Side Chapter Metous 10: Tella’s Vocation
While Ceella was away with her meeting with Nina, the rest of her family and Lila were at home relaxing.
Tella was growing new flowers from seeds she had recently ordered. They were a black flower with a blue diamond pattern on the leaves and a nearly crystal clear blue flower.
Mella and Tyell were watching television together on the couch. They had one bowl of snacks between which was slowly being moved back and forth.
Lila was also in the kitchen area as she tried baking a cake. The keyword was tried as she had never made one before. She was watching a video through her contacts to give her the step-by-step, but no matter what she did, it didn’t seem to be the same as the video.
Tella was in the kitchen and was there to provide support, and she reassured Lila that everything she was doing was good and that the end product would end up good.
Tella said, “Eat something to calm down, you skipped breakfast earlier.”
Lila nodded. “Good idea. Do we still have soup in the fridge?”
“Plenty of it.”
Lila went to the fridge to grab herself some lunch. She never expected she would be so nervous simply making food. The idea for the cake randomly came to her, and once she mentioned the idea to Tella, she pushed her to try it.
Lila flicked her pink fringe out of the way and put food in a warmer and waited for it to be at the perfect temperature. While she waited, she looked over at Tella and asked. “Tella, what are the plants you ended up buying?”
It was a simple question; Lila had never seen either plant before, so she was slightly curious considering their weird looks. She knew Tella liked to ramble sometimes, but it shouldn’t matter too much considering she had to wait for the cake to bake anyway.”
“Certainly.” Tella lightly clapped her hands together in joy. “So, the first flower, the black one, is the spoililitous jelaticaous montopia. I've actually waited for a few months for this one to come back on the market. It’s a nocturnal flower that in the wild goes through six key stages in its life cycle, though the latter stages are skipped when grown outside of its natural habitat.” Tella pulled another one of its seeds–a rich blue in colour. “Stage one is these beautiful seedlings, when planted, they stay underground until they have consumed enough water–”
“Mum, can you keep it simple?” Tyell interrupted. Turning his body around on the couch. “I don’t want you to distract Lila and have the cake be burnt.”
Tella scoffed, “Please, we have an alarm.”
“Uh huh, that didn’t stop you when you were teaching Mella how to cook.”
“That was ten years ago,” Tella replied, clearly offended.
“And? It wouldn’t be right to forget about it.” Tyell turned back around.
Lila’s eyebrows raised at this conversation. “Umm?”
“Basic gist is that Mum got too invested in talking about her berries at the time that we burned a stew so bad that it shouldn’t be edible. Ceella and Dad said food shouldn’t be wasted, so they split the remains in half and raced to scoff their bowl down first.”
Tyell added, “Then it became a challenge to see who could keep it down.”
Lila looked at everyone wide-eyed. “Did… that really happen?”
Tella couldn’t look back. Lila got her answer.
Within a few moments, Lila got her warm stew and sat with Tella as she slowly but simply explained her new flowers. After that was done and with plenty of soup remaining, Lila watched the TV from the kitchen as the cake slowly baked in the oven.
Tella was still modifying her flowers, adjusting the size of the stem and leaves.
“Oh–” Tella looked away from her flowers and turned her head towards her phone as a sudden message came. She had most people muted, so if she got a notification, it must’ve been one of the few people she left notifications on for.
“A message from Ceella,” Tella said aloud.
“What did she ask?” Mella said from the couch.
Tyell took more food from the bowl. “Probably asking if we wanted anything picked up on the way home.”
Tella read the message and smiled as she saw it. Then she read the message aloud for everyone to hear, with some slight modifications. “Hey beautiful Mum, I was wondering what your Vocation is exactly?”
“Mum’s Vocation?” Mella questioned–the answer was obvious after all.
“Oh, my vocation is [Flower Maid],” Tella said with a smile.
Lila nearly coughed up the soup but smacked her chest and forced it down. “What?!”
Mella’s eyes bulged in surprise. She was glad she wasn’t eating or drinking anything at the time.
“Huh! Why didn’t you say ANYTHING?”
General consensus was that Tella’s vocation was [Plant Mage].
Tyell interrogated his mother. “How, you told us it was [Plant Mage?]”
“I’ve always tell-ya it’s a plant mage. Not it’s [Plant Mage].”
Tyell groaned at their mother’s bad pun.
“That’s... bullshit...” Mella swore at her reasoning.
“No swearing at my house lady.” Tella stared daggers into her youngest daughter.
“Sorry mum!”
With that, Tella stopped glaring and leaned back in her chair. “But what’s with the huge reaction?” She looked at everyone, trying to hold back her smile.
“You, of all people, should not be saying that.” Said Tyell. It was clear that his mother had purposely hid information for years, just for a stupid joke. This was in line for Tella, making stupid puns or jokes, and having one planted for years waiting to bloom was not unexpected, but what she chose to hide was the biggest shocker.
Tyell thought, while his reaction was justified, he also didn’t know about a conversation that Lila and Mella had about Lila’s first Vocation.
“...Why did you even choose that Vocation?” Mella decided to bite the bullet and ask her mum the question.
“It had what I wanted with plant manipulation; it also contained barrier abilities, which I liked the idea of having something more to protect myself.” Tella smiled and clicked her fingers, and a barrier of pink petals that floated down appeared. “It also has a few skills that make for funny visual effects.”
Tyell believed her reasoning, but everything was still so stupid.
Mella also believed her but wondered if there was more to the story that she wasn’t telling.
Lila was still too flabbergasted to make sense of it.
Tella was still chuckling to herself, watching the reaction.
There was also a nasty reason why Tella had brought up this conversation, along with it being the perfect timing to bring up this long-kept secret. In one of her many conversations with Nina, her lunchtime companion had brought up the question of whether Lila was enjoying Tella’s garden and flowers.
That question alone wouldn’t bring much suspicion or concern, and Tella knew Lila only held an average amount of interest in plants.
But her mother's senses were tingling.
So, she decided to push Nina and ask more, and eventually Nina let it slip that it was just something on Lila’s file.
Once she had that nugget, Tella asked Lila a few questions when she got if she had interacted with plants much during her life. The answer was no and that she didn’t hold much interest, followed by an apology since it was something Tella was passionate about. At the time, Tella told her not to worry; she knew best that not everyone was interested in the same things. Tella herself was never able to find enjoyment in her eldest’s stargazing activities.
But with that information in mind, Tella concluded there must have been a special reason why it was some sort of file that Nina was able to access. It couldn’t have been some primary school report card, it had to be something more important, which led to Tella’s theory.
That Lila at one point also had the [Flower Maid] vocation.
Honestly, Tella felt so proud of herself that she even wondered if this was what it felt like to be a detective.
With the information now in hand, there was so much she could do and so much she was curious about. If Lila had chosen [Flower Maid], then it was certain it wasn’t for the plant-caring side of things.
In honesty, Tella just wanted Lila to open up a little more, and with the looks Mella and Lila were giving each other, she was certain Mella knew a secret.
The questioning from the siblings continued for a while longer, and Lila managed to get her cake out of the oven without it burning.
Tella was happy to answer and confirmed basically everyone no one knew.
Eventually, enough time had passed.
Ceella walked into the house and asked, "So, Mum, you did not reply yet; what’s your Vocation?”
And was met with a groan from her siblings.
“...I seem to have missed something.”
Mella and Tyell began to recap everything that happened.
Tella sat back and smiled in happiness, and she hid the small amount of sombreness she was feeling. Of course, there was one person who had always known. Well, Chris, haha, the secret has finally been let out. It got the reaction we both were expecting...
Infinite sweets and goodness are here ????????????♾️

Thanks for reading

Thanks for reading
Because of course it is
Yep! Too perfect not to, we will learn a little bit more about it later in this arc though