Chapter 300: Rites Giver
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Unfortunately the novel was not released this month as I was expecting on Amazon. It has been moved back tentatively to January 30th. Unexpected, but it is what it is. Cheers.


“Uhhh….” Drake groaned, his eyes creaking open while trying to rub his sore neck but unable, “What the hell hit me…”


He tried to move his hands again but quickly realized his hands were tied behind him.


“Finally awake?”


Drake’s vision focused and he saw the same man from before, shoulder length green hair, long elven-like ears, and blood red eyes looking back at him coldly.


Looking around for his younger self and Mir’phyra. Drake found slight relief when he found them at his side. Mir’phyra not so much, but seeing his younger self fine helped his slight confusion.


Drake put some strength against his binds, finding that whatever it was holding him down had no give.


“Don’t bother,” Tan said looking down at Drake, “Those are C-Rank Red Dwarf cuffs. Even if you were a full fledged Primordial you wouldn’t be getting out of them.”


I’m still alive… So he must want something from me. Drake thought, relaxing slightly. And doesn’t feel like they did anything other than knock me out. So is he going to torture me?


“Sorry, first time being kidnapped. Feeling a bit nervous,” Drake smiled.


Tan was not amused and went to a table across the room.


“Do you know where you are?” he asked.


Drake looked to his younger self who shook his head. Mir’phyra only smiled. It looked like Drake was not going to get anything out of her.


“Some backwater camp by the smell of it,” Drake answered.


“What planet are you from? I can tell that you aren’t lying… That you don’t know where you are, but I have not seen you.”


“Why don’t you tell me why you haven’t just killed me? Your men seemed happy enough to do it for some money.”


“Oh yes, please kill him,” Mir’phyra laughed.


Tan didn’t reply to Mir’phyra. Confirming he couldn’t see or hear her or Drake’s younger self. Instead attempting to gauge Drake once more.


“I don’t kill useful tools unless I’m told to. And I have a feeling you will be worth more than a few E-Grade coins with that hair,” Tan explained.


“What about my hair?”


“It’s gold.”


“And you have green hair, what’s your point?”


Tan paused, pouring himself a drink, sipped then pointed to his eyes, “You wanted to say my eyes are red. Because I’m half Asuran, just like you.”


Drake had to fight against raising his eyebrow in curiosity.


“I’m not part Asuran,” he replied.


I’m a full blooded Asuran… He thought.


“There’s no need to lie here at the Farm,” Tan scoffed, showing the first bit of emotion Drake had seen from the man since meeting him, “Everyone here is a bastard. Just not everyone has potent enough blood to show it off. I suspect we are distant relatives, one way or another. So I decided to give you a break.”


Drake titled his head, “So this is the Night’s Watch?”


Tan furrowed his brows.


“Nevermind. So what do you want in return for letting me live?” Drake asked.


“The same thing I ask from all the bastards here. Train. Train until we are forced to go wherever the Old Gods tell us to go. And then die for whatever pointless or deluded idea they ask.”


Drake turned to his younger self, remembering the lecture from the classroom. The ‘Old Gods’ was referring to the Primordials in charge before Han Kol set them free.


Just where am I? And… how far back? Drake asked in his head.


“What if I just run again?” Drake asked, looking at his stats, convinced he could.


[Temporary Mana Vessel]


[Unnamed Asuran Soldier]


[Race: Asuran] [E-Rank]


[Profession: None]


[Weakened Magic Tempered Asuran Initiate] [Unique] Level 31


[Vitality] 404 (+20%)

[Strength] 667 (+20%)

[Dexterity] 498 (+20%)

[Intelligence] 719 (+20%)

[Wisdom] 595 (+20%)

[Endurance] 251 (+20%)

[Free Points] 1,218




Dual Class, End is Nye, Tooth for a Tooth


His stats were well beyond his original at this point. The gains from his leveling as well as his base stats boosted as an Asuran from the start this time ballooned well past his stats back on Earth. He also noted the massive number of left over free points he still had to distribute.


“We would find you,” Tan said casually, “There is no way off the Farm without using a teleport crystal. And all crystals are regulated. As well as guarded by B-Rank Primordials who,” he smiled, “Let’s say, don’t like or respect us very much.”


“Why are you telling me this?”


“Everybody we have is important. We do not know when we will be shipped off or how difficult the assignments will be. So killing you, someone with the blood of one of the best fighting races in the universe is moronic at best.”


Drake gave a dubious look, “So you want me to what, be your little pet?”


“No,” Tan sighed, walking over and unlocking Drake’s cuffs, “I want you to be another brother in arms.”


“Brother in arms,” Mir’phyra scoffed, “These cattle are nothing more than rats at the bottom of a sewage drain. Scurrying around huddled together for whatever scraps they can get. He will stab you in the back the moment you find something useful. I’ve seen it first hand.”


He’s already let me live when he could have gotten something. He doesn’t seem the type… Drake thought.


“How can I believe you?” he asked, sparing a glance to Mir’phyra.


Tan didn’t answer, instead moving to the room’s door. Pushing it open and signaling for Drake to follow.


Drake followed along, hoping he would get more answers and more importantly move the quest along to leave this place.


Blinded slightly by the sunlight, he shielded his eyes for a moment, then focused on the surroundings coming into focus.


The sound of hearty laughter, screaming, clashing of weapons, striking of hammers on metal, thunderous booms and explosions in the distance filled his ears.


Drake took a moment, looking back at the building they had just come from confused.


“There is no way I didn't hear all of this inside.”


“The building is protected by a C-Rank sound barrier,” Tan explained.


“You have some nice toys,” Drake said, impressed.


“I would rather not use it but everyone has a secret or two.”


“Or three…” Drake muttered.


They both began moving down a dirt street, everyone nodding and some even bowing to Tan as they went, offering greetings and salutes.


“You're the big fish here, huh?” Drake thought.


“I’ll take your word for it. I’m just one of the longer lasting squad leaders here.”


“What do you mean?”


Walking Tan continued to explain, “I told you we didn’t know what we would be sent off to do. And that is the truth. We are sent in blind to whatever planet, battlefield, or whatever else the Old Gods desire. Most of it is just throwing bodies at a problem. And that problem is always something we aren’t prepared to handle. Larger numbers, stronger forces, better equipped fighters, diseased planets. There was even a planet where the local fauna could control the minds of people,” he sighed, “However that one was an exception, it wasn't the fauna that was the problem.”


“It wasn’t?” Drake asked casually, pretending to sound only slightly interested.


“No, the problem was us.”




“The madness within all of us,” his younger self said behind him.


“You’re partially Asuran. You must have been told, or felt it?” Tan asked.


“The…” Drake looked at his younger self and parroted, “The madness?”


“That's one word for it. The Asuran race… We are strong. Undeniably so. We adapt to fighting like breathing. In all of us is the blood of warriors. We learn beyond what is explainable by skills and stats quantified by the system. And for that it hates us. Even our ancestors seemed to hate us.”


Drake racked his memory for a moment, remembering the lecture from the school.


“The first king’s agreement?” he ventured.


Drake saw Tan’s face turn dark for a split second, the ground beneath him cracking underfoot and the air vibrating for a moment. Then in the blink of an eye he was back to normal.


“Yes. But it was more like a death sentence. He condemned himself and every Asuran after him to a life in chains and servitude. Never allowed to reach their full potential and have true freedom.”


Tan shook his head, “Never say that outside of this conversation.”


Drake gave him a questioning look.


“If one of our handlers heard you say what I just did. They would have you killed on the spot. And they would make me do it,” Tan began walking again, “This area is for the oldest standing members of the farm. We aren’t given much but having buildings to sleep in instead of tents, is better than nothing. Up ahead are the workshops, you didn’t have a weapon on you so let’s get you something. And here.”


Tan tossed a small glass stone to Drake.


[Skill Stone: Iron Hide] [Rare]


  • Unlocks a random skill from the Iron Hide Tree.
  • Requirement: Open Skill Slot.



Drake smirked, holding it up to the sunlight so Mir’phyra could see.


“Surprised you didn’t keep this for yourself.”


Tan held up a small stone over his shoulder, “Oh I kept the core, think of it as a… save your ass fee. And we’re going to have to use something to pay the dwarves. Little drunkards will bleed you dry if they can.”


Drake remained a few steps behind Tan, rolling the skill stone in his hands as he began going over his status, inventory and skills.


First his inventory contained the set rewards from the previous quest chain.


[Traditional Asuran Garb]


  • Clean shirt and pants made from soft woven thread of the Sparrow Moth.



[Asuran Recruit’s Ringlet [Uncommon] [F-Grade] [⅙]


  • Basic equipment given to fresh Asuran soldiers for minimal protection.
  • 20 Physical Damage Reduction
  • 54 Magic Damage Reduction
  • +1% to Critical Damage and Critical Hit Chance.
  • +2% to Defense Efficiency
  • Set Effects: Increases in-combat regeneration by 10%, increases defense efficiency by 10%, increases abnormal status resistance by 10%
  • Requires four pieces of set to activate set effects.


Drake went over the other pieces of the set one by one, each one giving very minimal bonuses to his stats. So much so they might as well have not been there.


However beggars could not be choosers and something was better than nothing.


The last piece he looked at was the weapon it provided.


[Asuran Recruit’s Ki Blade] [Uncommon] [F-Grade]


  • A blade specially made to channel inner Ki
  • 372 to 390 Physical Damage
  • 104 to 115 Magic Damage
  • 306 to 388 Ki Damage
  • +5% to Ki Based Damage
  • +2% to in-combat regeneration



He willed the equipment to the slots on the model in his inventory. Comfortable but also fitted well. Drake looked at himself for the first time, seeing the tan cloth on his person, a two piece robe with a sash to tie around his waist. A golden lock of hair falling in front of his hair giving him pause.


“Oh, I really do have golden hair… so this is why they called me goldilocks. I thought they were just being insulting.”


“So you did have something hidden away,” Tan said, spotting the change of clothes, “I haven’t seen anyone wear traditional robes in years. Where did you get them?”


“The same place I got this sword. Out of my inventory.”


“I didn’t mean to pry, it just isn’t every day you see these old relics,” he said pointedly, “Are you a noble?”


“This man is sharper than I gave him credit,” Mir’phyra mused, “I can see how he has lasted so long, sadly that is why he will never be free.”


“Impressed?” Drake said absentmindedly.


“Impressed? With your equipment? I suppose,” Tan answered.


Drake gave Mir’phyra a flat look as she snickered back at him.


“Let’s just get this tour over with so you can get to the point.”


“The point? I believe I have already told you the point.


Drake scoffed, “Yeah you want me to fight alongside you sure, but I mean the point of telling me and giving me the personal rundown. I’m sure you don’t do this for everyone, being so important and all.”


“You’re right. I don’t,” Tan answered calmly, “But you aren’t like everyone else. You can exhibit your Primordial blood. That means you will become a toy to the handlers and a threat to my people. Just like I am.”


Now Drake was both surprised and confused.


“I don’t understand.”


“The closer we are to being a full-fledged Primordial, the more they hate us. The handlers don’t want to see us as equals, so they muddy our blood, force us to lessen our strength generation after generation. And if they somehow find one of us. They will make you wish you were never born. So I need you to be strong. Stronger than the others, because whatever group you are sent to will be in more danger than you can imagine simply because you exist.”


Drake was taken aback as Tan continued.


“And because of the blood running through our veins we can’t back down from a fight. It is a double edged sword. It makes us strong but stupid. If only we had the mixture we would be unstoppable,” Tan smiled derisively, “But an Asuran never forgets their pride. We are a race of warriors and even if the Old Gods force us to our knees in our own blood, we will still crawl with our heads held high until the end.”


A quiet moment found them in the clattering of noise around them. Drake seeing Tan as something else other than the meek looking half elf Asuran he was and instead as someone he could follow.


He quickly shook his head.


This is a dream or a vision of the past. This guy isn’t real and he isn’t alive. I’m just completing a quest to get back home. Drake thought, trying to convince himself.


“The boy has some spirit,” Mir’phyra sighed, “Unfortunately he is wrong. The Primordials that act as handlers do play games and look down on the cattle, yes. However we did so because it helped us remember they are below us. It is tradition.”


“Come, we will meet a blacksmith I’m friends with before I send you to basic training.”


Tan seemed done with his explanation and moved forward through the camp. Drake allowed him to get a little distance ahead of him before he spoke with Mir’phyra.


“What do you mean we? Are you saying you were also a part of this? And I thought I couldn’t hate you any more than I did,” Drake scowled.


Mir’phyra shrugged, “This was several hundred years ago. A blink of the eye for a Primordial S-Rank such as myself.”


“And why all the sudden, are you in such a sharing mood?”


“Since I figured out what Han is doing here. And what I need to do to relieve myself of this place.”


Mir’phyra smiled at Drake.


“Gross,” Drake gagged.


“I do not understand what one of the Liberators is doing here,” his younger self spoke up, “But this man, Tan, is not wrong about the Asuran. We value our teachings deeply, so much so that we can be crippled from them. Even I… if we did not already have the Serenity Mixture would have succumbed to the blood lust.”


Drake had almost forgotten the boy was there. He guessed his younger self was taking in every just as he was, stifled by the whole thing.


“This blood lust. What does it feel like,” Drake asked.


“It is different for every Asuran. Those of weak heritage will not feel its effects until they pass E-Rank. But full blooded Asurans and those of royal heritage…” he looked up at Drake, “You will hear the Kings and Queens of the past speaking to you. Driving you to fight stronger and stronger opponents until it makes you go insane. I have never seen its full effects in my life, but that is because my Father found the key ingredient long ago. And we have never had to go through that again since.”


Drake tried his best to not show it on his face, but he was startled to hear what his younger self had said. It was yet another point in the camp of him truly being a full blooded Asuran. And he was frightened.


Everything he had experienced on Earth would then be a lie. His life, his memories, his hardships. Who was he truly if he was living as someone else this entire time.


Caught in his mental turmoil he only noticed the end of a conversation Tan was having with someone else.


“...Are you sure?” Tan asked, his face a sad grimace.


“Yes, she won’t make it through the night. Ishta asked for you to do it.”


Tan took a moment then nodded, turning to Drake.


“Change of plans, we are going to the training grounds.”


Drake didn’t argue, still caught up in his own thoughts and followed. A few minutes later they were in a large dirt circle with a woman holding two swords at the ready. But there was something off about her.


He looked closer, seeing that she was foaming at the mouth, veins bulging from her skin and held a white grip around her weapons.


“H-Hello, Tan,” the woman said.


“Ishta,” Tan replied, motioning for Drake to wait at the end of the circle.


“I-I never thought… I-It would be here, but here we are!” she laughed, spreading her arms wide, tears beginning to run down her face, “I wanted to at least die on the field of battle, with my comrades by my side, but fate is cruel.”


“It is,” Tan agreed, readying no weapons. Instead, Drake could feel the aura around him becoming more dense, Tan’s arms lighting up with golden light as it enveloped them.


Tan spoke with no inflection, but Drake could feel the sorrow in them.


I, Tan Belvath Sol, give you Ishta Fol Rok last rites, and sentence you to death.”


Ishta readied her weapons and a skill, smiling with tears, “Thank you. Take care of the rest.”


In the next moment Drake couldn’t follow Tan with his eyes. One moment he was in front of him, the next his first was bloodied and through Ishta’s chest.


“What was that..? Why did he kill her?! Couldn’t she have gotten help from a healer or taken a pill or gotten an item?!” Drake asked, confused.

“Shut up goldilocks,” someone said, “I envy you if this is the first time your seein’ this. Must come from a real peaceful place… but there ain’t nothing helping that madness. Not when the drugs the Old Gods give us. Better a quick death against a stronger opponent and someone you respect, than fallin’ to madness. It’s why Tan always does it. It’s why he’s the Rites Giver.”