Arc 1. Chapter 3-2
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Adela Belaire. Fourteen years old. Ezekiel’s apprentice and one of the six main characters in the manga. What was she doing here? According to my memories, she first appeared during arc 6, and we were barely in arc 2. It was too soon for her to be here!

As if feeling my confusion, her profound eyes turned to mine, and she gave me a cheeky smile, like she knew what I was thinking. I felt an involuntary shudder going down my spine, but not because of fear.

“I haven’t taught you this yet Adela, but there are different types of souls. Three levels in total, though some may mix, although only with consecutive levels. It is something configured from birth and that cannot be changed, and it regulates many things about the person, such as their affinity for magic, the maximum level they can reach in the spirit ascension, and the number of reincarnations they’ll have to pass through to get to the last level” the necromancer explained, answering Adela’s question and making me even more confused, if possible.

Adela nodded. “It’s the first time I’ve heard of this. Never found this information in the books you gave me.”

“It’s because the only books regarding soul levels were destroyed long ago during the Magi Wars, over four-hundred years in the past. It’s only passed as oral tradition nowadays, but not many of our kind care for it, since, regardless of the type of soul, all persons ascend in the same way.”

“Then, why was it important that her soul was compatible with the viscountess’?” she asked, eyeing the viscount momentarily. He observed the girl absently, apparently unbothered despite her many questions. That surprised me. “Does the ritual of false life require a compatible soul?”

“Not necessarily, but results are best with a soul of the same level as that of the deceased. It preserves the integrity of the mind better and there’s less risk of drawbacks.”

“Marie was a pure third level soul” the viscount explained, almost making me yelp in surprise. Was he actually treating Adela respectfully? Not like he was ever disrespectful towards me, he never talked enough with me to be so, but that was exactly the point. He didn’t talk! “Normally, those who possess a third level soul have mixes of second level within them. A pure third level soul it’s indeed a rarity, as your master said.”

So… I was special. Great, just when I didn’t want it at all!

I still didn’t get what this whole thing of levels and souls was about though. I mean, I never heard of any of this, and I read the manga. What the heck.

“The ritual can take place this night, then?” the viscount asked, looking at the necromancer after finishing with his explanation. The other man nodded.

“At midnight, on the mausoleum your wife is in. We’ll need to arrange a few things though. Why don’t we discuss them in private? I’ll like to finish them quickly so I can get some sleep. I’ve been up all night travelling, you see.”

“Of course. Please, bring her back to her room” the viscount told Emily, who gave a bow and escorted me out of the drawing room. Adela left behind us, leaving her master and the viscount alone. She smiled at me.

“What’s your name?” she asked without further ado. I blinked.

“Ehm… I’m Elaine.”

“So, Elaine…” she looked me up and down, before turning her eyes towards Emily. I was in a state of confusion. The new information from only a while ago plus her presence here were unexpected things. It furthered my theory that there were many things untold from the manga. However, my main issue was another. Since Adela was here, I could talk to her as well about convincing her master to take me in. I opened my mouth to do just that, but she spoke before I had the chance. “May I accompany you? I want to take another look at her. You heard what my master said; she possesses a rare type of soul. Since it’s the first time I ever heard of it I want to investigate this matter further.”

“That…” Emily looked conflicted. “Nobody is allowed to visit the young miss, I’m afraid” she settled on saying. Adela rolled her eyes.

“Come on, our masters are good friends! Besides, I just want to look at her! Nothing will happen!” she pleaded, emphatically tapping the ground with her staff. It was a long thing made of simple wood, with a head in the form of a spiral. It clashed a little with her simple lilac robe and her furred boots. At her waist, she had a fanny pack with buttons to fasten it, and various bracelets with several charms were tied around her wrists. It was the exact same outfit with which she first appeared in the manga.

Despite her words, Emily still didn’t look convinced, so Adela let out an exaggerated sigh and took my arm, literally dragging me behind her.

“Fine, let’s go to one of the gardens if that’ll alleviate your mind. But I will have to ask you to leave us a bit of space. I can’t concentrate with other people around, you see. Is that alright with you?”

It most definitely wasn’t alright with Emily, judging by her face, but she said nothing else as she followed us, leaving an appropriate space between us. I, obviously, didn’t complain. This was just what I wanted, a moment alone so I could talk with Adela without anyone listening in. I could not pass up this chance.

We reached the rose garden in no time, which, I must clarify, is in the complete opposite side of the mansion from my room. Just for your information. Adela looked over her shoulder and made a gesture for Emily to stay where she was, and the two of us continued until we were in the middle of the garden, still in sight of Emily but out of hearing range. Adela let go of my arm and turned to look at me, observing me with attention, and before I could get a single word out she, once again, spoke.

“I’m going to help you get out of here.”


“Huh?” I asked, stupefied. Adela snorted.

“I’m not going to allow the ritual to take place, so I will help you escape. Tomorrow is the last day of full moon, if you manage to get away from here and not get captured back until then, your life will no longer be in danger.”

That’s… wow. Never thought it would be so easy to convince her.

But wait a second.

“You… are going to help me escape?”

“Didn’t you hear anything I said or are you retarded and can’t understand simple words?”

Ok, that was rude. Forgot what kind of character she was. No tact at all since the only person she was around since birth was her master. And she was mean, like, Mean Girls kind of mean.

“Of course I understand. I’m not stupid. I just wanted to know… why?”

“It’s not for you, well, not entirely for you” she rectified. “The ritual of false life is a taboo ritual. It blemishes the soul of the caster permanently, and I can’t allow my master to bear that blemish because of an old debt. On the other hand, I loathe the thought of a young innocent girl being used for selfish reasons. So, I will help you. Does that explanation satisfy you?”

“K-kind of…” was all I could say. But… wow. Did I miss something important? I mean, Adela wasn’t supposed to be here. She was supposed to be back at Alder Forest secluded in her home until the news of her master’s death reached her. In no moment in time she cared enough about Elaine or her master’s soul to come here and try saving me. So the same question remained. What was she doing here?

Before I could formulate the question though, Adela turned around sharply and brandished her staff like a sword, barely hitting a person who was making their way towards us.

That person was Lucas.

“Whoa, what the heck?!” he said, his mouth pursed and his brows in a deep frown. He had barely dodged the attack and, needless to say, wasn’t happy at all with this development. “You could have injured me, you crazy witch!”

“Who are you calling a witch?! And it’s your fault for trying to creep on us like that!” Adela fired back immediately. Lucas’ eyebrows twitched.

“And who the hell are you? What are you doing in my house? Why are you talking to Elaine?” he asked in rapid succession, bypassing her to walked to my side, but Adela stopped him, raising her staff to interpose between him and me. He glared at her. “So, who the fuck are you?”

“With those clothes, I assume you must be one of the viscount's sons. I didn’t know nobles were so fouled-mouthed” she leered. I closed my eyes, feeling an incoming headache. Right, these two didn’t like each other. At all. I opened them again and with a hand lowered the staff, finally getting their attention away from each other and back at me.

“We don’t have time for this. Emily is already looking at us funny” I warned. And indeed, the young maid seemed to be debating whether to intervene or not now that one of her masters was on the scene. Luckily, it looked like that was enough to calm them down, as Adela lowered her staff completely and Lucas crossed his arms. They kept glaring at each other though. “Lucas, why are you here?”

“I heard the necromancer had already arrived. I... wanted to help you” he answered coyly. Oh, was he still going on about helping me escape? It wasn't just talk after all? I could barely believe it, but if it was true, then...

I looked at Adela.

“Your master said your name was Adela, right?" she nodded. "Lucas, she is the necromancer's apprentice. She..." I took a furtive glance at Emily, before saying in a lower voice; "why don’t we search for a more private place to talk? Lucas, please tell Emily you’ll be accompanying me from now on. I’m afraid what we’re going to discuss is something that’s better left between only the three of us, and it might take us some time.”

This wasn’t exactly how I pictured my escaping plan to be, but… what the hell, beggars can’t be choosers. At least I got two important people on my side now, no?