April parted with her friends and started her walk home. Enjoying the cool breeze on her skin. Her mind once again drifting over the last few months. The expedition, the shocking arrival. The whole having plants sprouting out of people thing. At least she was immune, or highly resistant to the point she might as well be.
A part of her was deeply thankful for Thessa. The Bloodleaf woman was an excellent caretaker, and let her wear what she wanted. Given her age, and succubus heritage that was more often than not, nothing. She had a feeling she might want to wear a little more when she gets older, but she wasn’t looking to attract mates yet. Although she had only stopped wearing clothes recently. She had kept up the habit until a few weeks ago when Eric sprouted. After that, she had lost her only reason to wear clothing. She had only been wearing clothes the last few weeks in order to deny Erik the pleasure of seeing her naked body. Now that he had sprouted he was much more pleasant to be around.
Her mind then drifted to her father, although she had a feeling it would not be long before she was calling him mother. He had recently finished transitioning to female. It wasn’t a normal effect of sprouting, but April had learned that the Bloodleaf might cause such a transition. Usually in cases where an individual shows signs of high potential. Something about certain individuals having traits that would be highly desired in a princess.
Only women could reach the fifth stage of Bloodleaf development. A stage that was particularly important. Women in this stage were often referred to as princesses and were roughly equivalent to royalty. These princesses answered only to a queen, and if the queen died one of them would become the queen. Although the most special thing about a princess isn’t her status, but her ability to spread bloodleaf spores into the air. It is through these special fifth stage individuals that the Bloodleaf spreads the fastest. A fact which her doomed expedition quickly discovered, but it was too late for them before they even knew there was a threat.
Her stomach growled, but she was almost home so she ignored it. Already she was looking forward to drinking some of Thessa’s nectar. Not only was that nectar delicious, but it really sated her hunger. Not to mention her instincts, while she didn’t need to, her succubus heritage meant that she very much still enjoyed nursing. However she very much also enjoyed solid food every once in a while, and she was immensely thankful for the fact that her elven side meant that she had teeth, despite her young age.
Turning a corner, she spotted the tree that was her new home. She picked up her step, excited to get home after a long day. Her thoughts now fully focused on food. Nothing else really mattered to her, at the moment. In moments she reached the doorway, and stepped inside. April had no need to open the door, as Bloodleaf didn’t use doors. Every building in the enclave featured an open triangular doorway. They didn’t bother with internal doors either. It had been interesting getting used to the Bloodleaf concept of a home. Especially the open-concept bathrooms. They didn’t even have privacy curtains.
April passed through the entry room, but came to a sudden and complete stop in the doorway to the kitchen. Seated at the table with Thessa were a pair of winged women that April had never seen before. The two were clearly of different species as well. April noted that the one was having a conversation with Thessa, but the other was looking rather lost.
It didn’t look like they were waiting for her, and she remembered that whenever her dad had guests that usually meant that she had to stay out from underfoot. Maybe she should come back and ask for food later. Besides, she hadn’t seen her new sister Nikki since this morning. At this hour Mia was likely nursing the baby girl. Sure they weren’t sisters by blood, but April loved her nonetheless. She often had fun helping Mia care for young Nikki.
She was about to turn around, when Thessa called, “April, dear. Come sit with us. I have someone here who wants to meet you.”
The one woman turned, and said, “Hello there, April. I am Arlie Contrey.”
April slowly closed the distance to the table, and frowned, “You wanted to meet me?” Left unsaid was the part that confused her. Why was this stranger here? They didn’t even know each other.
Arlie nodded, “Of course I wanted to meet you. You do realize that unique evolutions like yours, are going to garner a lot of attention, especially from gods. A primal evolution of a hybrid of elf, and succubus like yours wasn’t even possible until I created it for you.”
That caught April’s attention. “Created it? How?”
Arlie leaned forward, “I’m a goddess. Not just any goddess either, but the one that created the system. For me, it was easy to add an evolution to cover your unique circumstances. I also went ahead and created a few evolution paths for you.”
Arlie paused, and then produced a small book out of black light. A book that she promptly offered, “I’m not going to spoil anything about them, but this book gives the names of your possible evolutions and hints on their requirements.”
Thessa interjected, “That sounds useful.”
April had to agree, but said nothing. As she finally settled into a chair. A part of her was feeling rather nervous, now. This stranger had just claimed to be a goddess. That was the kind of thing the temples always claimed would get you smited. That meant she was likely the real thing. Other than her brief interactions with her patron, she had no experience with gods. Worse, this was her first face to face meeting.
Arlie nodded, “I figured it would be. Especially since there will be more now that April here has opened the path.” Then she refocused on April. “I see you are a little nervous. Maybe it would help if I tell you a bit about myself...”
Arlie spent several minutes telling April about herself, and her home. She apparently spent much of her time enjoying the life of a simple village mage in a villa called Voros. Although April didn’t really know where it was. She had never heard of Varixyies, but apparently it was a heavily forested and hilly region surrounded by mountains on three sides. Arlie lived there with her two wives, at least April thought they were wives. Arlie never used the word wife to refer to them, but instead called them bondmates. She also had a few friends that lived in the village, and some that did not. Those that did not occasionally came by to catch up.
Arlie also often visited a town north of her home villa of Voros, called Arcs. Arlie even offered to take her there, and show her around. She also warned about creatures called Rylarks. That these monsters would attack her if she strayed too far from a settlement.
April found herself opening up, “You don’t sound like a god.”
Arlie giggled, “I guess not, but gods are people too. They just have grander responsibilities. Thankfully, mine rarely require me to act. I govern the cycle of Creation and Destruction. Meaning every act of creation be it a simple as erecting a tent, to building a grand wonder, or shaping a mountain, or even creating new life in the form of having a child is part of my domain. But so is every act of destruction, from the simple to the complex. Be it a natural disaster like an earthquake or manmade in the form of a blaze that consumes a city. My chief responsibility is the creation of worlds, but I also destroy worlds so that they may be reborn.”
Thessa interjected at that moment, “Arlie is our principle creator god. The first strains of bloodleaf were created by her. We were one of her tools for bringing about the rebirth of worlds that would otherwise need to be purged with fire.”
Arlie nodded, “True, I did create bloodleaf.”
April stared at her wide-eyed. It seemed Arlie was a very important god. Even if she spent her days pretending to be a simple village girl. April just didn’t know what to say, but thankfully Arlie noticed and changed the subject.
“Anyway, Thessa tells me she enrolled you in school. She sounded proud about you getting into the advanced classes.”
She nodded, “I did, and I really enjoy it. It was interesting getting used to being in the same class as a bunch of naked girls, but at least I didn’t have a bunch of naked boys in the class. Only Erik.”
“Erik? Sounds like there might be a story there.”
April nodded, “Yeah, he was one of the few boys in the expedition around my age. In fact he is a little older...” She started. Erik was a bit of a spoiled brat, and somewhat annoying. Especially his tendency to steal her panties. He even once stole a scroll from a mage, and used it to steal the pair she had been wearing at the time. Maybe it came as little surprise, but she didn’t trust Erik. Especially when he gave her a compliment, as that usually meant that he had either pulled a prank on her or was about to pull a prank. Thessa said he was doing it because he likes her, but ...
Arlie listened attentively, and then said, “Thessa is right. That kind of behavior is normal flirting behaviour for pubescent boys. Not that it sounds like he will be one for much longer.”
April frowned, “Huh? Not going to be a boy. What do you mean by that?”
“The advanced classes? Not many boys get into those, and those that do. Well, oftentimes they have been considered for a position as a princess. I suspect that Erik will be Erika before long.”
She stared at Arlie unsure about what that might mean. Before she could ask more the confused woman finally said something, and it had nothing to do with the subject. Leading April to stare at her, unsure what she was going on about.
Arlie interrupted her, “Ovi’ta! Now is not the time for that discussion.”
The other winged woman looked indignant, but did drop whatever she was talking about. Arlie turned back to April, and then said, “Anyway it sounds like you are doing well here. At least in school. Have you made any friends?”
April nodded, but before she could say anything her stomach growled. Reminding her that she was hungry. Arlie chuckled, and then said to Thessa. It seems like it’s time for you to feed her. I’ll go check on that reincarnator, I think it was Nikki?”
She refocused on April. “I do have a gift for you.”
The moment, she said that she was greeted with a blue box. Telling her that she had a new minor blessing. Well, several actually.
Congratulations! You have gained the following minor blessings Blessing gained: Fertile Nature (Minor) Blessing Gained: Endearing Aura (Minor) Blessing Gained: Skylord’s Blessing (Minor) Blessing Gained: Breath of Creation (Minor) |
She had no idea what to say about gaining four blessings all at once. None of them from her patron. Arlie noticed her feelings and said, “I already discussed these blessings with your patron. She agreed with me on them. I believe you will enjoy them. Not to mention they should be of great help to you. I expect great things from you.”
With that Arlie left, and took the other woman, Ovi’ta, with her. April still had no idea what to say, but the point was soon moot when Thessa presented her a nipple. April began to suckle instinctively. The matter was quickly put aside, as she enjoyed Thessa’s delicious milk.
Finally, I finally caught up to current, I started reading this 13 days ago, WOOO MARATHON READING!!!
Thirteen days, I guess the years have produced a fair amount of content.
@JCountry well to be fair, I don't spend that much time reading, I have to work just like everyone else, I get about 6 hours 4 days a week to read, and the only reason I get today is it's Christmas Eve. I'm also trying to keep up with more than a few other stories on here and RR. 30 give or take, I let some build up and drop others for a few weeks/months depending on author post speeds.
@boristheboar Well, I don't plan to post this Saturday since it is Christmas. I'm going to delay a few days. I do understand, I never have enough time in a day for everything I would like to do, and I am behind on a few fictions that I am reading as well.
13? I started 2-3 days ago. I was also reading the newest chapters of a few others. Well I'd say it's an unfair comparison when I read about 12-14 hours a day. I need to do my homework. :(
@PatersonPat That does seem to be a lot of time reading...
@JCountry I'm doing K-12 and failing almost every class cause I read instead of doing my work or going to classes. Semester ends in less than a month, so I need to get all my work done within 2-3 weeks. I somehow have an 80 in spanish though.
@PatersonPat Yeah, I somehow passed that class with an A, and I don't care one iota for the language. In fact if I had my way, I wouldn't have even been in the class. Unfortunately, my school only offered Spanish, and had a silly foreign language requirement.
Don't know if that has changed, as it has been years, and guess what. I have never once needed Spanish since I left school. Don't understand a word of it anymore either, and don't care to change that.
@JCountry By "I somehow have a B" I meant that I barely know any Spanish at all. When it comes to algebra I've always been considered a prodigy and either 1st or 2nd best in my grade. While I was still going to normal school I was considered the 2nd best in the entire school in both learning speed, and retaining the knowledge. I've always been good at algebra because I remember everything without actually remembering them. By that I mean that I automatically can use the skill I learned and apply it the other problems on the first few tries. I'm not to worried about being able to pass algebra cause of that. Civics is civics, so that's easy. The only one I'm worried about is java cause I don't know any of it.
@PatersonPat Understandable. Can't really help you with Java. I know a bit, but programming was never my strong suit.
@JCountry I just hope i'm good with it. My little brother knows python, and he seems decent at it. My older brother (who is in jail now) also did programming, but I don't think he was any good. Oh I just remembered. You know how I said I was second best in algebra? Well my friend who is undisputedly the best also did java, and Esports. I might ask him for some pointers. Another friend that is actually a game dev does programming , so I might ask him. He does Lau though. When semester grades finish I'll reply to this on how I did.
Unrelated, but if you want a fun series to read I'm currently reading (Reincarnated Cat Becomes a Magical Beast). You might also like (A Fox's System), and one of if not my most favorite would be (A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss)
Sorry I type so much.
@PatersonPat I used to read 'A fox's system' before the latest run here. Haven't checked out the current version.
Other two I'm not familiar with
I am familiar with the last language you mentioned. I ended up picking up a few things about it, after trying a mod for Stars in Shadow. Human start conditions proved wrong, so I dug into the mod, and found an error. Took a bit of reading elsewhere while I was at it. That one proved rather simple, but I wouldn't try my hand at actually writing in it
@PatersonPat as of right now I have over 20 stories I'm trying to keep up with, out of the 170 on my reading list. I have a full time job of 11-12 hour shifts in a saw mill, so no phones, most of my reading is done either off work or during my meager lunch time. so 13 days is pretty good if you factor all that in (excluding health problems cause of reasons)