Dave had just finished college and was ready to make it big. To celebrate he went camping with a few close friends. Unfortunately, they didn't expect it to end the way it did. The group was attacked by a wild bear and Dave in a burst of unexpected courage tried to protect one of his friends that got caught. He succeeded in saving his friend, but at the cost of his own life as he was slowly mauled alive. Thankfully between the adrenaline and blood-loss the pain didn't last too long.
There was no tunnel with a bright light, unfortunately no pearly gates and thankfully no burning pits when he barely regained consciousness. It was hard to maintain, but all he noticed was just darkness, though it was warm and comfy. He would fade in and out of consciousness for who knows how long. Maybe it was days, or was it years? Who knows. Finally it seems like there was actually a light at the end of the tunnel, but it wasn't heaven that was waiting for him.
'It seems I was actually reincarnated. Where was god though? What about my powers? Don't I get a system? I want to speak to the manager!' he thought to himself.
There was a doctor and he looked like a perfectly normal human. No unusual hair or eye colour nor unusual ears. No sharp teeth. Perfectly normal human it seemed.
'So much for isekai, he looks Asian though. Am I Asian this time around?' despite being a little disappointed he was still curious about his new life.
The man said some words he couldn't understand, but having been a closet weeb in his former life he recognised it as Japanese.
'Definitely not American this time around and seems to really be earth. Such a shame. Here I was hoping that I would have some cool magic powers. I didn't meet any god or anything though.'
Finally he got to see his mom and could confirm he was Japanese this life. Well at least half Japanese since he had yet to see someone he was sure was supposed to be his father. Thankfully his mom seemed kind and attractive, hopefully his father was attractive too because no one wants to be ugly.
Unfortunately, he didn't get some kind of translation skill or inherent language he could not understand what they were saying except maybe a familiar word once in a while from all the anime he had watched with subtitles. Nowhere near enough to even understand a single sentence though. He made sure to smile and giggle at his mom and make a good impression. Don't want anything like a mom with postpartum depression at the start of his new life so making sure his mom was happy was his first priority.
Finally what he believed to be his father showed up in a rush and thankfully he seems to be above average in the looks department. It's hard to say for sure though, he is so used to western faces and standards of beauty it is hard to tell exactly how attractive he is by Japanese beauty standards. Though he is sure his mother is a beauty. Also he is now sure he is 100% Japanese this time around, glad we were able to clear that one up.
It doesn't take him long to figure out his name seems to be Hisashi as both parents have repeated this multiple times when baby talking to him. After a while he feels extremely tired. It seems even if he was reincarnated he is still limited to his weak baby body prone to exhaustion.
Learning a new language has been a pain for him, but being a baby he has little else to do and with his memories from his last life he at least has a leg up managing to start speaking not only simple words, but simple sentences by the time he is one year old. He has also learned that aside from the not getting any powers, systems or really anything unusual with his reincarnation he is born in a relatively affluent family with both parents being above average in looks meaning he definitely has a leg up financially over most and probably will in looks too in the future. Neither of which can be overestimated in worth most of all given that we are on Earth. His parents were both loving, though he did wish his father was home more though he already knew sadly this wasn't unusual for Japan.
He had also finally learned his full name, his family name was Saito making him Saito Hisashi. He almost cried when he found out the meaning of his first name as he died before even hitting the prime of his life the first time around and was now given a name symbolising a long life. The irony was painful. Maybe it's a sign of better things to come this time around though. Banzai!
One thing is unusual though, he doesn't see any smart phones. There is a TV, but it seems to be one of those old tube TVs. At first he just thought his family was old fashioned, but finally a few years later a computer was introduced and it also looked absolutely ancient, but his parents were all excited about it.
A few years after he started going to school his mom was pregnant again. This time she had a girl though so he became a big brother to little Reina. She was pretty timid, but thanks to Hisashi's maturity it didn't take long for her to get attached to him as he made sure to be a fun, but responsible and reliable older brother.
Meanwhile, due to his knowledge from his previous life and maturity he managed to do well enough to start school early and even skip years every so often. He had already formulated a life path for him to be able to get through all the boring school and start life faster this time around instead of having to spend 23 years before getting out into the world this time. He might not have gotten anything special from his reincarnation, but his knowledge and mature mind were plenty of an advantage to speed through school, attend a top college and graduating before he hits 20. He even made sure to focus on IT and programming knowing just how big of a factor computers were going to be by the time he graduated.
Yes finally an mc that doesn’t bit*h 24/7 cus they didn’t get instantly op
To be fair this guy thinks he is in a normal world where the threat is mostly getting evicted or getting trucked or something not getting eaten and assimilated into a mess of minds forced into one body until one comes out on top
It said romance. Yoruichi, harribel or an original?
The romance tag was added because there will be some, but it’s not a major focus at least not for what I have so a far and won’t be for at least quite a while. Might shift some once he gets a more human form.
Thankfully his mom seemed kind and attractive, hopefully his father was attractive too because no one wants to be ugly.
Imagine you're just reincarnated and knowing that you're going to be ugly when you grow up the moment you look at your parents.
I mean it's not a guarantee, but generally we take after our parents.
If both your parents are short, more likely than not you'll be short.
If both your parents are dumb, more likely than not you'll be dumb.
If both your parents are attractive. You are way more likely to end up being attractive or at least not ugly.
It's going quite fast
something's about to happen and it's gonna be goo- bad
I like the 'normal' reincarnation bit, it's new; as every reincarnation novel I read the MC is born a demigod, it's a breath of fresh air for him to be a normal human in seemingly normal world early on.
I mean at a certain point you have to go beyond the normal for most novels unless you're going for a normal world and go for either some kind of urban fiction or romance story.
I try to at least go for something slightly different in each of my stories since simply repeating the same standard Isekai every time gets a little boring to write for every story.
@prognastat Is this single fl or harem author?
@The_Phantom Hmmm. Neither?
Is this a rewrite? I know there're like 50 chapters on WN.
Not beyond same basic spelling and possibly grammer corrections that I happen to notice as I go along so can’t really qualify as a rewrite. Going to try to continue it after I get to 50.
@prognastat So just error corrections and refreshing yourself on it to continue after that? Nice. Honestly missed this one haha.
@Hazerithious Yeah it’s been a hot minute.
@prognastat one whole year to be precise , genuinely thought you had forgotten this work.
@prognastat YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS i always keep re reading your webnovels chapters!
Hope you continue after 50!