Chapter 106: Reunions
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Chapter 106: Reunions

“Excited to finally be home?” asked Nina. 

“For sure. Though I am not so excited about the beating I will receive from my family.” 

“I’m sure it won’t be too bad.”  

I raised my eyebrow. “Really?”  


It had now been my second longest since I had seen or heard from my family in any shape or form. It was definitely a different feeling compared to the first time. I was less worried, still excited, and happy, but I also felt more guilty. Maybe I could’ve found a way to talk to this during this departure or would not have gotten trapped in the depths of space.  

I don’t want to say goodbye again so soon. 

My biggest source of guilt was the fact I had to leave again. I wasn’t going to stay shelled up while my time ran out.

Unlike before, there was no dramatic reunion at the airport; instead, we arrived directly at my family’s home. 

I’m so close... 

We waited in the car, a small distance away from the house. Nina was waiting for a signal to ensure everything was clear or something; I wasn’t sure what they were doing. 

Even though she stayed quiet about a few things, Nina did inform me of the incidents my family was involved in. The skirmish on Earth and the attack on Lila and Tyell on Metous.  

The fact that my family was put in danger three times now hurt immensely, and each time I did not do enough to protect them. 

I of course didn’t place any blame on Nina or Lila for either incident. For Nina on Earth, it was just extremely poor timing, and she left herself in harm's way to protect my family. And I could never blame Lila for what happened on Metous while I was gone. None of my family was permanently hurt, but the fact they were put in harm's way because of her was surely taxing on her mental state. 

However, I was informed of one loss of life. 


Nina was vague on how Tyell’s friend was caught up in the incident, but she gave me enough clues that she was one of the attacking forces.  

After she told me the name, I knew the person and understood the situation a little more. Another unfortunate individual who was dragged into a hurricane of disaster and trapped within. Something that was so close to happening to my brother. 

(“ His [Diviner] friend. It was an unsurprising outcome ”) 

Epsr... I growled. Don’t be rude to my brother’s fallen friend. 

Espr’s words informed me of something I wasn’t aware of, which was that his friend was a [Diviner]. Tyell might have mentioned something; honestly, it was hard to remember a lot of the small details. 

(“ Hard when I have no respect for the fools who chose to chase such a path, it will always lead to nothing, it is a doomed path ”) 

You’ve said many times that it is stupid, and now you are also saying it’s a path that leads to nothing and doom? Are you sure you just didn’t have a bad experience with it? 

That last part was just me pushing some buttons, knowing Espr, it was beneath them to even touch such techniques. Still, it was funny for me to annoy them. 

(“ A doom that leads to nothing. Every future seeker fool, the moment the urge grabs them, will look into the future for death, for themselves or a loved one, but existence is generous. Every opportunity has openings for such an invitation ”) 

Espr announced. Their words were a bit too roundabout, but I did understand the point of what they were saying. The moment someone with the power to see the future tries to learn about when someone will die, it would be a spiral towards their own destruction. 

I think you are just stereotyping at this point. 

I know I didn’t have Espr’s perspective when it came to these topics, but I didn’t believe that everyone who tried to see a person’s death would spiral.  

(“ Ceella, think about it. Even ignoring the fact that all the vocations that attempt to see the future can’t even see the future well and get mostly wrong results, doom is inevitable because these are people who already chose to give up Existence’s gifts, the myriad of choices, the ability to strive and grow, for one that is a gamble. These are people who already wish to be able to modify the future, but they give up the power to do it ”) 

For the sake of the argument, I continued with the counterpoint. Then that person can just work within a group; if that can’t change it on their own, then they can at least have others to support them. 

To be honest, I didn’t care much about those vocations even before Espr arrived. It wasn’t something I found any interest in, of course, knowing the future would be great; everyone knew that, but spending my time gambling at that chance to see a vague version of it brought me no excitement.  

(“ A group effort, huh? Hehe, now that’s the mindset of your favourite friends ”) 

And fuck you too. Just go on with your actual points. 

(“ The most efficient way to have a future one wishes for is not to try and predict and nudge to the path one wants. It is to go out and create that future! ”) 

Huh, that actually sounds motivational. Congratulations.  

(“ Thank you, and now back to your point from before. If a person randomly happened to gain the power to attempt to see the future, then your point would stand; there are many people who wouldn’t care or let it get to them. If they had a short life ahead, they would enjoy it, but these people wouldn’t go out of their way to choose to take such power ”) 

I could still see someone taking the vocation just for a peak, then switching.  

Espr paused.  

(“ Ignoring the fact that the person would likely be a teenager, and such actions would never stop at a peek... Maybe you are right. Over the course of existence, with the billions of people that have existed, there would be at least some that would make the first idiotic choice but then the second smart choice to leave such a path ”) 

 My conversation with Espoiramissa ended as my reunion was at hand. 

 Nina stayed behind, and I entered the house; it was the same as always... 

I’m home 

There they were... My family… waiting for me. 

Tella, Tyell, and Mella. 

Mella stood taller than our mum, looking ever so similar with their matching black hair and eyes. Though Mella’s face was certainly chubbier than Mum's. They were holding on to each other tightly as I walked into the building. 

Tyell being the best of both our parents looks wise with his sharp face, black hair, and golden eyes. He stood at the door, welcoming me. The man was looking so shy; it was kind of cute. He would always be my little brother in my eyes. 

There was one more person who was also important to me.

Lila stood behind all of them, nearly hiding herself away. Her pink hair was trimmed shorter, but her red eyes had regained a little bit of colour.

It’s good to see that spending time with my family helped her.

 “Took you long enough.” Tyell let out a small joke as he smiled.

“Eh, could’ve been longer.” I shrugged, then went in for a hug. “So many local delicacies I didn’t get to try.”

Tyell tightened the hug, “Mum’s cooking is probably better anyway.”


There weren't any big questions, just happiness that each other was safe. Maybe they did want to ask something, but nothing was important enough to interrupt the reunion. 

We let go, and I went towards Tella and Mella.

They didn’t break apart, and we had a large group hug.

“Mella, you're looking healthy.”

“That’s the best compliment you could give in this situation?” Mella nearly teared up as she spoke.

“Um, you got your mother’s eyes?” 

Mother added, “I know, they are quite beautiful.”

We all joked as we hugged. The perfect reunion. 

After our little chuckle, we let go, and I quickly moved up to the last person before they stepped back any further.

I gave Lila a hug. “It’s good to see you.” 

“Likewise...” Her eyes watered, and she intensified the hug.  

 (“ How lovely, a family reunion ”) 

I ignored Espoiramissa.

After many more hugs were given and tears shed, we all gathered around the kitchen. 

“Have you made yourself home, Lila?”

“Yes…” Lila quietly answered. 

“No reason to be shy now, dear.” Tella walked around and passed out a set of hot chocolate for everyone. “She is always welcome here.”

Mella and Tyell nodded. 

“That’s good.” I downed the cup of hot chocolate. “Lovely as always.” The high of emotions dampened all the pain. “You’ve done your best, looking forward to what you’ll make later.”

“Haha, don’t worry, I already got a whole lot of dinner prepared! No one is escaping tonight!” Mother laughed maniacally.  

I looked towards Mella, Tyell, and then Lila, but all of them couldn’t maintain eye contact, feeling second-hand embarrassment knowing what Mum had been doing all morning. 

“It’s barely midday?”

“And? You better be prepared. I have even more cooking!” She laughed.

The three of us smiled as Tella basked in the madness.

A large meal with everyone... I’m looking forward to it.

So, I did manage to forget there was a family holiday last week. I shall blame all the weeks I was sick for that slip up (And totally not on my inability to remember dates) . Anyway, another chapter should be out before the end of the week. But wow, stopped writing for a weekish and already felt rust.