Vol. 2 Chapter 63: A World Changing
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After leaving the interrogation room, Looker showed us the way to a larger, but still not large enough room. I didn't really care since we were going to be showing them something crazy. Once everyone was inside, I turned and looked at the agents.

"Alright. This is how this is going to work. You are going to have a lot of questions, but most of them are going to go unanswered because I don't understand how most of this works. Instead, I will show you what I can," I said and then signaled Cryo to let the girls out.

Suddenly, both Looker and Anabel stepped back as lights started to pour out of my body until seven women stood around me.
"What is the meaning of this!" Anabel asked, and I just chuckled.

"Calm down. This is not what it seems. Well, it is, but they are my friends. All of them joined me by choice, save one, but I have a good reason for what I did," I explained and Joy and Jolene stepped forward.

"I don't think you need me to tell you, but I am Nurse Joy, and I wanted to be caught by him," Joy said, and Jolene nodded.

"I asked to be caught as well, even if it didn't happen like I wanted it to, both myself and my daughter decided on our own that we wanted to join Landon."

Looker had his arms crossed, seeming to be in deep thought, while Anabel looked almost too stunned to speak. Taking this as their cue, Grusha and Iono walked up to join the two women.

"We are both gym leaders or were, but we forced Landon to catch us both," Iono said proudly, and this finally made Anabel snap out of her shocked state.

Grusha shook her head. "No, he didn't force himself upon us. In fact, I think that it would be safe to say that it was the other way around."

"Wait, what? Why would you force yourself upon him?"

"Yes. It was me who asked him to join the battle, and then Grusha joined us using the tactic I thought up for her," Iono explained.

"You two attacked a trainer and made him catch you?" Anabel asked, and I just shook my head.

Iono frowned and crossed her arms. "I didn't attack him. He showed me his ball and I touched it. I mean, I knew what was going to happen, but I have no regrets! In fact, my life has only gotten better since joining him a few days ago. You have no idea how boring it is just waiting for someone to come fight with you all the time. Plus, my channel is doing even better now on Poke-Pitch and PokeTube!"

Grusha nodded, and then her body was covered over in ice, making both Anabel and Looker step back in shock. "Sorry, I don't want to scare you," Grusha said, and then the ice shattered to reveal her body suit underneath. "But Landon gave me the ability to not only snowboard but do it as much as I want! I also have these strange and wonderful abilities that allow me to fight like a Pokémon... Tell me, if you had the chance, wouldn't you be interested?"

Both Anabel and Looker looked at Grusha as the ice shattered off her and then at each other. It was clear they didn't really know what to make of the situation.

"How does this even work?" Anabel asked, and Cryo appeared to my surprise.

"Well, there is no real simple explanation. I was given my current powers by another Pokémon. They are not native to this timeline and have the ability to travel through dimensions and timelines. This is why Landon is here. I asked him to help me find Ultramex, a Pokémon from the distant future," Cryo explained in his white and blue glass-like wings slowly floating around his snake-like body.

Anabel and Looker just stared at the women, and then at me. "Is that what you are doing?"

"Yes. Well, no. It's not like I am just going and catching them for fun. I have a world that was created by my system called Prisma. Each of the girls has their own world they can move between, and we have a city we are working on. The purpose of all of it? I don't really know besides the fact that I am going to need a lot of help to complete my goal. You really have no idea just how strong the other system holders are. Only thanks to luck was I able to stop Garon without anyone getting hurt, The next group that comes will have 5 members. Even if I get stronger, there is very little chance of me winning alone," I explained, and the girls all nodded.

"You don't really believe this, do you?" Anabel asked, and the girls all glared.

"He has done things no one could, and he can help you. Why wouldn't you listen to him?" Jolene asked.

Looker rubbed his chin. "It's not like I don't believe you, but it is hard for me to wrap my head around this."

Suddenly, three more lights appeared from my body, forming into the members of the Ultra Space Recon Squad. Soliera stood in the front wearing the outfit she and the other two had been wearing when I first met them.

"Agent Looker, it is good to see you still well," Soliera said, and for the first time, Looker's eyes opened in surprise.

"Soliera? Dulse? Zossie? What are you three doing with this man?!" Looker asked in surprise.

Anabel seemed even more surprised as Soleira walked over and hugged her. "It had been a while, Ana."

"Ana?" I asked, and the woman shrugged.

"We were close friends. Soliera and her team were also helping us, but I didn't hear from them after that. Now, can someone please explain what is going on? I'm a bit lost."

"Landon is not a bad person and you can trust him. Even Captain Phyco approved this. We have been searching for the people Landon calls System Holders. We have a different name for them, Endbringers. They are a group that has not only taken many lives but has consumed entire timelines. Landon is the only person that has not only been able to stop them, but captured one of them as well," Soleira said, but then took Anabel's hands in her own. "This world is like nothing that you have ever seen, Ana! I really wish that I could show you firsthand!"

"I have seen a few things in my day. You are asking us to trust him, but he is the one who came here and then forced you three into submission," Anabel replied, and Soliera smiled.

"I am not under any kind of duress. In fact, we have an agreement. While Phyco is not completely on board with this idea, I have agreed to be his partner and help him grow. Dulse and Zossie are also with him," Soliera said, and Anabel's eyes narrowed.

"I am sorry, what? How is this supposed to make sense? First, you are trying to say that Landon is some kind of hero, and now you are saying that you are sleeping with him?"

I sighed. "We haven't slept together. It's not like that. They are my companions, not lovers, I mean, some of them are. It's complicated. Besides, what we do in Prisma is really none of anyone's business. I don't force the women to do anything they don't want to do.

Dulse, who was standing behind the two women, cleared his throat. "While your mistrust in him is reasonable, Landon is a good person. I have seen the interactions he has with not only his Pokémon but all the women who care for him very much.

Anabel looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "This person seems to be more concerned about catching females for himself. Doesn't this bother you? Don't you wish that you could have all the partners that he does?"

Dulse burst out laughing, and I nodded at this reaction, but Looker and Anabel seemed confused. Dulse looked over at me as he calmed down, and I chuckled as he turned back to the other two. "No person actually wants what he has. I haven't seen the man stop moving since I met him. All he does is try to get stronger and spend time with these women and his Pokémon. Any person who wishes to have his life is either crazy or doesn't understand just how difficult his journey is. You would have to ask him if he would wish for someone else's life because his is very complicated. I mean, just think about all the pressure that would come with what he is doing. There is no way that anyone could actually understand just how heavy the burden on his shoulders is. Not only does he have the power to destroy this world, but he also has the responsibility of not only saving the Pokémon and people he cares about, but everyone that lives on the planet."

"While Landon might have good intentions," Looker said, and everyone in the room turned to face him. "Look at it this way. If the government had the ability to create someone who could not only defeat the League but was capable of stopping a threat the world couldn't, and all that person cared about was catching females, how long would it take for the public and government to turn against them?"

Anabel looked over at me, and seemed to be thinking, and then nodded. "Now that the world knows about you, there are going to be many people that think you are too dangerous to be let free. While you do have the power to stop us from stopping you, how will you be fair if the entire world turns against you? You need our help to make you seem as good as all these people seem to think you are."

I nodded at this, but then the white light in the room went red, and the alarm klaxons started going off. I looked at Anabel, but she was already tapping on her phone.

"What is going on?" I asked, and Anabel looked at Soliera and then me.

"An Ultra Space Wormhole just opened up in the prison area of our facility, and 15 prisoners have already escaped due to some anomaly caused by the wormhole."