Vol. 2 Chapter 58: The Entire Time
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"Hey, is that still you, Meowth?" Jessie asked, and the Meowth nodded, looking at his body.

"Oh, it is still me. There ain't no brain washing in this ball. I could still be mad at him if I wanted, but if you see what was on the other side of this ball here, you wouldn't be mad either! It's a paradise in there! I was only there for a minute, but so many people came to greet me, humans and Pokémon!" Meowth said, but then pointed at James. "There is even another guy in there! I don't know what I just became a part of, but so far, I am digging it."

James frowned. "But you said that you were there for a minute, but you were gone for less than ten seconds!"

I put my hand up. "Time can be dilated in Prisma. I assume that everyone just wanted to say hi. Everyone is pretty friendly, but some people have their moments."

"So, this world of yours is quite amazing? Can you tell me anything about it?" Jessie asked me, and then put a hand to her head. "I am still in quite a bit of pain after getting caught in your Pokémon's attack, you know?"

I resisted an urge to roll my eyes. It was clear to me right off the bat that this woman was as fake as they come. Still, these two had been doing this for a long time, so this might be normal for them. I had been patient with Lusamine, but I wasn't sure if I was ready, or even wanted a round two.

"You know what? Sure, but I need to go meet with someone right away. Why don't we switch contact information? You can come visit with me later, and Meowth here can tell you all about Prisma. Sounds good?" I asked, and the two nodded right away with winning smiles.

Once we parted ways, Meowth and I walked towards the Central Plaza to exit the Savannah Biome. At first we walked in silence, but it was Meowth that spoke up first.

"So, Human. You got quite the gig going on here. A lot of people would like to get a hold of something like this, right?" He asked, and I nodded as we continued on.

"Yeah, people like Team Rocket, right?" I asked, and the Meowth froze, then turned to look up at me.

"You knew?"

"The entire time."

Meowth let out a laugh, and then shook his head and kept walking. "Figures. Anyone that can create multiple separate universes must be something serious. We never really stood a chance, did we?"

"Nope, no hope. Even if I wouldn't have knocked them out and you out, I still would have instantly known everything that your horrible organization has done," I said without malice, and the Meowth nodded without looking my way.

"You can say that again, but hey, I am just as bad as them. The world doesn't like guys like us. No matter what we do, we always fail. It's like our thing," Meowth explained, and I nodded to this in return.

"I know, and that is the only reason I am giving you and your friends a chance," I replied, and the Meowth scoffed.

"Do what you want with those two. I was always just a punching bag for them anyways. The way I see it, this is a new life cause this is clearly a new me, but... am I always going to look like a human kid?" Meowth asked, glancing over at me as we reached the exit.

"Not if you evolve. After that, you should be almost the same height as me. Your body will probably fill out a lot more as well. I can't make any promises, but I sure with a solid Prisma workout, you will be looking a lot better," I explained, and Meowth nodded, but then stopped and turned to me.

Meowth bowed, and then smiled at me. "You know, the boss told me to get caught by you to see if the people would become your slave, or if you could be just like a jail that partially brain washed them. I don't think he was expecting it to have almost no effect at all."

I smiled, but it wasn't really a nice one. "If needed, I can just lock you in a ball, but because your ball is white, I don't have to worry. Also, you can't betray me, or tell anyone about anything I don't want you to. This thing I have is very dangerous, and the last thing that I want is for any bad people to get ahold of it. Consider yourself lucky that you are so bad at your job, and that you aren't actually bad people, just extremely misguided."

"You have no idea. It's the boss that's the problem. The other grunts are all pretty chill, but they are scared of him, so they go along with whatever he wants. I can't say anything about him, but I can say that it is a pleasure to meet a trainer with morals. Not a lot of those anymore," Meowth replied.

"That is why I have to change everything. The people with the most power are always the ones that need it the least, and the people with the least power are the ones that need it the most, but that is not important for now. Head back to Prisma, and ask Cryo to show you to your new home," I said, and snapped my fingers without waiting, returning Meowth to Prisma.

I had been reserved about using the system like this, but it was clear that things were about to get ugly really fast. The boss Meowth was talking about was Giovanni, and he was known for doing many horrible things to Pokémon and humans.

'Cryo, what should I do with those two?' I asked, and Cryo took a moment to respond.

[Get to the director first, and I will work on the next step of the plan for you. You are going to have to warn him about Team Rocket, and the possibility of other organizations, good and bad descending on Blueberry Academy. Thankfully, this is a remote place, and not one that is easy to get access to. I am sure that Cyrano will suspend any more new people from coming in, but it will be good to work with him and Geeta on the matter.]