Vol.8 Ch.233-Deliverance From Below.
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Many of us, myself included, were dumbstruck. There was never a mention of Dwarves ever sending a notice that they would be coming to assist. Communications with them would have been cut off the moment the undead breached the Iron Citadel. If anything, it was more likely the undead also caused some havoc in Krunbar, and the Dwarves were rarely spotted sallying out from the mountain. Even during the war, they scarcely made an effort to go on the offensive.

Either way, their presence was certainly most welcome. And the time for us to stop gawking was over as the remainder of the Death Knights were charging at us once more while the Dullahans, the giant, and the Lich turned their attention to ever-encroaching Goliath.

We were outnumbered four to one by the Death Knights, but we were fighting with renewed vigor. Lord Vasquez’s axe ignited into flames and released a wave of scorching flames with a single sweep at the range that consumed multiple Death knights in its inferno. Cerila sent multiple lances of ice into the charging undead, skewering them and freezing them solid.

The Death Knights were numerous, but we were making short work of them. The others finally reached us, and we jumped into the fray as a group. My spear was thrust through skeletal heads as Professor Garrison split others down the middle. Mom was a blur of lighting as she danced between the groups, beheading the creatures with a single swipe from her daggers.

Within a few moments, we had cleared the Death Knights out, and the Dullahans seemingly had no intentions of reviving their minions. And by the time we finished our group off, the Goliath was nearly upon us.

The towering monster shook the ground with every step. Each one of its four legs easily squashed undead beneath their march. The undead giant had completely turned its attention to the Goliath and launched a barrage of spells from its grotesque hands.

A storm of various magic spells soared through the air and hit the massive Goliath. The monster used its titanic front legs as a shield and braced itself against the assault. We watched with bated breath as the magic made an impact. Goliath hide was well known for being sturdy and resilient. But no one was certain if it could withstand so much magic from an ungodly abomination.

But it did.

The Goliath did have blood dripping down from gashes of missing flesh on its front legs, but the creature let out a defiant roar as it lowered its head and charged forward like an angry bull. The Goliath reared back on its back legs, intending to crush the giant. The undead giant brought four of its arms up to block the attack.

I had fully expected the unknown creature to succeed, but the earth shook violently as a literal gushing fountain of blood and viscera exploded out from its body. It turned into a rain shower of blood that drenched us even further in the muck of battle. But we still continued to watch as there was no way we could get in the way of such large creatures battling.

The giant’s limbs flailed underneath the enormous legs of the Goliath as it frantically released spell after spell. However, with frightening speed, the Goliath let out a mighty roar, reached down with its head, and ripped half the giant’s torso off with a single bite. Another fountain of blood sprayed out. The Goliath ripped the giant to pieces while continually crushing the undead into a pool of mutilated flesh and blood, even going as far as to rip out the dungeon core shards and eat them.

I…am very glad I never ran into a Goliath in the dungeons or the wild. This thing may almost be as strong as the adult Wyrm.

Finally, after multiple bites and stomps, that giant was reduced to nothing. In the distance, the undead horde crumbled and faltered—thousands dropped to the ground, motionless. It was indeed true that the giant seemed to be some amalgamated Lich, maintaining numerous undead.

But even so, the other Dwarven Lich just continued to watch. At least until it pointed its hand at the Goliath and the numerous Dullahans raced off to fight the monster. The Lich turned to face us, but a proud shout echoed over the battlefield. The Dwarf, riding atop the Goliath, lept down, wielding axes in each hand.

The black Mythril axes glowed a subtle blue as runes across the axe’s head sprang to life. That was also when the ominous aura of the Lich suddenly increased. The Lich brought its staff up, and the air warped as an invisible force shot off and hit the Dwarf mid-air, sending him flying away. The Dwarf flew for quite some time before hitting the ground. His body rolled across the ground near us.

“Is…he dead?” Professor Garrison asked.

Guildmaster Elora snorted. “There’s no way that crazy bastard would die so easily…”

And sure enough, the Dwarf sprang up and spat a glob of blood onto the ground. Thankfully, he was fully armored and was covered almost head to toe in intricate Mythril armor. “Well damn, that one is full of surprises. What even is that thing? Some kinda Lich?” he grumbled.

“It is. Some new variation of a Lich we’ve never seen before. It’s probably the commander of the horde, Master Edrunn,” Elora explained.

The Dwarf turned his attention to us and his eyes widened as he grinned, seemingly noticing us for the first time. “Ah…little Elora and even the Dragonslayer! It’s good that you’re here!” he chuckled.

“Little…Elora?” Mom mumbled to herself.

Elora was a Guildmaster and far from young or little. But maybe to a Dwarf that has lived for over a hundred years, she may seem that way. But any further conversation was cut short as a menacing bloodlust pierced us.

And something even more unexpected happened.

“Is that Lich…talkin’?” Edrunn Greatbeard asked.

The Lich was indeed talking, but in a language I had never heard. It should have been impossible; the undead, especially a skeleton, were incapable of speech. Sure, Zombies and Ghouls, those who still had some semblance of flesh and skin, could moan or make noises, but full-on conversations were nothing, something that had been recorded before. Then again, today seemed to be the first of many things.

The Lich’s bloodlust was bone-chilling, and as the creature spoke in its deep, chest-rattling language, faint red glows started to come to life across its armor and circlet. The glow revealed numerous symbols. All of them appeared to be some type of rune, but unlike the blue glow that was usually associated with runes, a sinister red hue was present.

“Whatever that creature is doing, it can’t be good for us. While the Dullahans are distracted, let’s engage the Lich and bring this to a close,” Lord Vasquez announced.

We gripped our weapons tighter and moved to engage the Lich. It was a full sprint toward the undead, but as we were nearing it, the Lich pounded its staff into the ground. The air warped and was sent out in a shockwave that washed over us. The blast didn’t knock anyone over, but it still felt like something had pushed against me. And with every step, it felt like an invisible force was pushing back.

Is this truly gravity magic? I thought it couldn’t directly affect other people…what am I doing wrong compared to this creature?

The Lich continued its rambling as if it were praying. The runes along its armor continued to glow as more came to life with power.

I pushed forward. Every step closer to the Lich felt heavier and heavier as the invisible force increased. Even the War Gods like Vasquez and Ms. Taurus struggled to push forward. Others tried to use magic, but the spells flew off course, being sent elsewhere randomly by the invisible force that kept us back.

The Lich suddenly changed its attention as it pointed an armored finger directly at me. I could feel the enormous swelling of mana as the air warped around its hand. Like a bullet, something shot out at me, and I forced the last dredges of mana into my body to quickly bring up my spear.

The invisible force hit the shaft of my weapon like a freight train, and I felt the bones in my arms shatter from the force. Even the metal of my armor dented in, and the pressure sliced open the skin of my face. The Lich continued its chanting as it prepared another spell.

I held onto my spear by sheer willpower. The bones in my arms were devastated, and another attack of that caliber may break through entirely. As the spell was launched at me, a blur appeared in front of me. Cerila used the flat of Hubris to take on the spell.

She had moved beyond her limits as blood seeped from her fresh wounds and even her bloodshot eyes. The Lich launched another invisible force bullet, but Cerila and Hubris blocked it again. The force cut at Cerila’s flesh and ripped her armor, but she remained standing. That was until the invisible force increased from in front of and above us.

I was brought to my knees by the overwhelming gravity, crushing the ground beneath me. Even looking up felt like a monumental task. But Cerila remained on a single knee, defiantly fighting against the invisible force as did the others. A horn was blown and the ear splitting noise pierced the air.

“Now, you beast! Crush this bastard!” Edrunn Greatbeard roared.

The Goliath that had been distracted by the numerous Dullahans crawling over and stabbing it like an army of ants let out a roar as it moved over to us. The giant creature reared back once more to crush the Lich under its massive front legs. The hulking limbs came racing down, but as they were about to reach the Lich, they abruptly stopped as if they had hit an invisible wall.

The Lich’s gravity field seemed impenetrable. Magic and physical attacks were doing nothing to it, and the more time that went on, the stronger the Lich appeared to be getting as it activated more of its runes.

If only I had more mana, I could use my gravity magic to counter it. But getting more mana is impos—but what if it's not? There was only one time that I took on a sudden influx of mana, and that was one I directly interacted with a powerful and still active dungeon core shard.

There just so happens to be a few lying around.

The Goliath had sent the limbs of the giant sprawling out across the battlefield. An arm was lying not too far from where we were, and it was in the opposite direction of the Lich and its gravitational force. The overwhelming pressure from above was still oppressive, but I unsummoned my spear and sent it into my Spatial Ring.

The gravity felt like it was crushing me, and I crumbled to the ground. I gritted my teeth, and through my broken bones, I forced mana into my body and crawled across the ground. The stench of rotted flesh, charcoal, and blood filled my nostrils. My body felt weak and sickly as the final remnants of mana left me.

Heedless to it all, I swallowed the pain and trudged through the muck of blood to the amputated arm. Clambering over the massive fingers, I rolled into the creature’s palm. I had no idea why the Lich wasn’t reviving the giant, but perhaps it couldn’t, or it figured it was a waste of time.

Now that I could finally see the shard, I put mana into my eye for just a moment, and a bright glow nearly blinded me. But that was all I needed to know. I forced my body up as pain shot up my broken arms. I had to free the crystal from the flesh and with no other way I resummoned my spear and sank it into the flesh.

Using it like a pry bar, I tried to free the massive crystal but struggled immensely. I just couldn’t use enough force to free it.

“Move, let me help you,” a soft voice said behind me.

I turned around and my mother was there, covered in blood. She gently moved me to the side and grabbed my spear, repeatedly stabbing it into the flesh and ripping the stone free.

“I don’t know what you intend to do, Son…but I believe in you,” she said.

“Thank you…” I said weakly.

She managed to free the crystal and hefted it up. It was indeed massive and she had to hold it with both arms like a giant boulder.

“Come, I’ll help you hold it,” she said.

I came over and held onto the stone along with her. But the moment I touched the shard, I felt drawn to it. It was an odd, otherworldly attraction that overtook me. When I stared at the blood-splattered stone, I only saw my reflection on its shiny surface. But it was like my vision was being sucked into it, and I was able to see…almost through it.

No, not through it. I was able to see into it.

It was similar to what happened when I looked too deep into a soul, a warning Avasta had given me not to do and one I had kept up to. Something about seeing something a mortal wasn’t meant to. I didn’t understand what that meant but the feeling was there. It was something I shouldn’t do. But the crystal called me toward it, and what I saw in its depths was the likes of which I had never seen before.

It was an endless, vast space filled to the brim with swirling mana. I wasn’t even using Soulsight, yet I could see the visible mana with my naked eye. It was endless, truly endless, and the longer I gazed into it, the more I could make out. If mana had been the soul, then what I was seeing must have been countless souls swirling in this giant crystal.

Are…these souls trapped in this stone? What does this mean? Are dungeon cores… containers for souls?

“Kaladin! Snap out of it! What’s wrong?!” Mom shouted.

Her sudden outburst snapped me to my senses. It felt like I had suddenly gone blind to the world around me. But when I looked back at the shard, it was radiating an aura of mana.

“I’m fine,” I answered quickly with a shake of my head.

“Are you sure…I’ve never seen this before. What is this wispy, glowing aura?” Mom asked hesitantly.

“Mana,” I answered.

Mom looked worried, but I urged her forward. I kept a loose grip on the stone as I could no longer move my fingers. I took a deep breath near the stone and felt the tremendous rush of mana come to me. My body felt lighter, and the groggy, debilitating feeling of mana sickness started to disappear.

I continued to take in the mana with each deep breath, and the intense pressure from the Lich continued to grow. The gravity field was weighing us down, but now that I could force more mana into my body, I pushed through. The others had been pushed back and down from the force as the Lich assaulted them with more spells. The Goliath had been forced away and was battling the incessant Dullahans’ assault.

But these deep breaths weren’t enough. I needed more.

“Drop the crystal!” I yelled.

Mom dropped the shard to the ground with a thump and stood in front of me to protect me. I let the mana course through my entire body as I fought against the pain and gravity. I raised my foot and repeatedly stomped on the crystals. After a few strikes, the crystal began to crack, and even more mana spewed out from it.

I continued to breathe in the mana and absorb it as I broke the crystal apart. Eventually, the crystal shattered, and a cascade of blue light exploded out from the fragmenting crystal. The mana was overflowing out of the crystal, and with every breath, a vast amount of mana entered me. It was expansive, and the power felt like it was ripping me apart from the inside.

My lungs burned, my muscles ached, and my bones rattled, but at the same time, my body felt impressively light. To not be consumed by the power, I siphoned the overflowing mana into a spell core. I wasn’t sure what kind of gravity magic I was going to do. I just needed it to be enormous and powerful enough to counter the Lich.

I imagined my spell equalizing, even breaking through the profound power of the Lich. As more mana filled my body, my spell core grew. The air around my hand began to curl and twist.

If the Lich could do it in a wide area, then so could I.

Once the spell core reached a critical mass to the point I felt like it would explode, I released it. The effect was immediate. The two competing gravitational forces battled, and the world around us morphed and wobbled, but after a moment, it all equalized. The air was no longer heavy, and the invisible force pushing us back and down was gone.

Lord Vasquez stood on shaky legs and raised his axe, which ignited with flames.
