Vol. 2 Chapter 64: Types of People
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"Do we know where the hole is leading to?" I asked, hoping that it was one of the Ultra Space locations that I had from Cryo, but it wasn't one that I expected.

"It appears to be heading into an unknown region. I'm not sure if we should let you go," Anabel replied, and then looked back at her phone. "It also appears that there is something else."

Anabel showed the screen, and it was showing a large, large reptile Pokémon inside of the prison. "The thing is a Tyrantrum, and it is supposed to be extinct, and the prisoners are trying to avoid it. Just taking that thing down is going to be a problem."

I sighed, and then looked at the others, then back at Anabel. "I will go fix this and bring back the criminal, and then I will get Iono to give you a private tour of Prisma via video feed. Sounds good?"

Anabel crossed her arms. "While I will accept your help this time, don't think that I trust you yet. Your abilities, and lecherous tendencies are highly questionable at best. You will need to do more than just help out one time if you think that we are going to be able to look past your little people collecting fetish."

That stung, but I had already let my temper get the best of me more than once in this conversation. I nodded, and then signaled to the girls. "I want everyone to stay in Prisma until I get back here. We have no idea where this hole leads yet, but if that thing in the picture is any indication, I will be going back in time to another timeline."

The girls all nodded and then turned into light, returning to my body. Anabel watched me the entire time, but Looker had already left the room.

"Come with me. I will show you the way down. The Tyrantrum should be caught by the time we get down there, but there is no guarantee. It is very strong, but we are more worried that it might let more prisoners out," Anabel explained as she motioned for me to follow her out of the room.

I frowned as we walked, asking, "Why are we so worried about prisoners escaping through the wormhole? I think it is pretty clear that it leads to somewhere in the very distant past, right? That is a prehistoric Pokémon."

Anabel shook her head, and I noticed her hand on her sidearm. "I am not completely sure what is going on, but I know that there are some criminals that have abilities. Most are not powerful enough to escape on their own, but it is a possibility that any number of them could do something that could have repercussions that we could never even imagine. This is the past we are talking about, and this also doesn't feel random. There is a good possibility that a powerful organization has something to do with it."

I frowned at this. "So you think that someone is trying to break these prisoners out?"

Anabel stopped and looked at me. "While I am not 100% certain, it is not something that we can ignore. There have been multiple reports of groups using time travel technology in the past. It is also possible that the Pokémon are from an unknown region. There have been many sightings and even capture of creatures that can not be identified by the Pokédex."

That put a spin on things that I hadn't expected. "I will be on the lookout then."

Anabel nodded, and we entered the elevator. The doors shut, and the lift slowly descended.

"Looker went ahead of us. We should catch up quickly. We can't have you running around by yourself, especially since we aren't sure of what you are capable of. You may have been able to stop this Garon person, but that doesn't mean you will be able to stop whoever is behind this."

The doors opened, and we headed down a long hallway with guards standing in the halls, and a lot of locked doors.

"Just what kind of people are you keeping down here?" I asked, and Anabel frowned.

"People that cannot be kept anywhere else. While the Alolan prisons are the safest places in the world, there are those that we have to keep locked up that have abilities. Some have powers similar to psychic and fairy type Pokémon, and others are just extremely dangerous. While the vast majority are locked up in their own cells, some are kept together. For instance, there is a room with a number of powerful and dangerous psychic types, and another with a number of ghost types."

I stopped in my tracks, looking over at Anabel who turned to me with a smile. "Did you really think you were the only person to ever exist with special abilities?"

"I kind of did, but I also never really thought about it," I said, but then Cyro's voice spoke up in my head.

[While I know a lot of things, there is a great deal of secret information that I don't have. One of the reasons I brought you here is to gain access to that information. I think with that information, I will be able to evolve, but you will have to prove yourself and gain their trust if you hope to get into their secret archive.]

"There are many things kept secret from the world, and for good reason. The less that the public knows, the better. Now come on, we are wasting time," Anabel replied, and turned, and I followed her down the hall.

We reached the end of the corridor, and it opened into a large, cavernous room with a single door across the way. On the wall were several monitors, and I saw a couple of agents in the room. One of them was Looker, who was standing near the door and the other was a man with medium, blonde hair wearing a uniform.

"I am glad you made it in time, Anabel. Landon, I'm going to need you to step outside," the other agent said, and Anabel shook her head.

"It’s fine, he is the one that stopped the disturbance on Paldea, and he is going to help us take care of this problem. Landon, this is Looker's partner, Koya."

Koya nodded at me, and Looker said, "Don't worry. You can trust him for now. He is the one that saved Jennifer, and gave us the antidote recipe to help wake her up."

Koya frowned at this, but Looker just shook his head.

"We are wasting time, and I will be the one leading the charge," Anabel said, and opened the door, motioning for me to follow her.