Epilogue 5 – Mommy Isn’t Home Today (part 2)
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Parent activity day ended after lunch. The kindergarten did not hold classes in the afternoon, so parents were asked to take their children home.

However, Qi Xiao Yan still had two classes to teach that afternoon, and Yang Wei had specifically told him that he couldn't leave their son alone at home. He had to be taken to the university.

Qi Rang had fallen into the habit of taking a nap after lunch, and by the time Qi Xiao Yan's car parked in the lot of Imperial City University, he had already fallen asleep in his seat.

After ruminating over his sleeping son for a few seconds, Qi Xiao Yan did not wake him up, but instead hefted him in his arms. It was naptime across the board, so a good many students were resting in their own dorm rooms, and the school was quiet. Holding Qi Rang, Qi Xiao Yan strode through the campus. From the lush canopy overhead, the sun occasionally broke through to cast its dappled light upon them.

Every once in a while, students would pass by after their midday meal and show a shocked, curious expression upon seeing Professor Qi carrying a child. However, no one approached, apparently afraid of waking the child up. A few girls secretly photographed the scene with their phones, and wasted no time posting them onto the campus forum.

Oh my God, I think I've just seen Professor Qi's son! Professor & Son charm value MAX! HD photos should be consumed with caution!

Such a shocking title, of course, quickly attracted the same sort of shocking classmates. Though it was obviously nap time, the girls’ dorms were boiling over like chicken blood.

"Are you still asleep? Professor Qi brought his son to school, hurry and wake up!"

"Oh my God! That kid is so freaking adorable! Professor Qi must have been just like this when he was young! I think I've found my motivation for math again!"

"Are you sure that little lump he's carrying is his son?”

“Are you blind? Look at his curly hair and his clever little face. Still think it's your son?”


Professor Qi had no knowledge of the boiling-over state of the dorms. He was busy laying the sleeping Qi Rang onto his office sofa.

Covering the boy with a coat, he made his way back to the desk, planning to work on a paper for a little while.

Rays of sunshine brushed the room, and time seemed to slow. The occasional breeze passing through the window touched the thick professional books on the table with their light fingers, and only the sound of pages flipped could be heard in that quiet space.

Then footsteps approached from faraway and Professor Wu walked in. "Xiao Yan, I hear you brought your son to school?"

Qi Xiao Yan raised his head to look up at him. "How did you know?”

Professor Wu raised an eyebrow and handed him the phone. “It's all over the forum.”

Qi Xiao Yan took the phone and scrolled through the replies.

"Unbelievable! Professor Qi has such a warm side! Can't he be nice to us sometimes too?!"

"That's is the difference between a son and a student. Upstairs, we'll just have to accept our fate (╯_╰)╭"

"That kid's skin is so good! If we get full marks on the test, think we could give him a pinch?!"

"First place in the grade here. Anyone who wants to pinch, please line up according to score."

"I, too, want to go to Professor Qi's arms qwq"

"Which class this afternoon has Professor Qi!!! I'll see you there!!!!”

“2.30pm this afternoon, Boya Building classroom 302. No need to thank me.”

“...You actually want to attend Professor Qi's class? Have you really thought it through? [laugh-cry] "

Qi Xiao Yan read them all, then logged in under his official account and posted a reply.

"Did you all finish the assignment I sent in the mail last night? 5 points will be deducted at the end of the semester if there is no reply to the email by the start of class this afternoon."


The forum thread that had just been in full swing was now like a dying ember.

Putting Professor Wu’s mobile phone back on the desk, he looked up to see him standing by the sofa, looking at his son with a smile.

Qi Xiao Yan frowned. "Stay away from my son. You'll lower his IQ."

Professor Wu: "..."

Could the IQ of a university professor compare to a kid in kindergarten?! Even if the child in question was the son of Professor Qi, he refused to accept it!

Professor Wu left in an indignant huff. Qi Xiao Yan continued with his paper, finally waking Qi Rang up at two o'clock.

Qi Rang, still a little blurry, was obviously unfamiliar with his new environment. He rubbed his messy hair and sat on the sofa, his eyes blank.

"Drink your milk." Qi Xiao Yan handed him a box of milk. Qi Rang took it and put a straw in.

Standing by the sofa, Qi Xiao Yan asked, "I have two classes this afternoon. What do you want to do?"

"Ummm..." Qi Rang looked about the office and felt that it would be just too boring to stay here for two class periods. His father might just make him do an assignment, so he volunteered, "I want to go to class with you."

Qi Xiao Yan thought about it. "You can come with me, but you can't disturb the class."


Then he got down from the sofa to follow behind Qi Xiao Yan.

Qi Xiao Yan had long strides, and he had to trot to keep up. When the students walking about campus with textbooks in their arms saw Qi Rang, they were all hit by a shot of cuteness.

When a teacher from the Department of Foreign Languages saw him, she squealed. "Oh my God, Professor Qi, is this your son?"

Qi Xiao Yan nodded. Qi Rang greeted the teacher with a smile, "Hello, big sister."

The teacher muffled her laughter with a hand. "What a silver tongue your son has! Not like you at all."

Qi Xiao Yan instructed, "Recite pi for your big sister."

Qi Rang did so.

Teacher: "..."

Well, she had to admit that this was definitely Professor Qi's son.

Having bid the teacher goodbye, the two continued through campus. When they arrived outside Boya Building classroom 302, however, Qi Xiao Yan paused.

The classroom was spilling over with people, to the point where students were even standing in the hallway. Next to Qi Xiao Yan, Qi Rang looked up and asked, "Do you usually have so many students in class?"

Qi Xiao Yan did not answer. He walked into the classroom. Walking in alongside, Qi Rang felt like somehow the whole classroom had become twice as bright as before-- purely from the light emitting from the students' eyes.

"Find a place to sit down." Above him rang out the sound of his father's cool voice. Looking at the crowded classroom, Qi Rang stood silent.

"Little boy, come sit in this sister's lap!" A girl with a round face waved her hand and half-screamed. At the podium, Qi Xiao Yan gave her a look. Clearing her throat, she smiled awkwardly and corrected, "Uh, I mean, come sit next to this sister."

"Don't go to that weird auntie, come here! This sister will dote on you." Another girl, this time with a pair of ponytails, called out. The classroom stirred, restless, as if everyone was eager to give it a go.

Qi Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes and said, in a condescending tone, "I certainly hope that when I call out for volunteers to solve problems later that you will all be just as eager."


The mood instantly calmed down.

Finally, Qi Rang made his way to the round-faced girl, attracting a good many envious eyes.

Pushing up his glasses, the class monitor asked, "Professor, is this your son?"

"Yes, he'll be attending for just two classes."

Class monitor: "..."

It seemed like he was still in kindergarten! But he was here in a class for advanced mathematics! Wasn't there something wrong with this?

The students all around were in a rather colorful mood. Only the round-faced girl asked him politely, "Little friend, what's your name?"

Qi Rang replied naughtily, "My name Qi Gou Dan."

Girl: "... "

"Dad named me that."

Girl: "..."

Professor Qi's image in her mind collapsed a little.

In the row in front of him, a girl took out snacks from her bag and set them before him. "Little friend, will you let this sister pat your head? These are for you~"

"Older sister, you're so pretty, you can pat my head even if you don't give snacks.”

The girl felt like her heart was just shot with an arrow. “Good God! Are you really Professor Qi's son? So cute!” She rubbed his hair, so happy she was about to bubble over.

When the other girls around saw, they too began ruffling Qi Rang's hair excitedly. Even the boys sitting next to them were cuted out and reached over to touch his head.

Looking at the male hands reaching out, Qi Rang shouted, "Stop!"

The guys halted in their tracks.

Smiling innocently at them, Qi Rang said, "Sorry, I just really like to be neat."

Guys: "..."

This was indeed Professor Qi's son! Born to be man's natural enemy!

"Qi Rang, come down here and solve this problem." Qi Xiao Yan's cold voice suddenly rang out from the podium, like a basin of cold water pouring onto one's head.

One after the other, the students all looked at the complicated function problem on the blackboard and were collectively silenced.

Qi Rang: "..."

In abusing his son, Professor Qi showed no mercy.

Between classes, the students surrounded Qi Rang once again. The round-faced girl sitting beside him showed him her most loving smile and asked, "Is your father cold at home too? Does he play games with you?"

"Yes, he plays Sudoku with me every day."

Girl: "..."

No need for anything more to be said. She just wanted to pull Little Friend Qi into her arms and give him a little comfort.

Eager to put him the test, the class monitor asked, "Shall we play a game of Sudoku, then?"

Qi Rang nodded, "Okay."

A few girls around then said in dissatisfaction, "You bully! Why compete against a kindergarten child?"

"It's okay," Qi Rang interjected. "If I lose, my dad will avenge me."

Class monitor: "..."

He suddenly didn't want to play anymore.

Downloading a Sudoku puzzle from online, he announced the start of the game. Qi Rang scribbled in his notebook with a pencil for a little while, then before the bell for the next class could ring, his crisp little voice said to the class monitor, "Big brother, I'm all done."

The class monitor, with a few blanks left to go, almost broke his pen. Looking over at Qi Rang's grid full with numbers, he used the app to check them and found that every single one was right.

"No way!" The class monitor couldn't believe his eyes. He had actually just lost to a kindergarten kid in Sudoku. Impossible!

The students surrounding them began to boo. Sitting back in his seat, the class monitor began to doubt life.

Qi Rang patted him on the shoulder comfortingly. "Dad played this with me every day. I'm only a little bit better because I've had so much practice."

Class monitor: "..."

Not in the least did he want to be comforted by a kindergarten child.

Qi Xiao Yan had also watched the whole game, and he said to Qi Rang in satisfaction, "You can watch ten minutes of cartoons tonight."

Class monitor: "..."

Was the subversion of his outlook on life just exchanged for a mere ten minutes of cartoons?

Professor Qi needed to reflect on his methods of education!

At the end of the two classes, Qi Rang was reluctantly surrounded by girls, who asked him to take a group photo with them.

Qi Xiao Yan plucked him out of the crowd and left without a backward glance.

As they walked, he looked down at Gentleman Qi and commented, "Apparently you integrate into college life better than kindergarten life."

"The girls in kindergarten are all just bean sprouts. The big sisters in university are so much prettier!"

Qi Xiao Yan: "..."

Who on earth did he inherit this from?

The two first went back to the office to pick up their things before driving back to the house. When they got home, Yang Wei called.

Qi Xiao Yan had said only a few words with her before the phone was robbed from his hands. "Mommy, it's your Curly-baby!"

From the other end, Yang Wei laughed. "Curly-baby, what did you do this afternoon?" "

"I went to college with dad. I beat their class monitor!"

"What did you beat him in?"

"Sudoku competition."

Yang Wei: "..."

She wondered if the class monitor was doing alright.

Qi Xiao Yan grabbed the phone back. "He also got along very well with the girls in the class."

Qi Rang: "..."

"Before I left, I took a few photos. I'll send them to you later."

Qi Rang: "..."

Yang Wei really did received a photo from Qi Xiao Yan. In it, Curly-baby was surrounded by a circle of girls. Each and every one of them was looking at him with a doting expression.

Pressing her lips together, Yang Wei locked her phone into the cupboard. Teacher Yao, changing next to her, saw her swimsuit and said in disgust, "Aren't you a bit too bundled up in that swimsuit? What era is it from?"

Yang Wei shrugged. "Professor Qi chose it."

Teacher Yao said disbelievingly, "Professor Qi likes this sort of thing?"

"It has nothing to do with aesthetics. Professor Qi is purely interested in its amount of fabric."

Teacher Yao: "..."

Qi Xiao Yan cooked the evening dinner. Qi Rang was reluctant to admit it, but his father's cooking really was better than his mother's.

Afterward, he happily watched cartoons twenty minutes longer than usual before running off to draw. Qi Xiao Yan returned after doing the dishes and asked, "What are you painting?"

"Dad's class." Without lifting his head, Qi Rang continued drawing. Qi Xiao Yan walked over and took a look. It was indeed his class. Whether the podium or the person behind it, down to the questions on the blackboard, it was completely replicated.

Qi Xiao Yan raised an eyebrow. "Do you even understand those symbols?"

"No, but I remember them."

Qi Xiao Yan ruffled his hair. "When you grow up, you'll understand them."

"When did you understand them, Dad?"


"Then I'll have to understand when I'm thirteen."

Chuckling, Qi Xiao Yan patted him, "Alright, now go wash. Aren't you tired after playing all day?"

Qi Rang made one last stroke, then ran to the bathroom.

Qi Xiao Yan watched over him as he climbed into bed, and covered him with the quilt. "Good night, dad."

Qi Xiao Yan kissed him on the cheek and turned off the lamp. "Goodnight, Curly-baby."


I sped through this chapter so I could eat empanadas. They won't be there much longer if I recognize that look in my fiance's eyes. Please forgive my poor editing this chapter, empanadas are more important.

This concludes all the chapters about the main couple, leaving only the Fang Cheng Ran epilogues (there are 4 of them)! Look forward to those next time :)