Victor was slowly losing his mind, he had a hundred things he needed and not enough time to do any of them. Again the cause of all of his problems was the child who seemed to be trying his hardest to make his life as difficult as possible. But the little bugger was being extremely cute in his arms so it evened out.
Speaking of the baby, little Simon was already six months old despite it being a little over a week since his birth. Another nasty gift from the Great Collapse.
His eyes hardened thinking of the Final Twilight, the worst day in human history and the most terrible event during the Great Collapse. So many lives were lost and turned to dust as though they never existed. In a single day, the massive recorded human population of over 100 million strewn across the entire continent of Phunine was reduced to less than 1. In that population, the vast majority were females who by virtue of being born the opposite sex had the power to resist the terrible curse.
The male population... was neutered and for a time it was mostly women inhabiting the world. The few that survived, including him were irrevocably changed. The most egregious of these changes was the fact that the time between birth and complete sexual maturity of a male child was reduced to one year before they resumed their normal aging behavior. Sure, in terms of numbers, it was very beneficial, and in the half millennia since it was probably the biggest reason the human populace did not die out. That and the fact that unlike women who despite trying so vehemently cannot ever live past the age of a hundred whilst men could live indefinitely if they bonded to the right monster girl.
Every surviving male was turned into a breeding horse(most of whom were [heroes]) and it was only his accomplishments and personal power that saved him from the same fate, not that it would do any good, the more powerful the man, the harder it is for him to conceive and as one of the strongest on the continent, let's just say it took him five hundred years for him to get his first son despite him not caring one way or the other and being very sexually active with his bonded.
He slumped onto the sofa as Demigora, one of the evilest creatures he ever had the pleasure of knowing and his second most powerful bonded was on her knees currently procuring breakfast for herself. He looked down at the baby who was now fast asleep wrapped in a blanket. He hoped this child would not inherit any of his mother's mental traits, the devastatingly beautiful [lord of sin] whose vile nature matched her unholy beauty.
She was the definition of sex appeal with proportions bordering on outlandish yet perfectly framed, purple skin that was addicting to touch, so soft and smooth and electrifying arousing. Her face was made to perfectly suit his tastes just like angels, but where angels were made to make you love them, demons were made to make you lust after them. Her face was a replica of what he found attractive in a woman minus the blemishes and some added demonic attributes which had also slowly changed to be something more palatable to him.
Now if only her nature matched to please him, he would have been happy.
Instead what he got was what she thought would make him happy while satisfying her own perverse power-hungry desires. He had stopped talking to her altogether because she had the uncanny ability to twist anything he said to her as a go-ahead to do something vile in the name of power. Sad thing was, after all these years she held a fraction of his heart. It all stemmed from the fact that despite all the evil she was prone to, she only wanted what she thought was best for him and loved him from the very depths of her soul like any monster girl. At the edge of annihilation all those years ago, it was her that willing to commit the ultimate sacrifice to save him and possibly the world even when their bond was not complete and death was all but guaranteed.
"Getting soft..." he mumbled.
The demon noisily suckling on him perked up, her amber eyes glowing like flames with reptilian slits locked on him, making him look away. Initiating conversation was extremely dangerous, and he was too tired to do the mental gymnastics required to make sure what he said could not be misconstrued and abused.
His demon bonded simply went back to her breakfast as if all was right in the world and there was nothing to worry about.
His focus was back on the child who even since morning had very slight but visible growth, before he reached maturity in about a year the only thing he would feed on came from the demon's breasts and if that monster could turn devout into a deviant in a single conversation, he worried what an entire year's worth of exposure could do to the baby.
He could not even take the baby away as the mother's milk was magically enchanted to ensure the child had perfect physical development. Separating the two could have devastating effects. Maybe he could call on some of his old contacts but he liked that idea even less because if the crown found out another child born from one of the seven great [heroes] was out in the wild, the peace he had worked so hard to build would be shattered, and the child would be no better under the influence of the crown as with a demon.
So he was stuck between a rock and a hard place but the fight was not over. It had not even begun and fatherhood could not be as hard as the was against the two [demon kings] during the Great Collapse, he would find a solution, he had to. And the monster girl that was coming back from her field trip was the perfect advisor. After all, kitsune were the masters of magic and cunning, and who could figure out his dilemma if not a mythic monster?
human population of over 100 million strewn across the entire continent of Phunine was reduced to less than 1.
I'm guessing this is meant to say 1 million.
you shouldve started off with this when you began this story as it explains the simpleness of the mc in much detail
This is the rewrite so yeah, that is what they are doing...
the father was a real hero ;O not ñike the other heros who only have the name don't you?
Thanks for chapter
Have a good day
After all, kitsune were the masters of
Master of what? I think the chapter may have gotten cut off
Yeah. Fixed.
So the protagonist is the dad? .... I want to say who cares about the dad?