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What happens after death?

I know this sounds a lot like one of those super philosophical speeches or something along those lines, but seriously though, what happens after you die?

Do you go to heaven, whatever that is? Hell? Or do you just cease to exist? Reincarnation, maybe? For that matter, what is truly considered ‘dead’? Is it when you receive a mortal wound? When your bodily functions cease working? Or when your brain shuts down?

Back then, I asked myself these questions every day.

I had cancer. By the time the doctors discovered it, I was way past the point of being able to receive treatment. I spent weeks with grieving family and friends. Over the course of the last week I was bedridden at the local hospital,  too weak to move or to do much of anything. The doctor told me that at best, I only had a few days left to live.

I tried to accept this as fate, but no matter how much I wanted to make myself believe this, a voice at the back of my head just wouldn’t stop complaining.

‘Why me?,’ It would scream. ‘Why am I the one to die? I haven’t even reached eighteen yet! Why is my luck this bad? Why!?’

But no answer came.

I could feel my end drawing ever closer. As time marched on and on in its endless journey forward, I felt the voice slowly being replaced by something else, something I couldn’t really put my finger on.


I only have a few minutes left. I can tell. The nurses and doctors are doing everything they could, but I knew it was already too late. The pain has finally stopped, and the voice was gone. I can almost feel Death looming over me, scythe in hand, ready to harvest my soul.

The seconds ticked by. I see family members gathering around my bed, a couple of them crying. Mom and Dad sat by my side holding my hand, eyes red from tears. Dad held Mom in his free arm as she sobbed, but then again I can’t really tell since everything’s so...muffled, distorted, distant.

I only have a minute left now.

Mom, Dad, you were the best parents a child can ask for. You know your daughter loves you very much, all the way till the end. Grandma, I’ve always loved the treats you’d bake for me whenever I came over, no matter if I was hungry or not. Uncle Joseph, Aunt Ellie, please take good care of little Timmy after I’m gone and can’t babysit him anymore. I’ll say hi to Gramps for you all, too.

…Now, with only seconds left on my clock, I finally realize what replaced that screaming voice now. It was curiosity. I feel the tips of my lips creep up as I close my eyes. I guess humans, even at the very end, are curious beings.


I feel the warmth seeping out of my body followed by a distant ‘beep’ sound. Darkness engulfs my consciousness as everything fades…out…



I feel…something.

I feel like I’m floating in some sort of warm, viscous liquid. Darkness surrounds me in all sides as my consciousness flickers on and off sporadically.

Hello darkness my old friend.

I don’t know how much time has passed. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months,’s all a jumble for me. Just me floating around in this liquid.

I can sense it.

It’s time.

Time for what? I have no idea. My body moves by itself as my mind sits back and watch.

Suddenly, I feel a cool draft hit my face, startling me. I slowly open my eyes only to stare into utter darkness.

I’m confused. Where am I? Am I dead? I should be dead, at least I think I should be. Maybe this is some futuristic machine built by the military to cure cancer, and I’m currently getting treated. No, our government wouldn’t do that. Besides, my family can’t afford sending me off to a machine like that. So where the hell am I?


I flinch. What was that noise?


There it is again! I try to turn my face around to face the noise, but something is blocking the way. I claw at it and feel it give to my hands. I put a hand down to steady myself, and hear a couple of cracking noises. What’s going on?


After the third noise, I finally realize something.

The noise is coming out of my own mouth.


Yep. I’m now 100% sure I’m the one making the noise. I slowly crawl out of whatever container I was in and stood there shivering on all fours. Now, what the nine hells is going on?

Lesser Gyarian Lizard has been born. You are now level 1. You have received 5 skill points.


I flinch. The pop-up scared the ever-living shit out of me. Imagine: one moment you’re in complete and utter darkness, and the next a bright message box appears before your eyes (well, before your mind’s eye) out of nowhere.

A few seconds pass. I finally finished gathering myself, and I take a good look at the message.


Wh-What is this!? Am I in some kind of game or simulation?

No, impossible. I was dying just a moment ago, this can’t be real! Or is it?

But it is real. I’m real too. I’m sure of it! From the knowledge I’ve gained from wasting way too much time reading reincarnation litRPGs and isekais, I can confidently say I’m in one of those isekai worlds where the main character dies on Earth and gets transported to some other world with magic ‘n shit and a gamelike system, yadda yadda.

I guess those monks were right after all. After death really does come reincarnation.