cHaptEr sLiPped froM mEmory
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I awoke.

Sitting up, I took a look around. The first thing I noticed was the color. 




Pure, undiluted, endless white.

I had no idea, no clue as to where I was, or who I was.

Yet, in the instant that I had that thought, countless memories began to surface, effectively triggering the first emotion I had ever felt.




Brutal, agonizing, unending pain. Constant, yet short. Long, yet weak.


I am here. No, you are not. 

You do not exist. Yes, I do!

I am alive. No, you are dead.

You are weak. No, I am strong!

I will save them! No, you will fail.


With far too many contradictions constantly appearing from within my mind, I slam my head into the ground in an effort to stop the voices.

Even as the bloodstains continue to dirty the once unblemished floor of the room, the voices do not go away. In fact, they appear to become worse.

I continue slamming my bloodied head in a mad frenzy, desperate for a moment of pause. 




But through all of this pain, I could feel a presence.

Someone or something was forcing me to stay conscious.

Even while laying in a small pool of my own blood, I could feel it.


Watching me.



"I was-(or should I say still am?)-quite pathetic, aren't I?"

Huh, I can't seem to change the title...


