The Familiar of Fate: Chapter 75 – Once Upon a Time(7)
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The scene now abruptly shifted back to the scene above the giant’s still slowly decaying form, where the enormous circle of magical energies was nearing its completion. The titan watched as his ‘kin’ hastily scrambled to accomplish their given task, nodding to himself in satisfaction.

Fate, although somewhat annoyed by the sudden change of scenery, now turned his gaze to the giant’s eyes, hoping to gain some insight into its thoughts.’s at times like these when I wish I had some of that generic MC mojo, like the ability to read people using their expressions or body language, but nope, I got none of that sh*t…

Witch of Fate: “The mortal thought to himself as he contemplated the meaning of his meager existence and began to think of how grateful he was to the Goddess who had been keeping him alive all of said meager existence.~”

His thoughts having been interrupted, Fate angrily scanned the room for the source of the Witch’s snarky tone, but, once again, found nothing except an empty theater and the nearby remains of what used to be seats.

At this point, he should’ve expected this, but nonetheless, found it quite upsetting. After all, being subject to ‘god’s’ illusions and tormenting, with no way to fight back or even see their ‘opponent,’ wasn’t a tempting prospect.

Witch of Fate: “It’s not as I’m your enemy, that distinction would be best reserved for my meandering siblings and their bratty ‘heroes.’ Besides, I’ll be acting as an interpreter for you, since the unlucky you doesn’t possess any, as you said it, ‘MC mojo?’”

Fate groaned in embarrassment and irritation at having his thoughts read, before suddenly feeling something pinch his cheeks, repeatedly stretching them, much to his chagrin.

Witch of Fate: “That said, if you really want to leave poor me alone...there’s a way to do it…”

The Witch’s change in demeanor and the thought of being free from his thoughts being perused like a file cabinet made a small twinge of excitement course through Fate’s body…

Witch of Fate: “However, as I’m sure you should have affirmed by your interactions with me, though I am generally magnanimous, I am also a believer in allowing others to better themselves through introspection, hence the idea of this ‘game of sorts.~”

The joy that Fate had embraced for a mere instant had now slipped away, under the looming shadow of the woman he had grown to hate.

Fate: “Seriously, is this all just a game to…!?”

Suddenly, Fate began clutching his head and gritting his teeth, while his body began to quiver…

Witch of Fate: “Well, of course, it’s a game, isn’t that what I took the time to so generously inform you of? Hmph, ungrateful little…”

Despite the annoyed inflection in her voice, a sinister smile began to bloom, with her eyes smiling in sync at the struggling mortal below her…

Once again, a symphony of screams resounded throughout his mind, shattering his stability, and reducing him to snivelling shell that spasmed in the midst of the ruined seats....

『H...SY...LHK...F!!! F..V...B…H...SY...LHK...F!!!』

Meanwhile, in the vast, lightless expanse on the stage, three orbs floated above an enormous, radiant circle of red light that was inscribed with an odd text…

These three were trembling as they watched their creator smile at his thoughts of recovery, eyeing them as if they were food. Though they were incredibly young, each of them had a great deal of understanding about certain aspects of existence, but none held the exact same comprehension as the others had.

However, in this instance, they all understood exactly what would happen should they succeed or disobey...they would all perish as they had seen happen to their brother…

Red: “Damn! I wished to serve our father and to act as a noble envoy of his divine will, and yet he would discard me as mere traitorous filth?!”

Yellow: “Under the circumstances...I regret to say that we do not have much of a choice in the matter…”

Both ‘gods’ spoke in downtrodden tones, while the blue ‘god’ refused to speak at all, seemingly wallowing in its own despair.

Suddenly, a change began to occur in the ring, with all the letters and symbols igniting in harmony, while a chorus’ song seemed to fill the void around them! The strange language began to vanish, forming a stream of red, yellow, and blue mists that dove towards the colossal being below the three frightened beings.

A demented grin formed on the giant’s face as the swarms of mist began to engulf the injured and missing sections of his body, watching with glee as the red mist filled the torn hole in his chest, dragging torn bone shards and flesh together, before beginning to spread again.

Giant: “Yes….!!! Ahahahahahahahaha!!!”

At the same time, the bright light that the red being had once held, slowly began to dim…

After the red mist had dragged in all remaining portions of the giant’s scattering pieces, the yellow mist began to wrap itself around the red mist compressing, shifting, and settling the lost body parts into their correct places, however, there were still wounds for which there was no organic material to repair them.

Soon, though, the yellow mist seemed to answer this question, quickly filling the gaps that covered the giant’s body with a strange, radiant yellow light…

Giant: “Yes, hurry!!! I wish to be complete again, to return and crush the hopes of those miserable ingrates who cast me aside!!! I will be whole!!!”

Then, the light of the yellow ‘god’ began to turn dim...

Finally, the blue mist began to fully descend, as the grin across the giant’s now somewhat reconstructed face could stretch from ear to ear, while its eyes seemed to form crescents. The only being to remain trembling and fearful was the blue ‘god,’ who hadn’t spoken a single word to their siblings since the God of Life had seemingly been eliminated…

It could only despair as their life force began to slowly drain into the blue mist as it plunged further, nearing within mere inches of the giant’s skin!

However, right at that moment an eruption of green energy flooded the ring above the giant’s head, shocking the massive figure as the circle was slowly corrupted!

A mixture of hope and confusion flooded the small blue orb’s mind as the symbols that had inhabited it previously now began to return, as the red, yellow, and blue mists retreated from the giant’s wounds, leaving the unbound flesh and blood to exit them, once more…

Anger, despair, and fright were all apparent in the giant’s now returned, halved expression. It scanned the entire area around it with its remaining eye, and managed to spot a strange light that hadn’t been visible before, moving at high speed towards his location!

The giant and the now restored ‘gods’ stared in disbelief at the figure that now appeared before them. It looked vaguely humanoid, possessing dark purple, almost blackish skin with a series of green, vein-like strands climbing its body. It did not seem to possess any other qualities, except for a pair of strange eyes, one purple and one green.

As the eyes focused on the beings below them, it cockily crossed its arms while darkened cracks began to jut from the strange purple eye, forming a crooked smile on the creature’s face…

???: “Hello, father. DId-d y-YoU miss Us-s?!~”