I acknowledged, digesting her advice.
A wave of satisfaction swept over me, buoyed by the newfound confidence that I could now defend myself. The past weakness and helplessness were but distant memories, a thought that stretched a satisfied smile across my face.
I had even surpassed Abble in health points, though her stamina still bested mine. I was, however, optimistic that, with hard work and time, I could outdo her, unless she significantly levelled up at the guild—likely.
While this method of levelling was mostly Venisa’s doing, I couldn't deny the sense of achievement I still felt. Furthermore, by the time I journeyed back to the present, I would likely be Level 30, thus relieving me of one less concern. Naturally, Cain might raise an eyebrow at my abrupt and dramatic surge in level, but that was a bridge I'd cross when I got there.
“Wow, so all I had to do was rank up for the tree… I should have done that sooner.” I exhaled a sigh of regret.
As we meandered through the lush vegetation, Venisa cast me a sidelong glance, brushing aside the oversized leaves obstructing our path. “I recommend maxing out your magical protection talent before doing anything in the demon tree. It will help you be more durable.”
This tree was massive, dwarfing the other talent options. Could I truly select these schools of magic for my own use? Unsurprisingly, the holy branch was inaccessible—the idea of a demon harnessing such magic was a comedic thought.
My eyes traced down to the transcription talent. It seemed to offer the most straightforward path through the tree.
"What's the purpose of transcription?" I asked.
Venisa explained, "It provides a crafting skill that enables the creation of spell sheets. You can transcribe the magic you've mastered onto paper for later use. While these transcriptions don't match the power of the original spell, they prove handy for conserving your essence."
I weighed her words carefully. It was a serious decision—whether to invest heavily in the magic tree or to hone my focus on the demon talents. After all, mastering magic would not likely be straightforward. Proper channelling of the spells may require guidance from a mentor. And though Venisa was aptly qualified to serve in this role, I feared I might become too infatuated with the allure of magic. The thought of manipulating elemental spells with the flick of my fingers was captivating.
Following my contemplation, I announced my decision. "I believe it's best to concentrate on the demon tree for now."
Venisa nodded approvingly. "A wise choice. At your current level, you'll gain more from the demon tree."
“Okay, I’ll rank up my magical protection first, and then I’ll return to focusing on the demon tree,” I said, determined to make the most of my points.
Venisa elaborated further. "Concentrate on selecting talents that enhance your base stats like health, defense, and strength. Aim to progress as deep into the tree as you can. Though some talents along the way might tempt you, reaching the bottom of the tree will be more advantageous for us. You can always backfill the tree as needed later on."
I cast my gaze back to the daunting demon talent tree, flooded with an array of options. “How do I become a Fallen?”
Venisa's head tilted. "Ambitious are we? You'll become a Fallen once you've reached the bottom of the demon tree. On my tree, you could achieve this status around Level 200 if you were to speed through it, but I've heard there's a level lock even if you reach that point. However, since most individuals don't start at level one, you could potentially reach that status earlier, as your talents aren't spread out."
The prospect of becoming a Fallen was equally thrilling and intimidating. The concept of wielding such power was beyond my imagination. It was fun to think about, but I would never get there.
Absorbing her advice, I responded, “Okay, I’ll keep that in mind and focus on selecting talents related to base stats for now.”
Venisa and I navigated the lush thickness of the jungle, a quietude enveloping us. An undercurrent of deep thought seemed to hold Venisa captive. Whether it was Chronos' presence or the arduous task looming ahead, I couldn't ascertain. In spite of our association being a mere three days old, I found myself really liking her. She possessed a good sense of humour without crossing into the excessive territory that Abble often did.
Abble… I missed her.
There was an unavoidable ache that Abble's absence had left. Yet every surge of longing was swiftly drowned by a wave of guilt. It felt inappropriate to pine for her when I was uncertain about her sentiments towards me. The apprehension of building hope around seeing her again was intense. If we were destined to cross paths again, and I survived this quest, her indifference or rejection would be a devastating blow.
We reached the waterfall and traced its path, eventually leading us to a concealed cave hidden behind the cascading water. As we crossed the threshold of a metallic door, Venisa halted at the centre of the room. I afforded her a moment of silence, sensing her mind was awash with thoughts. However, she maintained her silence, offering no insight.
"Are you alright?" I finally broke the tension.
She spun around to face me. "I believe it's time we make our way to the nearest city."
"But I've not yet reached Level 20," I countered. "Shouldn't we hunt more wyverns?"
Venisa dismissed my concern. "That's alright. We must locate that sword sooner rather than later, not knowing when it may be destroyed."
I offered a nod of agreement. "I place my faith in your judgement."
Venisa expelled a weary sigh. "We're in dire straits if my judgement is our only recourse."
I countered, folding my arms. “Chronos brought me to you because he is confident in your abilities. I am sure you are not his only demon.”
With a casual shrug, Venisa placed her hands behind her head. "I suppose there's some truth in that," she conceded nonchalantly. "I’m glad someone believes in us."
"When do we set off?"
"We'll depart for the city of Reveinia once I've finished tailoring these clothes," she gestured towards the hide stretched out on the drying rack. "With some luck, we'll find someone there who can reach out to an Original about the sword."
"An Original?"
Venisa nodded. "Originals are also Fallen, but they are the progenitors of the demon lineage. They are the Valkyries that were banished from heaven," she elaborated, sauntering over to inspect the wyvern hide.
“Are Cain and Chronos Originals?”
“No, they’re mortals who ascended to Fallen status. If you ever come across a male Fallen, know that they were once mortal. Valkyries, on the other hand, are all female." She emitted a frustrated sigh at the hide. "These are taking an age to dry. The cave may be too humid for it."
"So, which Original is to be our ally in this?"
"The Fallen of Envy, Invidia," Venisa said with a grin, swivelling around to face me. "She never passes an opportunity to vex Lucy, so she might be our best bet."
"Can we rely on her cooperation?" I questioned. "Lucifer seems to hold significance."
Venisa nodded confidently. "Lucy and Invidia have been at each other's throats since the dawn of time. Pride and envy, as one would expect, don’t mix."
Drawing a long breath, I mused aloud, "I hope we can trust them."
"Never place your trust in—"
"A Fallen or Valkyrie," I completed her sentence. “Chronos said the same thing.”
Venisa nodded in agreement. "Chronos is a man of great wisdom."
Although I had a twinge of hesitation, I asked the question. “Venisa, if you don’t mind me asking, are you and Chronos close?”
A gentle smile graced her features as she responded, “Chronos is my sire, and I would do anything for him. That’s why I’m helping you.” However, her smile was short-lived, replaced by a look of worry as she observed my apparent discomfort. "Is something troubling you?"
Mustering my courage, I raised the question that had been haunting me since Endeavor. "Does the sire bond manipulate you? Is it possible to defy it, or are we invariably bound to it?"
Venisa seemed thoughtful, a finger resting on her chin. "I suppose it incites a certain eagerness to satisfy the other person. Don't you feel that way about Cain?"
My gaze drifted down to the obsidian stone floor beneath us. “All I want to do is kill Cain.”
"A sire bond doesn't inherently compel loyalty. However, it might cause you to waver when faced with the opportunity to end his life."
The mere thought of mentioning Jordan made my throat tighten, yet I longed for someone else to confide in. "Before Cain turned me, I had another sire. She was a demon, so my fate would have been to become a revenant until Cain intervened. But she's no longer here… at least, I believe she's gone… It feels like she died." Overwhelmed by grief and guilt, I clutched at my chest. "Before she departed, she did something that makes mourning her feel unjust."
Venisa's features softened with sympathy. "What happened?"
I hesitated before telling her. "She manipulated someone I care for into loving me, leaving my feelings for that person in disarray. Their affection was never truly their own."
Venisa placed a comforting hand on my arm. “They probably still care for you.”
“But Cain removed her compulsion,” I rebutted, my voice taut with frustration. “Why would she want anything to do with me?”
Venisa, however, shook her head in disagreement. “That doesn’t negate her emotions. She built memories with you. So she likely still cares about you.”
Her response caused a stir of unease within me, and I ground my teeth in irritation. "It feels wrong now. Even if she still… cares for me."
Venisa fell silent for a moment, contemplating her words carefully before she spoke. "I believe it would be appropriate to discuss these feelings with her. If she wishes for distance, respecting her desires and stepping back is important. However, if she desires your presence in her life, depriving her of it would be unjust, especially since you evidently crave her company. Even though compulsion might have steered her feelings, they remain her own. If your concern for her extends beyond guilt, then it might be worth trying to maintain a friendship with her."
As I pondered Venisa's advice, I found myself grappling with the whirlpool of emotions inside me. “I suppose you are right. It’s just a lot to take in.”
Venisa gave my arm a reassuring pat. "You have ample time to process your feelings before seeing her. This sword is going to take forever to get."
"But how can I discern if my grief over my sire's loss is genuine or simply the bond's influence?" I asked, yearning for clarity. "I find it hard to sustain my anger towards her."
"It's difficult to say," Venisa admitted. "But feeling anger, hurt, or confusion is perfectly natural." She paused, appearing as though she had more to ask. "Who was your sire?"
I hesitated, debating whether to share Jordan's name. But eventually, I drew in a deep breath and answered. "Her name was Jordan Forsteulv."
Recognition flashed in Venisa's eye, coupled with surprise. "No way. The Lunar Witch was your sire?" she asked, clearly taken aback. “That… interesting.”
I nodded, a knot of anxiety forming in my stomach. "Yes, if that's the name she went by."
Venisa's expression shifted to a stern one. "It's important we maintain distance from her, alright?" Before I could question why, she interrupted, "If the witch learns of her demise, she might undermine our efforts. She might trap you, and you being here during your own birth would wreak havoc on the timeline."
My brow furrowed, the myriad rules and intricacies of time travel threatening to overwhelm me—I was going to screw this up at some point, no doubt. "So… should I avoid everyone I might have encountered in the future?" I asked, striving to make sense of it all.
With a sombre nod, Venisa confirmed. "That would be best. Unnecessary interactions could risk altering the timeline more than we already have."
Massaging my temples, I felt the onset of a headache. “This is so confusing,” I mumbled. "Suppose Jordan were to see me here. Then, when I eventually encounter her in my village, she would recognise me. Has my journey to the past already taken place? Or is this the first occurrence?"
“If you happen to encounter her during your journey here, it’s possible she was aware of your existence beforehand and could have even been actively searching for you in the future.” Venisa pondered for a moment before proceeding. "Determining whether this is your first instance of time travel is challenging. Time travel is complex, and the repercussions of our actions might not be immediately apparent until you return to your original timeline. If, upon your return, things seem undisturbed, it could indicate you are merely replaying events that have happened before. Our primary focus should be to remain discreet and fulfil Chronos's mission."
As I considered her words, my fingers automatically threaded through my short hair. It dawned on me that Cain might have been aware of my transformation into a revenant at Lockward and my subsequent retrieval of the sword. Was his intention to seize the sword the instant I returned?
"Could all this be part of Cain's scheme rather than the system's? Am I unwittingly playing into his hands to obtain the Twisted Fate?" I voiced my concerns aloud.
Venisa offered a look of resigned uncertainty. “Even I cannot comprehend the intricacies of time travel. Therefore, it’s best not to speculate and stress about it until you return to the future and discover who possesses knowledge of the sword.”
This just keeps getting more complicated.