Chapter 339: Tremors In The Dark
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The goblins jolted as though freshly woken from a nap.

And that was that.

A moment later, all I saw was a stampede of rushing feet, nudging elbows and jabbing fingers. A cacophony of joy and grunts as a tavern emptied itself faster than news that an identical tavern with slightly stickier and more authentic floors had opened up just next door.

I wore a bright smile as I sat upon a table. 

Not because a dozen elbows brushing past my shoulder was the most harrowing thing I’d ever experienced, but simply because I wished for a better view … and also because Coppelia and the commoner had already seized the area behind the bar for themselves.

Thus, I sat cradling my knees, satisfied with my work–and also my island fortress amidst the rampant fleeing. 

“Move, you butterheads! Faster, faster!”

“Hurry! Before the humans blow us all up!”

“Free! I’m freeeeeeeee!”

“Grab the stuff we’re not meant to talk about!”

“Hey! I called dibs on the snacks! Hiss!”


Delight truly was expressed in many different ways.

For these goblins, it was for their tankards and safety helmets to be tossed to the side with the disdain they deserved, followed by a rush of scurrying feet as they bolted like deers startled in a forest.

Through a door permanently swinging open, I watched as goblins turned into a hundred tiny dust clouds, their soles kicking up more dirt than any amount of shovels could accomplish. 

Then, I nodded in satisfaction.


Indeed, just as I could break even the most virulent of curses, so too could I melt the shackles of any discount crown of miscellaneous power! 

This was true on any given day, but even more so when it was wielded by a schemer so unsuited to her role that she didn’t even know the first rule of survival–

Always assume the lowest paid would flee.

It was a lesson long overdue. As were many more. Because as a bedraggled adventurer rose from the floor, it was more than her attire which now boasted innumerable creases. It was also her face, crinkled in an expression of outrage and horror.

I didn’t blame her.

Despite having been knocked over by the force of her fleeing goblins, that dull crown remained firmly affixed to her head.

“You … You broke my concentration! How did you do that?!”

I gave a flick of my hair … all the while regally shuffling off the table.

“How? Why, I simply broke the magic using my superior willpower, of course.”

The woman tightly clenched her fists. 

Sadly, far from rejoicing as the goblins did, she merely looked unstable.

More so, that is.

“That wasn’t willpower! … That was … You … You clicked your fingers!”

“Yes, I did.” I brushed down my skirt as I avoided standing in any puddles. The most difficult ask here. “And as I said, superior willpower.”

“That … That shouldn’t have been enough!”

“Incorrect. That was far too much on my part. I overestimated your acumen.”

The woman threw up her arms in disbelief. 

“You overestimated me? I am an A-rank mage! You clicking your fingers shouldn’t be enough to break the spell of command! What … What did you do?!”

“I clicked my fingers. Just as you noted. But I could also have lightly coughed. Or perhaps flicked a glass of wine over you. That’d be churlish, of course, but the result would still be the same in every scenario I mildly startle you.” 

“My magic–”

“Your magic is irrelevant. Perhaps you’re a capable mage. But you’re most certainly a terrible villain.”

“I’m not a villain!”

Exactly. It doesn’t matter what magic you use to command the wills of others. If your heart simply isn’t in it, then you can’t do so much as lure a tabby cat towards you. Health and safety policies do not exist in the realm of evildoers. Half measures will never be respected. Frankly, I’m astonished the goblins even endured your lack of nefariousness for so long. Their standards are usually better. Perhaps the free snacks and beverages truly were useful.”

The woman’s mouth widened. Even so, not a single rebuttal came out.

After all, I was a princess, and I spoke only the truth. Both because this was legally enshrined in my diary and because I actually was.

I pointed towards the bent crown atop her head.

“Fortunately, you can use this as your defence once the goblin matriarchs come knocking on your door. You’re hardly blameless, of course, but it’s clear you’re as suited for wearing cursed artifacts as a garden squirrel. And goodness knows they’ve tried. You may therefore rejoice. Now that your … plan is quite literally fleeing from you, there’s no reason why you cannot relinquish that band of scrap metal.”

I offered an angelic smile as I held out my palm.

This was extremely generous. Usually, even a tiara encrusted with golden peridots which didn’t quite glimmer the way I wanted only made it as far as the heap outside my bedroom window. To willingly accept something so ghastly was a deep sacrifice on my part.

I patiently waited.

Instead, the woman’s hands shot up to tightly hold onto her dull crown. Like a child with a toy.


I rolled my eyes.

“Please, this is embarrassing. And also needless. I’m a busy princess and have places to be.”

“That’s clearly a lie.” 

“... Hm? What’s a lie?”

“You being a princess.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’ve seen both Princess Florella and Princess Claris. You are neither.”

My mouth widened in horror.

Why … here I was, my royal aura unmasked, and still this supposed A-rank adventurer couldn’t recognise me! Just how blinding was that artifact she wore?!

“There are three princesses!” I said, helpfully pointing towards my own cheeks. “If you’ve seen two, who does that leave?!”

The woman paused.

The ire upon her face didn’t lessen. Instead, it was added to by a crease of contemplation.

A crease which only continued as she foraged in the back of her mind. 

I was aghast.

Excuse me?! Did that crown suck up your memories too?! Why do you have to think so hard?! Do you require the first letter?!”

A moment of silence passed.

“Yes,” said the woman shamelessly. “But it doesn’t matter. You’re still not a princess.”

I gasped, stepping back against the mental assault.

S-Such a powerful attack!

“What … What do you mean I’m not a princess?! Look at me! I’m so beautiful I singlehandedly raise the national median!”

“There’s no scenario in which a princess would be found wandering in a goblin cave.”

A small pause.

“... True,” I said with a nod. “Which is why I was never here. But until your further memory loss, know that as a very real princess, I take personal interest in reminding wayward adventurers of their obligations not to conduct vain quests at the expense of my kingdom.”

“This isn’t a vain quest. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.” 

“Yes, I suppose you’d be causing a diplomatic incident elsewhere. And I wouldn’t be able to ignore that one, either. Even if I pretend to know nothing about this debacle, so long as there are goblins coming to complain about your actions, my farmers will continue to sell them fig smoothies and moss cakes instead of working the fields. Apparently, that’s far more profitable.”

The woman grimaced.

Everyone was to benefit from the treasures excavated from below.”

“Including the very hungry horrors, I take it?”

“The horrors would have been contained. That’s what the castle is for.”

I groaned, having now been reminded of the abomination waiting above. The woman’s cheeks turned the smallest shade of crimson.

“It’s a work-in-progress,” she claimed. “All of which you’ve now delayed. Do you think planning these things comes naturally to me? Have you any idea how above my comfort zone I’ve had to be in order to lead a goblin tribe? How long I’ve had to spend on this?”

“Yes, 5 minutes. All of it spent on pushing reason off a foggy cliff. But I suppose that wasn’t you, but the ominous voice in your head.”

“There is no ominous voice.”

I leaned in slightly, my eyes narrowing.

“In that case, remove the obviously cursed crown from your brow. I won’t even ask for it. If you can lift it away, you may keep it.”

The woman stared.

Then, seeing my earnestness, she wrinkled her nose … just before her hands very gently went to lift away the chunk of tin. 

“There’s nothing cursed about this crown,” she insisted, as not a single inch began to separate between said crown and her scalp. “It’s a tool, nothing more.”

I raised an eyebrow as I waited.

“... Well? Are you going to remove the tool? It only needs to be for a second.”

She pursed her lips.

A moment later, she swallowed a dry gulp, her every muscle seemingly rebelling at the thought of lifting away a chunk of tin which was apparently now permanently sealed to her head. 

Given the way her brows dented, this was now something she realised was an issue.

With her cheeks straining from effort, she pinched the very edges of the crown with her fingertips and very slowly began to pry. A single strand of hair was disturbed as it threatened to lift from her scalp. Her hands quivered noticeably.

And then–


The crown glowed as it spoke.

As its simple rebuttal echoed throughout the tavern, I merely placed my hands upon my hips, offering my judging glare to a woman whose face was paling faster than an entire family of peckish vampires could drain.

She gulped.

“That … That was me …”

Her hands immediately resumed lifting away the crown.

She failed.


Because the next moment–everything began to tremble along with her hands.


Suddenly, she lunged forwards and grabbed hold of the table as the walls, ceiling and floorboards of the tavern groaned. As did the rest of the cavern. 

Beyond the windows and the open doorway, small bits of rubble came raining down, adding to the sudden chaos as bottles, tankards and entire kegs violently spun and rolled around us. 

Somewhere, I heard a commoner give a yelp as he sheltered behind the counter. Coppelia took the opportunity to step over him and rescued the falling bowls of snacks. I, meanwhile, held out my arms and balanced myself, this not being the first I experienced the results of someone else’s poor planning. 

Which was good.

Because it only became worse.


Through the window, I watched as the cavern crumbled and the very walls tore asunder. Whole plumes of dust rose like a smoking ashland as the stone sky began to fall.

But that didn't mean it was destined to reach the ground.

Far from it … the ground rose to meet the sky.

The stone gathered like leaves drawn to a gale. But it wasn’t a whistle which sounded throughout the cavern. 

It was a groan.

And it came from a rising silhouette.