Vol. 2 Chapter 67: Can You Just Catch Them?
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After I was able to stand on my own, I let out a sigh. "Yeah, I am okay, but I am going to need a short break before heading into that wormhole. I am not sure why, but absorbing that Pokémon took way more out of me than the first one."

Nemona frowned. "Why didn't you just use a Paradise Ball?"

I shrugged. "The Pokémon pushed its head to my hand, and then I was on what I assume to be an island, riding on the Tyrantrum's back with a rope tied around its neck and my body."

I proceeded to explain the rest, and when I got to the end, both women looked stunned.

"Just what kind of Pokémon would breed with its own child?" Nemona asked, and Lusamine shrugged.

"Not all Pokémon are intelligent, and some might do it to protect their species. The real question is what kind of Pokémon has the ability to breed with both sexes?" Lusamine asked, and Nemona turned to her with a frown.

"How is that even possible? Are they some kind of hybrid Pokémon? Is this a new form of cross breeding that I have never heard of?" Nemona asked, and Lusamine shrugged.

"Honestly, this could be anything, but the fact that we have never seen anything like this before could mean that this is a unique Pokémon. In order to understand, we would need to catch it."

I thought about the giant, black Pokémon and shook my head. "You have no idea what this thing was like. I wasn't an ant compared to it. I was speck of sand. I thought it was a Tentacruel at first, but when it rose out of the water, it had a body like a Gyarados, just ten times as large. If I had to take a guess, it must be some kind of mythical or legendary Pokémon never recorded."

"This thing you are talking about," Anabel said as she came over to join us. "It is from the past right?"

I looked over at the purple haired woman and nodded. "As far as I know, on the other side of that wormhole is an island one hundred million years in the past. I am not sure, but let's just say I had a vision of what is to come, or at least I assume that is what it was. I can't see the Tyrantrum having memories of a place it had never been."

"I have no idea what's going on, but can we just go and get this over with?" Nemona asked, and all four of us turned to the massive wormhole. "If this is in the past, then this place is going to be dangerous, so I am going to stay out. I have been getting tired of just fighting with the girls all the time, and Grusha told me she gained a few levels from her fight with the Pyroar! I keep getting shafted from my fights, so I demand you let me stay by your side!"

Nemona crossed her arms and stared up at me with her bright blue eyes, and I just smiled, and patted her head.

"I think this will be good training for us all, but we also have to be careful. There are more than just Pokémon in the place we are going," I said, and then turned to Anabel. "You are coming with us right? How do you plan to lock these people up, and can I get some info? Like who are they, and what are their abilities? You said this was the psychic holding area, right?"

Anabel stared at me for a long moment. "Can you just catch them?"

Now it was my turn to stare back. This woman did not just ask me to catch these criminals after telling me I have a people collecting fetish! This only made things seem ten times worse, but now Anabel was instigating it just because it was convenient!

"It is not that easy. Once I catch someone, I can never let them go. There is no normal release function. Each person and Pokémon that joins me is in Prisma for life or has to get their entire memory wiped and sent to a random timeline."

Anabel's expression softened. "I know you don't mean to sound so... ominous, but it sounds bad. If we capture these people, will you wipe their memories and send them to a random time?"

"That or I keep them in Prisma and let the world slowly convert them over to my side. This is the actual ominous part of my world and abilities," I said, and then held out both hands. Garon and Joy's balls appeared in each hand, One being almost pitch black, and then other almost neon pink.

"The black one is Garon, the person that tried to destroy this world. The ball was so black before that it seemed to swallow light, but the darkness is slowly fading. The pink one is the first woman that I caught, who I love and loves me very much. I don't even know how much it will affect a person after they are converted, since Garon is the only one I have in a black ball. People and Pokémon that are just a part of Prisma, and hold no feelings of love or hate for me have white balls."

"So what happens if someone is in a pink ball, but wants to go free? Would you wipe their memories and let them go, or would they have to stay?" Anabel asked, and I frowned.

"If their ball is pink, then they wouldn't ask to leave, but, even if they did want to leave, their memories would still have to get wiped, and sent away. I didn't make Prisma, nor the rules, but I have to follow them," I said, but then a flash of light appeared from my body and it formed into Jolene, standing with a plate of steaming food.