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"Why?" he said as if a whisper, his head was getting heavy and his eyelids heavier, struggling to keeps his eyes open as flashes of the past came and went like a movie reel, showing him what was and how it came to be.

It felt like the seconds became minutes, hours, days and even years. From the time he was an infant till this very moment. The man watched it over and over again refusing to let go trying to re-live what has passed, but still unable to no matter how much he tried.

"Why?..." questioned the man frustrated.

"Because that's how it came to be, what's done is done" a monotonous voice suddenly answered as time came to a standstill.

"Who is there?" said the man startled.

"Death" the voice said as an apparition like figure walked closer.

"But it can't be?!... how can it be?!" said the man.

"Oh, but it is" stated Death.

"But why?" questioned the man again.

"You ask a lot of questions" answered Death still speaking in a monotonous voice "but if I have to answer, it is because it is your time".

"I still don't want to die!!" said the man aggrieved.

"But here you are about to die, and nothing can be done" argued Death.

"But I have been a good righteous man, can't I get more time" the man argued back.

"Righteous, sinner, good or bad, it is all the same to me" Death answered him nonchalantly.

"Isn't there anything that can be done?" asked the man getting more and more frustrated with the answers that Death gave him.

"I'm afraid not, it is all too late" said Death.

"Then what about my loved ones?" asked the man.

"Their time will come too eventually" said Death sounding more cold than it was.

"That is not what I am asking!!" said the man enraged.

"Then what do you mean?" asked Death.

"How will their lives turn out without me?" asked the man almost shouting. 

"Who knows" answered Death with a shrug, "that is for them to find out"

"…" The man was stumped not knowing what else to ask.

"If you have no more questions, then it is time to go" said Death as walked away a few steps, he turned around and said "follow me".

"No" said the man unwilling, "I don't want to!"

"You don't have a choice in the matter" stated Death as a fact, utterly nonnegotiable "willing or not, you don’t have a place in the world of the living anymore"

And as the man was prepared to lunge at death, before he could say or do anything, his vision faded into darkness. 

"No hard feeling, a job is a job" said death vanishing the way he came.