Tale of thorns – Part 1 – This is not what I ordered!
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2128 words for you my dear little reader.
Enjoy . . .

The first thing I could recall was falling through darkness. I could think of neither my name nor any other memories, but I knew that I was falling. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into days, and yet I was still falling. It was odd, without a point of reference in this never-ending void, without air resistance or any other indicator I shouldn’t have been able to tell that I was falling. And yet I knew that I did? Maybe it was a memory from when I had entered the void, but when did I do that? So here I was falling through an endless void; which suddenly turned out to not be endless after all, because just right now my face had made friends with the ground at full force!

“Ugh!” ‘I have a voice!?’

‘And I had other things too!' Bit by bit pictures, sounds and smells came flooding into my mind; memories... my memories? 'Fleur that is who I was – no – who I am!’

All right, I was beginning to remember. My name was Fleur Bellrose 26 years old and born in the year 2030 as the daughter of a high ranking French diplomat. I had lived a life of luxury until my sixteenth birthday, from there on out everything had changed. Once an innocent high society girl; I had turned to a life of crime, all of it only to annoy my old man and to claw out of the bubble of boredom that had held me captive. Over the years I had changed from a normal girl into a cold-hearted criminal.

Memories flashed through my mind, memories of my time living in the shadows and dirt of human society.
I looked around the tightly packed storage space that I had declared the common room. Most of my more loyal and trusted subordinates were sitting or standing where ever they had found space to do so. Several of them were looking at me in either in shock or contempt. Something like that normally would make me kick their collective arses later but for now, I would listen to their opinions. Because for all it was worth, they had not survived with me so long because they were stupid.
“Boss, as much as I respect you... this is a seriously questionable idea, even for you.”
“I agree with him, we don't know if the Intel we have is actually correct. For all, we know you could be running straight into a trap!"I grinned at the idea. "Good, then it will be perfect to weed out the recruits."
I turned towards the door where my two Lieutenants waited.
“Keep the rabble in check while I’m gone, after all... I have a police station to visit...”

I had done almost everything that people think of as despicable. Extortion, armed robbery, bank heists, smuggling, human trafficking, hit jobs; if it had paid well I had done it. And soon my crew, as well as my addiction, grew. Every cent I had earned I had spent on my body, stronger, better, faster, in the end, I was almost more machine than human; and I had loved every fucking second of it. I felt like I had become invincible, and so I acted on it. The harder the job the better, the more resistance the more I felt alive. I had become unstoppable in my mind, and because of this, the shock was even harder when someone finally did stop me.

More memories, from the same day but later on I assumed.
I looked down at my smartwatch. 23:30 perfect timing.
“Alright then, guys and gals. Move out!”
In return I only got nods and hard glances, at least these chumps were trying to be though. If they could kill guardians of the law would be an entirely different thing. Swarming out to encircle the building my troop split up. The idea was easy, surround the building, double-tap whoever is in it and blow the joint. The question for me only was if the new guys had the guts to go through with it. Just as I was about to approach the front door a shot went off and something dinged of my shoulder making me stumble. External armour integrity, approximately: 95.5% I turned around to the recruits behind me. Several of them had their guns levelled at me and the others looked around confused.
“Really now? Bad decision...” I raised my assault rifle.

My own father had sold me out! He had engineered the almost perfect trap for me, a job so ludicrous that I could have never said no to it. In my hubris, I had taken only the newest and uninitiated members of my crew, nothing but mere rookies in my mind. Then at one point during the hit, the trap had sprung. Several of the rookies had turned on me and opened fire; undercover agents I hadn’t even tried weeding out because of my own grandeur. One by one I had executed every last rookie with me, no matter if guilty or not. And as so often before, I had felt nothing doing it. Had my mind been able to panic, had it been more human, maybe I would have thought about this longer, because all of this had only been a distraction. Special Ops had stormed my position just a few seconds later, sixteen bullets to the body and three to the head. After that everything had been blank for a while. Even my memories were hazy after this.

Another set of memories, harder to tell the date this time, but obviously later.
My body was strapped down and restrained against a stretcher. Someone rolled me forwards, not even walking did they trust me with. All around me
were flashes, not the flashes of gunfire or grenades, no this time around it was cameras and smart pads. It was almost funny when I had been active and free no one had dared approach me. But now that I was beaten and broken everyone wanted a piece of me. "Miss, Bellrose! How do you feel knowing that your legacy has ended as it did for so many criminals?"I stared at the man as I had so many times before this would have been enough to silence even a trained soldier but now...
They finally brought me into the actual courtroom. After an eternity of them reading my charges, and an even longer eternity of the court retreating to discuss my case, they finally came to a decision. A hammer banged down on wood, the entire room went silent.
“Fleur Madelaine Bellrose, Leader of the terrorist organisation Jardin de Argent. For your horrendous crimes against humanity and human nature itself, you are hereby sentenced to death through deconstruction."

I hadn’t waited for my death sentence. It would have been a death in name only, they would have deconstructed my body and reset my mind to before my Auxiliary AI had been installed; ten years of my life would have been gone! Instead, I had planned my escape. I think I had paid off the guards but not all of them. Then I had contacted my two most trusted lieutenants to set up an extraction. The day of my ‘death’ I had made my escape. The moment that the doors to my cell had been opened and my electronic shackles clicked open, I had bolted for the guard. I hadn’t gone for the door, but for the man in it. He had told me I would be conscious throughout the whole deconstruction, he had laughed, had said it would be better for me.

I don’t remember everything from the prison, but I do remember his face, it had been so familiar. The way his expression had morphed from shock to deep sadness, as my nails dug through his flesh and my fingers ripped out his throat, all of it was a clear as if it had just happened. After that, my memories turned hazy and unusable, nothing but a red haze. The next thing I remembered was standing in front of a blood-splattered security door, behind it should have been my two companions. But instead of meeting them I had fallen through the ground and into the void.

This also brought me back to the here and now, because my nose was still grinding into the stone floor and my ass was pointing up into the sky like some kind of fetish porn trophy. 'Okay, stone floor not linoleum, which means I am not at the same place anymore; that fact in itself should be a good thing right?' Except that the only thing I could see from my less than fortunate position was a bunch of squiggly glowing lines. Didn’t look like tech I knew. 'Should I be sitting up now? No... Better check on my systems.'

'First things first! System Check! What the...? I said System Check!  Why is my framework not responding? Damaged brain interface... probably.'

System Check!

I heard a few gasps around me, but I ignored them, as there was something far more important right now! Even spoken out loud the order had done nothing? Maybe the squiggly lines were interfering with my body’s main drive?

Reboot Auxiliary Systems. Execute EMP Countermeasures.

Silence, for the first time in ten years my AI did not respond. This should have been impossible! ‘Unless they have done it... my deconstruction? No. No!'

“No, no, no, no, no!”

Panic was flooding into my mind, when had they done this? 'I couldn't remember!? My perfect frame it couldn't be just gone, right?' Almost instantly I sat myself up, trying to figure out what had happened and how bad the damage was. The first thing I noticed was the hair falling in my face; only this couldn’t be my hair! My hair had been short and silver, making me look less human and more artificial. I had liked it. This hair, on the other hand, was long and had an odd colour between dark brown and a very deep red. When I followed the flow of the hair I soon realized two changes far worse than a new haircut. The most noticeable being, that my skin was more than definitely no longer skin-coloured. 

Most of it had a grey, greenish tint to it that shifted to a pale red around my arms and legs, with the insides of my hands once more becoming more greyish. In addition to that, I now had claws on both hands and feet instead of nails. That was odd but acceptable. Those changes could have been explained with synthetic skin and a hardware upgrade. But the other thing I had noticed truly shocked me, I had lost muscle mass. While being normal for any meatbag human that didn’t exercise for a longer time, it shouldn't have been possible for me. I had nanofibers woven through my muscle tissue that couldn't be removed without destroying the surrounding tissue. Or at least I used to have because it was obviously gone, instead, I had a light frame with obvious sensual curves; even my breasts seemed to be bigger.

When I went to look around my butt area I was met with an even more disturbing sight, an almost two-meter long red tail curled behind me. It was as thick as my arm at its base but tempered down to the circumference of maybe two fingers around its tip, where it ended in a weird triangle like protrusion. The tail almost seemed to move with my emotions, it was creepy. Fearing for the worst my hands shot up to my head feeling around for any changes that I couldn’t see, and soon enough my fears were confirmed. From the top of my forehead, two knobby horns extended upwards and then slightly forward; they seemed to have the same texture as ram horns, rough and with a tight spiral pattern. Were I not so perturbed by the sudden changes I would have probably liked the look, now though I was simply confused.

'How had they done this, and then the other changes to my body? I had thought that my father had wanted his little princess back, except that is not what it looks like anymore? Did he change his plans? Did he not want a faulty daughter anymore? But then why this, why let me keep my memory and why this strange body? What was I even supposed to be? I had horns, a tail, claws, this weird skin colour and a more attractive... body... to... boot...'

Oh, no.
I think I know why I got to keep my memories.
I was going to be some sort of weird demonic sex toy, right?'

‘Fuck. My. Life... bad pun.’

I hope you had fun . . .
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