Timon Quinsley wasn't certain which of his fellow guildmasters said that.
All he knew was that he agreed with the sentiment.
Ordinarily, their shock would be reserved for the bar. Even with most of the bottles now rolling on the floor, the tavern they were exploring held more liquid gold than could be found behind their own drawers. Just a glance was enough to recognise some of the labels.
Currently, every bottle was at threat of disappearing.
Not because anyone was particularly thirsty. But because it was what everyone needed.
The guildmaster of Reitzlake went to the window, joined by his colleagues either side of him. As they gazed at the sight just a handful of steps away, a bottle of aged rum silently passed between them.
The cheapest and most unpalatable thing present. And also the strongest.
It still wasn't quite enough.
Before Timon was a sight which called into question the strength of his eyes. Because try as he might, he couldn't reconcile the scene he'd witnessed not long ago with the result he now saw.
A stone titan.
A sentinel of the depths, woven from stone and magic.
And now it was three neatly stacked piles of stone, silver and gemstones.
Timon was speechless. And that was a rare gift for those around him.
Stone titans were what every golem ever pieced together by a mage hoped to emulate. A dream as unlikely as a trout hoping to become a two-headed shark. Even the greatest constructs were only ever a pale imitation to what the world itself could create–as every soul here saw.
It was calamity given legs. A giant which could have wrestled with a dragon and won.
It knew no pain and feared no fire. A thing as cold and brutal as the depths from which it was made.
Its awakening was the first chapter to a tale of devastation.
… Except that the tale turned out to be as long as a synopsis, written by a sword which had again struck faster than his eyes could follow.
Even as he’d strained every fibre of his being, all he saw was a blur of shimmering light. However, rather than a heavenly strike blessed by Lady Lumielle, it was more like the gnashing teeth of a thousand ravenous hydras.
The stone titan hadn't been destroyed.
It'd been devoured.
Shredded like the letters from headquarters he used to keep his knifework active. And unlike them, he rather doubted if Mirabelle could put this thing back together.
In fact–
The only thing he’d truly caught was the smile of the girl wielding it.
Well, that and the laughter.
But Timon chose not to think about that. And very likely, neither did those beside him.
“We need more rum,” said Miranda, breaking the silence while keeping the already existing bottle of rum wholly to herself. “Shall we begin searching?”
The din of silence answered.
A far cry to the cavern which had shortly ago trembled as they hid, squatting beneath the window of a tavern like a trio of burglars.
“The rum can wait,” replied Mathias, as he did indeed begin searching for more rum. “What did your [Eye Of The Seeker] witness?”
“The same thing as your eyes. A stone titan about to add a tavern to its pancake collection. And then failing.”
“Are you certain the girl isn't a mage? She could be a powerful one. A trained spellsword, perhaps. All I saw was a glow as the stone titan was brought down. Could that not have been offensive light magic at work? A strike imbued into her blade?”
Miranda frowned in thought.
“I'm uncertain. I believe the light was from the enchantments upon her sword. But weapon imbuement isn’t a school of magic I'm overly familiar with. However … it's true that such magic is more subtle by design. An expert in channelling their magic into their sword would be difficult to detect.”
“Then that's what we saw. I know of no warrior who can bring down a stone titan with a strike of pure light. This girl is a high-class mage.”
Two pairs of eyes turned to Timon.
His first response was to simply chuckle.
“... Oh? And who's to say she's not both? At this point, it’s not inconceivable that she’s skilled in the schools of both magic and swordsmanship. Quite the fascinating one.”
“You're enjoying this, aren't you?” said Mathias with a wrinkle of his nose.
“Of course.” Timon smiled as he began lifting chairs and pulling tables in place. “After all … it isn't too often a guildmaster can claim to have royalty in their ranks.”
The groans came at once.
“Can we all just acknowledge that we heard nothing?” asked Miranda. “A girl who can turn a stone titan into a pile of broken pottery is one thing. That she is a princess is an entirely unnecessary dimension of complication we do not need.”
“I know nothing of what you're speaking about,” declared Mathias immediately. “If in the process of observing our newest prodigy, we happened to hear a loud declaration involving the word ‘princess’, then that is a problem my ears weren’t privy to.”
“There we go. Both Mathias and myself heard nothing. What about you, Timon?”
He rolled his shoulders and smirked, revelling in the dismay of his companions as much as the satisfying click of his joints.
Little did they know, he was holding back his mirth.
Timon wanted to laugh. He wanted to bellow until the tears rolled down his face.
For he never would have expected that of all the Contzens to assume the mantle of an adventurer, it would be the youngest.
Indeed … there could be no mistake. Nor was there a lie in her words.
That was not Princess Florella or Princess Clarise. But the features were there, to be seen when she was still enough that they could be registered. The same proud face. The same regal stature. If this were Reitzlake Castle, she’d be recognised at once.
However, no blindfold was greater than that of common sense, and he'd allowed it to mislead him as much as a curtain over his head.
He was quite happy to be free of it.
“Oh my,” he said with a chuckle. “It appears your hearing is worse than mine. Because I happened to hear that my most promising recruit must be … ah, Princess Juliette Contzen, I believe. Quite the rare name, no?”
Miranda frowned. Hard.
“A princess as an adventurer is not a bonus. It is an issue.”
“Why so? The guild has ever been the sanctuary of both rich and poor.”
“Yes. With limits. Young nobility escaping their horse riding lessons, perhaps. But not royalty. They are the leaders of nations. Having one in our ranks is extremely problematic. How does she function with the guild code hanging over her?”
“Quite well, I believe, considering the excellent work she's done so far.”
The man gently held up his hand.
“You've no need to fret, Miranda. I may be old, but I’m not senile. She has only been able to achieve what she has through the cloak and veil she now uses. Much of it cast accidentally by ourselves. That isn’t something I’d see tossed away, even if it’d make me the most envied guildmaster across the continent. So while I did hear, I’ll also not speak.”
The relief was palpable.
“Good,” said Mathias, the wrinkles returning as his face relaxed. “She's your adventurer, as you enjoy saying. Whatever trouble she brings, it is of no concern to us.”
Timon gave a bemused chuckle.
“Now, now, it's far too early to absolve yourself. The girl’s royal status aside, there's still the matter of her status as a prodigious adventurer we need to consider. Therefore, as your friend, I want you both to know that when the time comes, I'll be dragging both of you down with me.”
“When what time comes?” said Miranada, her tone exasperated. “What are you planning now?”
“Nothing that isn't unexpected for me, sly fox that I am.”
Whatever looks of horror they'd worn while watching a princess disassemble a stone elemental like cheddar on a grater, it was nothing compared to what they offered him.
“If you're thinking what I am—”
“There's no ‘if’ about it, Miranda. That’s exactly what I’m thinking.”
“You cannot.”
“Why's that? My thoughts are quite free.”
“Too free. There are rules. Rules you stretch to the point of dough turning into the thinnest gruel, yes, but rules you've yet to break … publicly, at least. This would break them. You know that.”
“Hoho. Do I now?”
“This isn't a laughing matter. You’ve already overstepped what a guildmaster’s powers commonly allow. Headquarters is already up in arms. They're looking for any excuse to remove you. There will be repercussions. Consequences. One step out of line and they’ll all be down here to personally drag you from your office.”
It was a warning which made Timon Quinsley grin like a young boy again.
“Good. The Kingdom of Tirea could always use more adventurers. Even those older than I am. Maybe they'll see something to jog their memories while they’re here.”
Despondency answered him.
But no words.
After all, he hadn’t become the guildmaster of Reitzlake without the obstinacy to do things his way until it was more trouble to get rid of him than allow him to stay.
He didn't intend to break that streak now.
“What about Liliane?” asked Miranda, deliberately pivoting the topic away. “We came here for her if I recall. Do we all cross our arms and awkwardly glower at her?”
“Leave Liliane to me. I'll speak with her as the kingdom's representative guildmaster. Given the lack of a talking crown on her head, I assume she’s now in a more agreeable mood.”
A look of incredulity came from Mathias.
“... Are you now volunteering to actually work? Without us to help share blame if your words cause another earth elemental to rise?”
“It's the least I can do. I brought you here to help me with an A-rank mage should my fears be realised. That was always the easy part. Chastising a grown woman? Now that’s far harder. I wouldn’t dare saddle you with such a gruelling task. But if you wish to assist, I’d be happy to continue imposing.”
A snort came from his oldest rival, friend and enemy.
“You may see out the conclusion by yourself,” he said, not wasting a moment before striding away. “How glad I am to be free of A-ranks. As far as anyone is concerned, I took a small holiday from Stermondt. I was never here.”
He paused for a moment, glancing at the bar. He stood still for several seconds … just before reaching over and taking a bottle of the most expensive brandy still on a rack.
Then, he was off, back to his house of mice that he called a guild branch.
“... He did enjoy this,” said Miranda diplomatically, rolling down her sleeves now that her magic wasn't needed. The bottle of rum she’d held was already missing. Likely in one of those very sleeves. “A little bit, at least.”
“And yourself?”
Miranda raised a brow.
“Next time, ensure you send a warning beforehand. Your luck will run out at some point.”
“I shall keep that in mind, Lady Howe.”
Timon offered a flamboyant dip of his head. The best impression of politeness a man of his reputation could ever offer. It earned only a roll of the eyes.
“Ensure you're not too harsh on Miss Harten,” she said, turning to leave. “There will be many seeking amends. Yet whatever this was, it could’ve been worse. She could use at least one sympathetic voice.”
Timon paused.
After all, for all his light candour, he was still first among equals. And he had a role to play.
“If the option is available,” he simply said.
Miranda offered a nod.
Then, with a turn of her heels, she followed in the much swifter footsteps of the one who was likely already halfway back to Stermondt.
Timon waited until she’d left before he sucked in a deep breath of air.
A sigh with twice the amount came out.
After a moment, he slowly hobbled towards the bar, every inch of his poor gait on display as he pulled out a stool. He whacked it against the floor to do away with the worst of the dust, then sat down with his elbows upon the counter, chin resting against the back of his hands.
“... A Granholtz Sunrise, please,” he said calmly. “Easy on the ice.”
The maiden behind the counter smiled.
Or perhaps 'maiden' was incorrect.
She was young, certainly. Likely not much older than the princess. But the demeanours between the two couldn’t be more stark. One was an adventurer who strived to dispel the darkness from the kingdom her family had sworn to defend. The other was a viper pretending to be a flower.
A lotus flower, to be exact.
“A Granholtz Sunrise,” repeated the girl with mismatched eyes, one as golden as autumn leaves, one as scarlet as her smile. “Authentic ones served in the ducal capital are usually made with honey, but I do have flareberry syrup available. Do you have a preference?”
Timon shrugged.
“Dealer's choice.”
The girl's smile almost threatened to look genuine.
Even if it wasn't, every adventurer in Timon's hall would doubtless fall backwards over their own heels if they saw it. A big if, despite the garishness of the maiden’s uniform.
“You're more observant than your colleagues,” said the Dealer, busying her hands as she willingly turned her back. “But I suppose unlike them, you were never always an adventurer. A shame. Your experience is wasted squinting at paperwork.”
Timon flinched impulsively for his pair of knives. Only trained experience and a history of watching those with swifter hands suddenly lose all their fingers held him back.
“You've little to concern yourself with, then. I can barely recall what the guild’s own letterhead looks like. A grand achievement for a guildmaster.”
“One of many, few of which your colleagues know about. Had your path not taken a brighter turn, perhaps those careful eyes of yours wouldn't be wasted on studying the shadows for unprincipled rascals like me.”
“It's not my eyes I need for that. Just my nose.”
“Oh my, do you imply something boorish, Mr. Guildmaster?”
“Not at all. Only that I’m not sneezing as much as I normally do around a bar. You tidied behind the counter. It looks better than my own. A fine job.”
“Thank you. I don't enjoy mysteriously loitering in a mess.”
“Only the warm and balmy shadows, I suppose?”
“If only that were true. I actually prefer the sunlight. Believe it or not, I’m a morning person.”
Timon gave a generous chuckle.
As he did so, his impromptu bartender expertly handled all the things the goblins had left behind. There was the sound of careful slicing upon a cutting board as she prepared various ingredients before squeezing, stirring and mixing them as required with coconut liqueur into a pair of highball glasses.
She carefully placed both upon the counter.
“A Granholtz Sunrise,” said the Dealer, nudging one towards him. “Made with a drop of honey. If you asked for flareberry syrup in Granholtz, you would be outed as a traitor or a spy.”
Timon reached past it and took the other one.
The Dealer made no comment. She understood, after all.
“Good thing I'm a guildmaster, then. We regularly get away with worse.”
“Yourself most of all. From the way your peers speak about you, you regularly commit open murder.”
“On the careers of those after my chair, perhaps. I'm on quite the villainous spree. Although slightly less than what you can boast, I imagine. It seems the easiest way for a guildmaster to earn a holiday in Granholtz is to pluck the wrong flower.”
“Then fortune follows the guild. Often the wrong flower when plucked can be lethal. A holiday is a welcome reprieve.”
Timon sipped his drink.
To his slight annoyance, it was very good.
“Hm.” He swirled the liquid in the glass, watching as the sunrise inverted. The nod was all he needed to offer. “... And so what brings such an esteemed guest to my neck of the woods, then, Lady Dealer?”
The girl shrugged.
She flicked at the glass with a fingertip. The shape within briefly changed into the shape of a bunny.
“The usual. Subterfuge. Larceny. Trespassing. Reading people’s diaries. Being up to no good.”
“Should I be concerned?”
“Always. But not now. Currently, I’m just a bartender.”
“I hear the world sighing in relief. Quite the odd turn your career has taken.”
“True. But no more than a princess with a copper ring or a masked rogue who boasts 37 active bounties across 8 nations as a guildmaster. Would you like to try a Goblin Surprise?”
“That depends. What’s a Goblin Surprise?”
“The most abhorrent thing you will ever consume. I don’t recommend it.”
“Well, in that case, why isn’t it already before me?”
The Dealer smiled.
Then, she efficiently stirred, shook, bashed several liquids together. Timon didn't know what half the things were. Only that it'd likely knock out what remained of his hair.
He accepted it regardless.
“... You've plans for my adventurer, I take it?”
“Of course. She has my personal curiosity.”
“I’m sure she’s shuddering on the spot. Mind if I ask what that personal curiosity entails?”
“Only things of the most sinister and foul nature. Yourself?”
Timon Quinsley chuckled.
He offered out his glass to a toast. The girl accepted.
“Hoho … exactly the same.”
Those sinister plans involve elevation to S class and reminding her that she's an adventurer at every possible opportunity