Report compiled by
Deputy Director Marcus Hale
Head of Oversight and Compliance Division
Operation Summary
Collaborating Agencies — Summit of Heroes & Binary Brotherhood
Summary of Objectives — Enforcement initiative designed to eliminate unregistered superpowered individuals and neutralize or reintegrate former villains through targeted operations.
Key Details
Resource Sharing — As of this summer, the Summit of Heroes and Binary Brotherhood forces share data networks, allowing the Brotherhood’s advanced algorithms to filter surveillance data for suspected unregistered activity.
Targeting and Surveillance — Utilizing high-level data analysis, the Binary Brotherhood's search algorithms sift through digital records, traffic patterns, and communications to locate suspects.
Apprehension and Detainment — Summit capes lead tactical operations to capture identified suspects, who are then subjected to extensive debriefing and, if needed, detainment. Up to 90% of suspects are detained in the Vault.
Public Safety Message — Officially, the Bastion Initiative is touted as an effort to protect public safety and establish a “stronghold” over superpowered threats, framing compliance as essential to national security.
Concerns & Unknown Information
Data Acquisition Methods — Additional sources and extent of Brotherhood data collection remain unclear; it’s suspected some data feeds draw from high-security government archives and third-party tech conglomerates.At least one company, NAME REDACTED, reports they were strong-armed into cooperation.
Lack of Oversight — Brotherhood algorithms’ search logic and specific parameters used to identify targets are proprietary, raising questions about accountability and susceptibility to misuse. With all surveillance, there is a chance it will eventually be used against people other than supers, such as journalists and political enemies.
Extent of Surveillance — Access to knowledge about these methods is intentionally restricted, preventing internal Summit members and Brotherhood members from knowing the Initiative's true reach. There are reasons to believe that Summit and Brotherhood cooperation might’ve begun before then. Director Wight expressed concerns that Summit networks had been accessed before the Bastion Initiative passed.
Possible Complications for the Summit of Heroes
Operational Strain — Increased apprehensions have stretched Summit resources thin, risking operational efficiency and personnel burnout. Recruitment numbers are already dwindling and projected to continue on a downward trend.
Hero / Public Relations — Currently, public reactions are mixed, but the Initiative’s aggressive tactics may compromise the heroic image, particularly if unregistered individuals caught were minor offenders.
Possible Complications for the Binary Brotherhood
Data Security Risks — Vast amounts of data stored and shared within Brotherhood systems increase vulnerability to external cyber threats. As data collection grows, additional facilities will be needed. Risk of data breaches increases exponentially.
Internal Pushback — Some Brotherhood members have expressed concerns over privacy and ethical implications, risking internal division.
Possible Complications for the Bastion Initiative
Jurisdictional Conflicts — Municipal and state-level authorities fear an erosion of local governance rights, leading to conflicts with federal mandates regarding superpowered affairs. The initiative is expected to expand to include regional and world governments and will encroach on extradition treaties.
Risk of Escalation — Unregistered superpowered individuals may respond to increased pressure with organized resistance, potentially triggering a wave of unrest among superpowered communities.
Recommended Actions
Increase Transparency Efforts — To mitigate public distrust, selective declassification of Initiative objectives and methods may be necessary to enhance public support.
Internal Audits and Oversight — Conduct regular, independent audits of Brotherhood algorithms to ensure ethical use of data and compliance with privacy laws.
Public Image Control** — Proactive media engagement with positive stories and high-profile rescues by Summit heroes to maintain morale and counter concerns of abuse or overreach.
This document is classified — Unauthorized access, reproduction, or dissemination of this information is strictly prohibited.
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“Ava, we’re shifting priorities on the Bastion targets. The Summit’s roster has stalled. Between that and the Menagerie reports, we’re focusing on psychics from here on out.”
“That’s already in motion. But I’m getting pushback on the Menagerie hardening protocols—”
“Excuse me?”
“The biomechs are resisting the hardening protocols. The Menagerie doesn’t just override, it manipulates. Protecting against something like that requires precise hypnotherapy and mental scaffolding.”
“I don’t care what it takes, Ava. Figure it out. Lobotomize the weaker models if you have to.*
“Lobotomize them? You think they’re less vulnerable if they’re just shells? That's not how it works. Lowering cognitive function only leaves them more susceptible. It’s like handing the Menagerie the keys.*
“Connect them, then. If they’re running as a unit, Menagerie has to deal with all of them, not just one.”
“Look, it’s late. I’d appreciate it if you did your job and let me do mine. My biomechs need specialized defenses, not guesswork. The Menagerie’s reach is strong enough without us sabotaging our own ranks. Maybe you should focus on your drones’ cameras and why they can’t see Mod and his team clearly.”
“One threat at a time. Right now, the Menagerie takes priority.”
Ava sighed. “What’s the plan for Summit capes then?”
“We’re exploring all options—enclosed power armor, for one.”
“I thought that wouldn’t work. The armor interferes with powers…”
“As I said, we’re exploring all options. Why should we use a vulnerable super when a perfectly normal man with power armor and a gun will work? Besides, we reverse engineered Emmett’s fusion rifle and those batteries. It's proven effective against hardened targets, so it should be effective against Class 3 and 4 capes.”
“Villains,” Ava corrected.
Midas ignored her. “Once those batteries and rifles are ready for mass production, we’ll make short work of the Menagerie. In the meantime, fix your biomechs. You wouldn’t want to become obsolete, would you?”
“Do the rest of your peons work well with threats?”
“It’s not a threat, Ava. It’s a fact. The system is as disposable as you make it, but by all means make yourself obsolete faster if that’s what you want. Otherwise, get your biomechs reinforced and ready.”
“Would you like to continue simulations of psychic hardening procedures?”
Ava sighed. “No… thank you, Computer. Simulations aren’t good enough. Prepare the dissection lab for three more biomechs.”
“Should I wake another Menagerie member?”
“Not yet. Leave them in cryo. I’ll send for them when the next batch of biomech test subjects is ready.”
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