'Okay, I will be quick,' I sent mentally, and then looked around to figure out which path led to the director.
It didn't take me long to find a sign that pointed to the Director's office. It wasn't a long walk, but the building was quite big. It was almost the size of the academy back on the main island. The only problem I had with it was less about the place and more about the awkward stares that everyone was giving me.
[There is a good chance that the two that you just battled went and told everyone about your ability to catch people. As you are aware, there will be many people that don't agree with your abilities, and one of them is headed your way.]
I had let my gaze wander, not really paying attention to my surroundings, but when I focused ahead of me, I stopped. About twenty feet away from me, Kieran, the loud mouth from before was standing and glaring at me. Nothing about this seemed good, but I really wasn't in the mood to start a fight, and I had things that I needed to do. So, rather than start an argument, I ignored him, and focused on the wall and the pictures of Pokémon on it.
"Do you think that I am just going to let you walk by me?!" Kieran demanded, grabbing my arm, and I grinned.
In the next instant, Kieran was crying out from his position on the ground while I put pressure on his twisted arm. I normally would feel bad about my auto protection system, but I really didn't like this guy.
"Sorry, I have things to do," I said, and then let go, and started walking away.
"How dare you hurt me! That is it. I challenge you to a match!" Kieran called, and I froze, turning to him with a frown.
"And why should I accept that challenge?"
"Because if you don't, then everyone will know that you're a coward, and then they will know the truth about what happened between you and the gym leaders. You captured them, you freak! No wonder Tallia never came back," Kieran said, and I narrowed my eyes.
I walked back over to Kieran, making him step all the way into the walk until my face was just before his. I really didn't know why, but this guy really bothered me down to my core.
"Listen here, you inverted purple dust mop. I don't know if it is because you are the champion, or maybe you think you're special because you have some strong Pokémon. Whatever the reason is, I am not interested in battling with an overgrown child that thinks he can bully people just because he had other people to fight his battle," I said, then shoved my finger in his face. "You want to fight? Put up your fists and I can show you how the rest of the world that doesn't train Pokémon settles things."
"I wouldn't even give him that satisfaction. The boy doesn't understand the basics of fighting. If he is going to go around and make accusations, he needs to have a real plan, and not just use his Pokémon to solve all of his problems," Cyrano said, and Kieran jumped.
"Director! How long have you been standing there?!"
Cyrano ignored him, and focused on me. "Please, come to my office. There are things that we need to talk about. I will talk to you later, Kieran."
"Y-yes, Director," Kieran said, and then walked away with a frown, looking at me the entire time.
"You sure know how to make an entrance," Cyrano said with a light laugh.
"What can I say? People have a habit of being themselves when I am around," I said, and Cyrano laughed a little louder.
"True, but that doesn't make it any less interesting," Cyrano said, and we entered the office. "So, I will assume that you were making your way to find me?"
I nodded at this and took the seat in front of his desk. "Yeah, I ran into some Team Rocket members that are sneaking around."
Cyrano sighed. "Yes, and I see that the two mentors that were supposed to be helping you have joined your... team?"
I winced at this, but then sighed and nodded. "That is a long story, but yes, both Grusha and Iono were caught by me, if you can call it that. Iono pushed the button on the poke ball the moment that I showed her, and Grusha pretty much guilt tripped me into catching her right after... Who is taking care of their gyms now?"
Cyrano frowned, and then sighed, pulling a file from a cabinet. "Geeta has already replaced them with new faces. Many people aren't happy with the sudden change, but that is the least of our worries currently. For now, no more students will be allowed to enter Blueberry Academy. Normally, this wouldn't be good for us, but I think that we will make up for it after this all blows over. Though, while I can stop new students from joining temporarily, the non-students are not going to be as easy."
I frowned at this, not sure what Cyrano was saying. "Non-students? What does that mean?"
"We, since you just did that live stream, almost everyone in the world knows about you, and your ability to catch actual humans. Because of this, we have been flooded with nonstop requests to come visit Blueberry Academy. Many scientists and researchers are curious about your abilities, but there are also Pokémon Rights Activists that are up in arms about this. I wish that they were the problem, but the Pokémon League and the police want to have a meeting with you, separately, of course," Cyrano explained, and I sighed, but I had seen most of this coming.
"Sorry to thrust this all on you," I said, but Cyrano shook his head with a smile.
"While this is all unexpected, we knew that things were going to change eventually. Anyways, I can't say too much, but please prepare yourself. You aren't the only one that will have to face consequences."
I frowned, not sure what Cyrano was trying to say. Before I could question him though, Cyrano's door slammed open, and a muscular woman wearing a blue button up shirt, matching shorts, and a blue officer hat was standing there. Her eyes were hard, and there was a large frown on her face.
Thanks for the chapter!