Vol. 2 Chapter 60: Jennifer
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"I am Agent Jennifer, and Landon, you're under arrest."

"For what?" I asked, but the officer didn't answer, and instead threw a strange looking blue ball at me.

Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed it, but the ball exploded, covering my hands in foam, and locking them together.

"You're under arrest for the kidnapping of Iono and Grusha. You can stay silent, but anything you say can and will be used against you," Officer Jenny said, and I glared at her.

[Don't make a fuss. This person doesn't mean you any harm, and you have done nothing wrong.]

Whether I did anything wrong or not, this Jenny wasn't even trying to hear my side of the story. No part of me liked this, but Cryo said that I would be alright. Still, it felt weird that Cyrano didn't seem to be reacting, so I turned to look at him, and the man put up his hands.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Landon. After your stream, I received a call from numerous Officer Jenny's, and they all wanted to bring you in for questioning. I argued against this, so they decided to send International Police Agent Jennifer here to take you in to answer some questions," Cyrano explained, and I sighed and turned back to ripped blue haired beauty.

"Is this really necessary? I am not going to resist," I said, but the woman just glared at me.

"You have the ability to capture people, so I am not taking any chances. Come, we are heading out," Jennifer said, and left the room without giving me a chance.

I didn't bother to look back at Cyrano. I felt betrayed, even if he had no choice, it was just a feeling that I had. I was starting to wonder if isolating myself in this academy was the best option, considering that I didn't really have anywhere to run.

[This is the best place for you currently. The binds on your hands could easily be broken by you without much effort, and even with her physique, you would have no problem overpowering this woman. I have been restricting the girls from leaving Prisma for now, since having them come out would probably only make things worse. It seems that she plans on taking you to the Secret International Police Base. This is an underground base that is hidden in a mountain not far from here. There will be some very dangerous people there, and it is important that you make a good impression.]

'Do they just plan to question me and let me go? I don't like the direction this is heading,' I sent, and Cryo gave a soft hum.

[I have a theory, but it is not something that I can be sure of yet. Regardless, just go with the flow, and try not to let them intimidate you.]

I let out a sigh as I followed the agent, and she looked back to give me a glare as we reached the door to reach the outside platform area.

"Stay quiet, and don't draw any attention," Jennifer said, and I rolled my eyes.

"Why? Are you worried that people will start to point and shout at me because I am some sort of freak?" I asked, and Jenny frowned.

"No, I'm worried about-" Jennifer started to say, but then stopped once the doors opened to the outside.

Two people in black tactical outfits stood with arms crossed. Both were male and they had the lower part of their faces covered. It only took a few seconds and Cryo pulled up the info. This was Team Plasma, a group known for kidnapping Pokémon and liberating Pokémon from people.

"Who the boy, Jenny?" the left grunt asked.

"It's none of your business, and it's Jennifer to you. Get out of my way, or do you want me to put both of you in jail?"

The two grunts laughed and I took a step forward. I had a feeling that they were about to pull something, and I was proven right when both of them took out poke balls and tossed them out.

"That boy is the one Ghetsis wants, so we aren't leaving without him! Go Liepard!" The first grunt shouted.

"Yeah! We are going to get a rank boost from this! Go, Trubbish!" The second grunt shouted.

While the first Pokémon was cute, I didn't know what I was even looking at with the second one. It looked like a bag of leaking garbage with eyes. If Popsicle was out here, I am sure she would call it something much worse, but I didn't have time to think about it.

Jennifer shook her head, and reached for one of the poke balls on her belt, but one of the grunts threw something at her. It was a bottle of something green, and it hit the ground in front of her, smashing open. The moment it did, a green gas exploded outward, completely engulfing the woman.

My focus dialed in, and I rushed forward, trying to push Jennifer out of the cloud, but I only tripped on her unconscious body, sending me rolling.

"Ha! Think we came unprepared? Liepard! pin him to the ground!" the first grunt shouted, and the sleek cat rushed at me.

I had been through enough that I had gotten used to this sort of thing, and the Liepard wasn't anything special. It lunged, and I spun on my back, kicking up with my foot, connecting with the Liepard's head.

"Hey, don't hurt Liepard like that!" The second grunt yelled, and he sent his Pokémon in.

I wasn't able to stand, but the moment the Trubbish got close, I twirled my legs around to gain some momentum and slammed the bottom of my foot into the top of the Pokémon's head, knocking it out cold.

'Alright, do I really have to keep on holding back on these guys? They clearly want me, and don't care how they get me, or who they hurt. right?' I asked Cryo, annoyed.

[Try not to kill them. While you might be able to do so, it will make it very hard to convince people that you are a good person.]

I nodded to this, and stood up as the Trubbish was recalled and the Liepard backed away from me. My body started to grow, and my bindings snapped as white wings grew from my back. The entire time, the grunts and their Pokémon watched me in shock and horror. When my body had fully grown and my Penultimate Primordial System was fully active I stood over fourteen feet tall with a pure white body and Lugia wings.

I walked over and picked the Liepard up by the scruff of the neck as it tried to lay down with lowered ears. I picked the Pokémon up and brought it up to my face, then looked at the two grunts. "Why did you come here to get me? What did you want with me? Or is it that you wanted my Pokémon?"

"We-we were just doing what Ghetsis told us to do. Please, we will never do anything like this again, I swear," the second grunt said, and I narrowed my eyes.

"And who is this Ghetsis? How does he know about me?" I asked, but the grunt's eyes widened, and they both rushed towards the edge of the platform, and jumped off.

I looked over at the Pokémon in my grip, and it looked back at me with a worried look. "Well, this is awkward."

In the next instant, the old and gravelly voice filled my head. 'I will teach you how to liberate her.'

[Sequence 5: Harmony Breaker Activated!]