Yes! I've been waiting for this! Can't wait for it to drop! Votes: 148 49.8%
No, I'd like more chapters for this version please! Votes: 7 2.4%
Not sure! Votes: 35 11.8%
BAKA!!! Votes: 17 5.7%
Yes, but could you finish this version first? Votes: 90 30.3%
Also if you are interested in the rewrite please consider joining me on Patreon. There is a new entry under the tags WDYMADAG, and Announcement for the rewrite. I would suggest looking at it after joining. You can also find this same poll up on Patreon. Its been running since yesterday there.
I loved most of the first version, but when the hive mind and solarian plot lines didn’t feel like they were a part of the same story. I’m hoping the rewrite will focus more on the dungeon and town.
Solarian plot lines are part of the story. They're also part of the "why?" for the rewrite as some of that gets a bit more rationalized from that end, as the Solarians are why Solkira/the system exist in the first place.
if you are going to add the chapters of the rewrite to this site please add a chapter with the link or add them to this book
I'll place a link!
Yep, even if the rewrite isn't on this site, an update with a link to where it is would be appreciated.
So you’re rewriting for a more cohesive story, but what of the degenerate breeding? Wasn’t seeing much of that later on.
It will be in the story...
@JCountry can we skip the genderbender crap in rewrite its what kept me from reading this one
@Lameduck987 um.... no
Honestly I am not sure, rewrites are never fun for me to read. Not to mention changes can easily ruin what I personally enjoyed in a book. I seen too many rewrites gut the soul of a story for the sake of quality. So I remain unsure until I see or know more of a version of a story that is not in front of me yet.
True it can be hard to get them right. I do know a couple that get it right, and I've seen some that just didn't click
As such when I rewrite something I try to preserve as much of the original as possible.
My biggest problem with rewrites is when they compound. I haven't seen it happen all that often, but a story or two have gotten stuck in a rewrite loop. Even then, I've found the more rewrites that happen to a story, the more likely it is for the story to be dropped.
@Akhier That can happen alright
@Akhier I've noticed that rewrites that compound change almost nothing about the story, or narrative, or how it's told or presented.
In that sense, I've not actually read a bad rewrite, cause the 'compound' ones feel more like an editing and grammar correction pass. And even then they're not bad, just have to face the reality that I'm addicted to new chapters regardless of quality.