Chapter 112: Complaints From Across The Universe
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Chapter 112: Complaints From Across The Universe 

I knew what my next plan was, but I required a little bit more setup before I could go through with it. So, in the meantime, I spent time with my family.

Di Di Ding, Di Di Ding–

“You're getting a call, Sis.”

“I know.” 

And I knew exactly who it was from, and I was too honest, a little scared to answer. 

“Sigh…” I got off the couch where I was playing games with Mella. “I’m going to take this. I will come back later.”

Mella waved. “Take all the time you need.” She looked at me with a mixture of concern and anticipation. 

I had a feeling Mella knew who was calling. Which, to be fair, I wasn’t the popular sort, so the options were limited.

The phone stopped ringing. I wanted somewhere private to take this call. I went to my room to take this call.

My recent contacts were a near-empty list, and I stared at the most recent familiar number.

(“ My my, I swear you are a social mess sometimes ”)

And whose fault is that?

(“ Not mine ”)

(“ Don’t blame me for your insanity and degraded social skills. That is a fault of you humans that wasn’t completely solved when you awakened ”)

“Sigh…” I decided not to argue with Espr. “Time to call her.”

I started the call.


The other side answered immediately.

“...You left me waiting.”

“Is that really the best way to say hello to a friend?”

“Says the friend that showed up after five years, then disappeared for another year, completely uncontactable.” Beatrice's anger was prevalent in her voice.

But of course, it wasn’t just that.

I could feel the tears and heartache.

I returned to her life only to disappear again.

“Yeah, you are right.” I apologised. “Sorry, Beatrice.”

There was silence for a moment.

“Ceella, you vanished after the city was attacked… a hole was opened in the sky. I thought it was the end of the world… but everything seemingly returned to normal, but you were nowhere in sight.” Beatrice cried her emotions out. “I needed to know everyone I loved was alive; most were fine, and some got away with slight injuries, but you were gone. No one I asked knew whether you were alive or dead. Even your family… Your family, Ceella. They told me you were fine, but I could see it; they didn’t know; they only prayed that you were.”

It was hard to reply to that raw emotion. “I was launched to the other side of the universe. Hard to do much in that time when I had zero methods of communication.”


“I mean, you probably figured–no you knew I was involved in some trouble.”

Beatrice said, “Yes.” 

“Well, I’ve created a lot of trouble.”

“Did you have to be involved?”

I replied. “Yes.”

“Elly.” She referred to me by my nickname.

I replied, “I will ask you not to call me that.”

“Any reason?”

“Complicated?” I sighed. “It just has to do with Tyell’s friend having the same name. Long story, not the right moment.”

“Alright.” Beatrice accepted that. 

Beatrice continued asking questions. “Ceella, are you planning on leaving again soon?”

“...Yes…” I answered truthfully.

“Off the network?” 

“The universal network likely doesn’t even exist where I’m headed.”

“Where the fuck are you going?”

That was a question I would’ve preferred to have more answers to than the small amount of understanding I currently possessed.

“A place very far away again. Honestly, it will be the furthest I’ve been. Might even be a new record for humanity.” 

“Why…” Beatrice cried out. “Why do you have to be one to go through this trouble?” 

“Cause I want to.”

She yelled back, “Bullshit!” 

“You were just a normal worker…”

“People change.”

“I know, I got married.” 

“Biggest surprise ever.”

“Weren’t you part of the crowd that ‘knew it was going to happen one day’.”


“You already told me you were.”

“Ah, sorry, forgot.” 

“It’s been a year.” 

“I know, it feels like a week.”

“Then you shouldn’t have forgotten then.”

Our banter fizzled out after a small back and forth.


The video call from Beatrice started.

I sighed and turned to look at my phone.

Her blue eyes stared at me, tears filled them, and her long purple hair curled in endless patterns created a backdrop that it was hard to not deem artful. 

“Still absolutely beautiful, I see.”

“I hear that enough from my husband.”

“Happy married life sounds fun.”

“Oh, do you want me to recommend someone?”

“No,” I said firmly. 

“You lost.” She ended the joke. “Ceella, can I see your face?”

I thought about it for a long moment.

(“ What’s taking you so long? ”)

It's a hard decision.

I knew I didn’t look my best. Not in terms of standard appearance-wise, but the other issues. My body was considerably paler than normal, and the two small growing horns were hard to not notice.

(“ I have enough basic understanding that not showing her is going to create an equal or worse reaction than showing her. Human imagination can create much more gruesome imagery than what you are currently physically dealing with ”)

I hate it when you are right about human stuff.

(“ It’s easy when you make it so ”)

I bit the bullet and started my camera. 

“You are looking worse for wear.”

“Thanks. I haven’t seen myself in the mirror.”

“Can we..? Stop it with the jokes.” Beatrice asked.

“You seemed to be enjoying them.”

Beatrice’s eyes turned sombre. “They are fun, and remind me of the old times, but Ceella, I want you to talk straight with me, what is happening?”

I answered. “Depends…” 

“Depends on what?” She asked, her voice a mixture of fed up and desperate. 

I asked, seriously. “Where do you want me to start?”

If she wanted to know the details, I would inform her. Beatrice was one of my only friends left. I had always been a lonely person outside of my family, but I did make friends with some people. I wasn’t close enough with all of them to prevent drifting away, but the crew I worked with during those years were some of the best experiences I had with other people outside my family. 

She asked, “What happened when you came to Earth?” 

So I told her. I found out the festival was going to be attacked, specifically Nina, and I, who had a personal vendetta against the people performing the attack, infiltrated their base on a nearby moon and burned it all to the ground before exploding the whole rock.

I told the people who were located in the base that they were ticky and had a bunch of annoying abilities. I told her my interference caused them to resort to large-scale assault with the crack in the sky. Once that situation was resolved, I got caught up in a suicide attack and was launched across the universe. 

There I spent numerous months in space alone before some luck came my way and commandeered a vessel and headed for Jellannax station. Where I proceeded to involve myself in the defending side.

“Then I got injured, so now I am looking to get myself repaired. The normal and fancy healing procedures don’t work, so I have to search far to find something.”

Beatrice didn’t immediately reply. Don’t blame her. That was a lot of information I dumped on her. The only thing I didn’t mention was–

“This is so freaking stupid…” She complained. “My point still stands. You shouldn’t have to deal with this crap.” 

“Well, I will keep doing it anyway–”

She interrupted me. “But more importantly.” And with the tone of her voice, she noticed what I left out and was angry about it. “Ceella, what happened to Lila?”

Figured it would reach this...

Beatrice always wanted Lila to be doing well, and it's hard to not notice someone up and leaving without a word. 

I knew she understood Lila was with my family, and I believe a reason was given, but if it was, then I doubt she believed it. 

I kept my response simple. “She got caught up in a bad place, Beatrice, stuck with some horrible people that caused her sister's death, so someone who learned of the situation helped her out and moved off-world. You could think of it as witness protection.”

“…Can you give Lila my number?

“I’m sure she has it, but sure. Anything else?”

“Please tell her to call me when everything is well.” 

“You know that might be a while?”

“I do… but let her know I am always here if she needs someone to talk to.”

“I will.”



“I know…” The words were stuck in her throat. “There is nothing I can do. So please... stay safe... I don’t want to lose you too, not again.”

“Beatrice.” I brought the phone back so she could see me fully. “I promise you this. Once everything is finished, we are going to have a massive family lunch together.”

Tears in her eyes, she managed to reply. “I will hold you to it.”

I said, “You better.”

This was supposed to come out two days again, but spent the whole weekend cutting down trees and digging holes. Fun times.