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This story is an allegory for mine and Cupcake Rebel's experiences in life, as such it contains content related to several topics some may be sensitive to including; Childhood trauma, sexual abuse, transphobia, homophobia, parental neglect, physical and mental abuse, homelessness, starvation, bullying, and other such topics that can be triggering for some with ptsd. These themes are an important part of telling our story, as ours is a story of both failure and triumph. Outside of this forward I will always refer to this story as if it is the true story of my life, to stay in character as my vtuber persona.

While the story may be bleak and full of sorrow, ultimately it is our goal to write a story that inspires. We hope that through the heartache in this story the true message of triumph in the face of adversity shines through. And we hope that our readers enjoy.

-Odette "Bonbon" Anarchiste and Cupcake Isareal Rebel