Sidestory – A Snakes Delight (Part 2)
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1325 words for you my dear little readers!
Have fun . . .



‘So, I’m not going to say that humans are the superior and best of all sentient races, but after having sampled another race I can with certainty say that they are by far superior to whatever I have become! At least humans have legs!’ I was really at a loss in this moment because when I woke up, I had to realize that it had not been a funny dream. Noooo, instead I was still stuck as some kind of Amazon snake woman! And not the fun kind I might add, though I wouldn’t really know what the fun kind of buff snake woman was. Maybe it was the one with six boobs instead of six arms? ‘That would definitely be fun! Eh~ for a time at least; it would be a pain to find bras. Oh, right where was I?’

I looked down once more and focused at the mass of scaly flesh beneath me. Somehow out of instinct I could move my upper body, as I just did the same thing when I was still human. But whenever I tried to ‘walk’ all the tail did was wriggle pathetically. ‘I was Carzyna Bednarz goddamn it, if there was one thing I would never accept than it was being pathetic! So move already you damned fat arse!’ Even controlling all six of the arms was easier than the stupid tail. After trying and failing once more to uncoil myself, I simply started to drag myself into a less messy position, thankfully having six arms comes with a bunch of strength.

After I was properly positioned I tried again. After all I wouldn’t have to deal all the bunched up mass anymore. Though I did realize, that fully stretched out I was fucking massive, even in this chamber my tail still went in circles around the space, the tail alone must be five to six meter long and my upper portion added almost up to two meter to that. Hmm, now I simply had to find out how to properly move. I could simply push with part of my body against the cave walls and so catapult myself forward, but that wasn’t really a proper way to move. No, what I had to do was . . . ssslithher! ‘Wait that was it, how didn’t I think of this before, I’m a fudging snake and snakes slither!’

A few tries later, it had become increasingly clear how easy it was too move once I had let go of my human preconceptions. I couldn't even remember why I had mourned my legs in the first place. The tail was by far better, I could not only use it to move, I could lash out with it like a whip or club, possible use it to constrict around people and slowly crush the life out of them. It was so incredible, that I began moving around the chamber faster and faster until it evolved into a kind of dance. The room wasn’t really made for someone of my size and at one point my back smacked hard into the wall. Dust and small stones fell down to shower me in rocky glory. So, no more dancing in caves, duly noted.

“Great one, me heard boom!” A small kobold rushed in only to be instantly interrupted by me.

“Everythhhing iss fine!” A sudden growl from my body made quickly restate that. “Actually now that you’re already here, I have realizzzed that I’m quite hungry.” The kobold looked up in fear of . . . something?

“We will bring food, yes! Much food, much meat, no eat Tiny Claw, yes?” ‘Oh god the little guys name was Tiny Claw!? That is so adorable!’ I smiled at pat his head.

“Yesss, you will bring me food. Alive and ssstill writhhing.‘Huh?’ “No, ssscratch that lassst bit. Jusst food iss okay.” ‘The fudge is going on with my mind! I definitely do not want to eat live animals! Fudge. . .’

The Kobold ran off and I was alone again with my thoughts. After a second I realized that no matter what I were to eat I would had to defecate at some point. So where was my butthole!? A short look-over of my underside revealed exactly what I had seen before, layered bone-white scales. Upon closer inspection I noticed two places where the scales where different, somewhat lower than what used to be my crotch area and one about three meter down from there. ‘Ooookay, I guess I better start at the top.’ I prodded the area with my fingers to see what would happen. After a bit of trial and error I had figured out that I could slide the scales into a kind of skin pouch and so was able to reveal what was underneath. I took one good look and quickly decided that this had to be something else and I had no interest to know what exactly that was.

The second patch seemed why more interesting all of a sudden. And who would have thought, it was what I had been looking for, well kind of. Instead of what a normal human and even a lot of other animals had, meaning a urethra and an anus, snakes had a cloaca. And guess what I had now too, oh what joy! No longer did I have to decide to either pee or take a dumb, now I could do both at the same time and through the same hole. ‘Okay, I really can’t put it off for any longer, time to take another look at scale patch number one.’

I poked it and again the scales retreated. And I stared; I simply stared at it for a while. ‘Those . . . those are my genital right?’ I actually wasn’t so sure because instead of a normal vagina this one looked plain weird. It was certainly bigger than the one I had before and the top was wider than the bottom. Oh, and for some hellish reason I had two fudging clitoris ... clitory ... clits? However they were called, there were two next to each other and they were kinda bulging. It dawned on me that I had read about something similar in a biology text book. There was only one way to find out what exactly it was; slowly and gently I pricked one with my finger. ‘Ugh~ they are certainly sensitive. Just a little more, can’t hurt.’ I leaned back on my tail and reached down with both of my lower hands. There were two after all, so~. I twisted and nipped them; I noticed that they had tiny soft spikes on them, so I squished a little bit harder. I quietly began panting as they swelled, and swelled, and then swelled a little more; all of a sudden I was looking at a whole bucket full of Nope. Those were not Clits! ‘What. The. Fudge.’ I looked at the two slim shafts unsure if I wanted to scream or just rob the first kobold off their knife. ‘How do I get them back in!?’

“Great one, this one has . . . brought . . . you . . . food.” Before me stood the same little Kobold slack jawed and with raised eyebrows.

‘Or was it eyeridges? I mean they don’t exactly have hair? Oh, maybe he knows about snake co-cunts! Wait he saw me!’ I thought for a moment that maybe he could help me but my mind snapped back into reality. He had seen me like this; he had seen me writhing on the ground, playing with my d-di- my genitals! He couldn’t be allowed to leave anymore! Not a single person is allowed to know. What should I do, I couldn’t just kill him could I? I just had to . . . eeeaaat hiiim! ‘What no! Why would I do something so disgusting!? But still he had seen my . . . shafts. Unacccceptable!

“C-Come here, tiny one, will you!?”

‘The only way I will ever be whole again is through his sacrifice!!!’

And as always, do leave a comment, otherwise I might feel lonely, kay~?<3