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Would you like to read the rewrite?
  • Yes! I've been waiting for this! Can't wait for it to drop! Votes: 148 49.8%
  • No, I'd like more chapters for this version please! Votes: 7 2.4%
  • Not sure! Votes: 35 11.8%
  • BAKA!!! Votes: 17 5.7%
  • Yes, but could you finish this version first? Votes: 90 30.3%
Total voters: 297 · This poll was closed on Nov 6, 2022 07:29 PM.

Also if you are interested in the rewrite please consider joining me on Patreon. There is a new entry under the tags WDYMADAG, and Announcement for the rewrite. I would suggest looking at it after joining. You can also find this same poll up on Patreon. Its been running since yesterday there.