13: Return, again and again and again
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PoV: David.

I told Gabi not to try, but do ― and in such a serious tone, too. But, not getting this Earth media reference, she did give her weak smile, the best she could offer maybe. Then I also thought ― with Carine nearby and likely watching ― I should probably just go ... and do something. Even so, I could probably ask a few more questions, just to answer my curiosity.

"Let me recap; I have a lot to do, even this moment. And not to set my success or failure upon whether you help or not ― I wish you do, though ― I have to return, and get things going still." I sigh, and see her now watching me, with keen interest. "It's like this, Gabi ― I have so much to do, and so little time to do it. I have the deific realm for the world to manage and upgrade; I have the world and all its mortals to gather and heal and unite; and that's just there. I have a subset of the deities I met or have seen in the lounge, to gather them as friends and neighbors; and ... I have things to decide, for ... me."

She sighed, at last acknowledging this, if not only because she knows what she failed to do, but also knows how serious I am to take it on myself.

"Share contacts, David? I may want to talk-"

"Already done. Did you not feel it when I first held your hand?" I lifted our clenched fingers as a united mass, to 'prove' the contacts were already shared.

"... no, I didn't. Sorry, I seem to not be able to ... sense some things. Well I ... I have so little deity potential now; but ... there's still a 'pay phone' equivalent1nevermind she doesn't know the Yoda reference, somehow she still gets the payphone one ... Earth people are weird, am I right- I can use. It'll cost me; but even like this I still may be able to call out-"

"Well then if it would cost you something ― just call me briefly, and I'll call you back directly, if I can. And, hey; would it be okay if I tell Petrina and the others you know how to reach you?"

"... Petrina ... might be a carrier, too. I might be seeing her soon anyway. Well ... if you can get hold of her and she doesn't hate me too, then-"

I rattled off a brief chat message to Petrina, saying someone found Gabi and she's here; to this I got a giant "thumbs up" emote in response. Followed, too, by a comment of 'guess what happened to her former mate Dhareff'.

I am not going to take the bait from this rabbit girl; I've got better things to do than receive or share gossip. But I do respond something: 'I think what happens to Gabi is more important than some miserable cur'.

And somehow Petrina thinks it's funny? She did reply with a laughing face emote, animated for this chat too ― a universal reaction even for the deities, it seems-

"Ahem. That ... um ... loincloth, thingy. Was it something of value to you, or-"

"Scrap it. Or burn it maybe. I'm sorry that's all I had, all I could leave to you. You deserved better; but I was so poor I could do nothing but that. Even for myself-"

"-okay, as good as done. Anything in particular you want or need from the realm? I am generous in nature, and would want to return things to you if they do have even the slightest sentimental value."

"... nothing, really. Well a few of the books on that bookshelf ... but I'll understand if you don't want to touch those. It's not like I'd want to touch them myself. But then again, some of them were loaned to me so I'll have to return them to their owners-"

"Fair enough. Everything was cleaned, by the way ― everything. Not sure the disease is attached to items like that; but even so, at least being cleaned is better than not having been cleaned. Say, what of Luria, or that system corner ― why so dark and constrained like that?"

"... it's ... a long story. A matter of me being unfair to Luria, and rejecting the warning of ... all that happened to me then. It's one thing for which I should properly apologize to the system, or Luria, if she would take my words as the honest truth. Once you go back, stand in that corner and reread Chapter Twelve, you should know what to do to return it to the way it should be."

"Understood. To think it's so simple, I could have fixed it before this. Well Gabi ― or ... should I call you the full-"

"... no! Um; no, that's too much, for me. Just ... whatever you want to call me, is fine. David." She smiles again, at last.

"I wish we had started out as friends, though. But I understand your perspective ― down to the wire on your last hours, or so you thought. If you hadn't left so abruptly-"

"You might have sensed how ill I was, even as brief a time as I talked to you, David. I know you're so much smarter than me, but I didn't want to expose you to more than you were just then. If the world is going to be safe in your hands ... I had to just turn over the systems and skills and everything to you ... and ― so I had to leave, or be in your way-"

I don't know why, I leaned in close and kissed her lips, just so lightly-

This silly elf goddess ... er, former goddess ... she smiled, and giggled. I could only grin subtly, and swallow our combined saliva.

  • Deific Health Systems: Contagion Alert
  • Contact with a diseased being has now revealed an infectious condition which may still be contagious to you.
  • A minor recovery and resistance boon granted by Carine the Goddess of Health can passively counter this state.
  • The contact was brief, so the risk was nullified, this one time ― repeated exposure to this source is not advised.

... okay then. Good to know. Or, was I so freaking stupid, to just do what I did? Apparently, like an idiot, yes. Like a game of Russian roulette ― except no bullet in this kiss. I can sigh in relief then.

"Well. That's all I'll do for now, Gabi. At least, until you are feeling more able, and we can get ahead of an actual disease-"

But I'm already standing and heading for the door before I'm tempted for more, smiling in my own way for the interlude. What caused me to do it? Me, who is still so shy, and broken-

Anyway ― she is happier now, to have been given so bold a reminder of her life and living. Even if I have no medical diagnostic sense, I do think she will get better faster from this memory. A sense of how she now has reason to move forward instead of back. Carine is probably pissed to see this, though. Hmm maybe Ku would, too?

Out in the hall, I meet with Aaren and Anyah, patiently waiting for me. Anyah mostly; she's staring straight at me ― and already reaching to hold my arm in hers. Practically, latching onto me.

"... back to the old castle, friends. Touch this metal plate on the wall, and we get sent back to where we were."

Reappearing in Aaren's room ― the transfer had maintained positions so somehow Anyah is still bound to me, arms linked ― we are now clear of any further action in Carine's place.

"... Anyah-"

"My lord, I will get my things and go with you!" And she then tears away, to get whatever she thinks is necessary.

Somehow from this, I am getting the idea. To these people ― 'god' or 'goddess' means someone you obey but not love; when she called me 'my lord' it's someone you respect and maybe even love. If ... Anyah does love me-

I look to Aaren for support; but he's holding back a laugh. "... eh I don't mind. It's good for her, too. Take her, please; it will make me and her mother proud to have her part of this world's history."

"... you are practically making it sound like we are mar-"

"And why not?!"


"Aaren. While I would not mi- ahem. Well I, um. Do you not have any previous ... arrangements ... for your children?"

"Oh ... well ... even if there were ... hell. Even I can see she's wanting nobody else but you! Besides," the king kept right on rolling in his high points. "You and I both know now, as well as does she too, how much help you will need. She is willing and able ― oh so eager to be doing something so grand ― you seriously would not turn her away from this chance? This adventure of her life?"

I sigh. "No, I believe I will need her. Then ... very well. But then I also want to bring you along briefly, to show you how limited my situation will be ... with her or anyone else. And her mother, as well, if she is here."

"Certainly. Her mother Tika is right there behind you, God David."

I turned, to note the beauty of a fox woman who was one of Aaren's wives, and the mother of Anyah as her sole child.

"Welcome, God David. It would be my honor to be the mother of one of your wives."

I think these people already have me setup to be married and mated to Anyah; no matter what I say now, this relationship is as good as done. So if this pandemic were not a problem ― how would I feel about having a child with her? Hah ― this thought is too much!

I'd made small talk with the king and lesser queen (not lesser for sake of beauty, I'll say). Aaren tells his experience of being with a healer, and even of seeing Gabi. Tika seems as eager as Aaren to have Anyah sent with me, too; I can find no weakness to set my foot down in this regard. Well ― if I did say I cannot or will not marry her, at this point, it's still a matter of how much Anyah wants to be at my side, anyway.

Already in twenty minutes Anyah is back, dragging a rucksack of precious things she couldn't want to leave behind. It's maybe the largest size package she'd be capable of carrying ― but same as for Kika, I also could share with this girl the Inventory ability. Yeah I probably- no, definitely, will. It should make her transfers between my realm and her home in this kingdom so much easier.

"Well then ... are we all ready, to go to my place? I must give warning, it is nothing grand; in fact, it's still a small space."

I know one set of eyes are already gleaming. Whatever could she be thinking this to be?

Even so. Aaren, Tika, and Anyah all nod already; I hold out my arms at each side. Anyah obviously latched onto the right; while the king and queen grabbed my left. And then, I swept them along with me, to ... home.

Again, to the Approach.

Now I must say, even aside from the ground view, the view out the sides and even above look grand. In any direction where the ground is not, is ... the universe. The cosmos.

In short, it's like we're right in space, with this small one hundred by one hundred meter square of land beneath our feet.

"This, dear young ladies ... and gentleman," I grin. "Is the room guests will arrive within, when they come here ― if I grant them this permission. Its name is 'Approach to the Deity', and as such it is meant to be the first point of contact to my assistants or other guests to this place. It also can restrict those who will not believe in or worship me ― or as it happens, Gabi from before now ― from here too. The well you see here was here once upon a time; but as I could say Gabi got into a kind of 'debt'. She had to sell it off ― until I rebuilt it only just before finding Anyah at your side, Aaren."

I let them wander slowly, and even inspect the well itself. By now holding liquid worship mana to a depth of two centimeters, I can sigh in thanks for this. No doubt a fair portion of this might even be from the girl here taking my hand. I sit at the edge of the well, and run my hand through the waters ― where a strange thought surfaces. Cupping some of it, I draw it up to sip ... ugh, not so fresh, but not so bad.

Anyah has noticed this, and narrows her eyes a small bit. Copying my maneuver, she likewise ... but spits it out. "My lord! Surely you should have better water than this!"

"... ah well, this is not just water ― or, more than water itself ― it's actually a representation of peoples' worship, in this world. And also is used as a form of currency; but I can explain that much later. The taste as you found out is a function of the intent in which it is given. The more pure the worship, the more sweet the water-"

Both Aaren and Tika are likewise curious, and also sip at it; but instead of spitting it out, they gulp it down. Aaren is the next to speak.

"... are we that bad, for you, God David?"

"No. Instead of saying it's a matter of bad or good, I see it differently. It may be partly Gabi's fault and now by extension my fault for not having some rules or advice written and shared throughout the world. If the people of this world only knew they have a god who will help them, and also give them such guidance as they may need ― it's a step forward. Maybe their worship could come into alignment with whatever purpose a god such as myself would have to do, to earn it-"

"But-" Anyah tries a protest, though I put a single fingertip to her lips to silence here, then retract the finger.

"Anyah, dear, no, I do have to earn it. If at least for my own reasoning, because I do not want to take any worship or worshipper for granted. And then ... this 'water' should taste more sweet." Gesturing again to the pool, I explain. "What you see is only a small way of showing how well I am doing. This is the only worship mana I will get from the whole world, as of now; but I hope to see it grow in such short time. Well Aaren, when you asked to build a place so I could attach the ability to show the world's surface as a globe, I did ask for one year's time. In this way I do want to challenge myself somehow to improve at what I am doing. In part it will be difficult for the world ― for one thing, because of this sickness going around the world, even now. I cannot do nothing ― many of the people both in your kingdom and other lands also need my help."

"... even if you require me to wait one year, my god ― I am still saying I have confidence in you. So, one year is such a small time."

"Good to hear, Aaren. Well then I will believe you too; but I still wish I will be so capable to fulfill your needs. And, Anyah." She's already raptly attentive to me, but even calling her name brings her eyes right back to mine. "First question I have to ask of you."

She smiles, such a huge smile. Oh get your mind off of there-

"If you will always be my friend ... I wish to know ― in your own words ― if you agree to help anyone who can worship me, of any race, of any land in this world, of any background? Even if different from you?"

I see a slight disappointment ― what the heck did she think I was gonna ask?

"... it is as you say, my lord. I am yours to command; I will follow your words to the letter. Let your people of this world be also my people. Though some of the monster races ... can be trouble."

"This is good for a start; but what I am wanting to know is more nuanced than just this. I do wish for you to keep your own mind and wits about you, and make wise choices. But also to the other extreme, I wish you not to be too eager in some respects, or not make choices that are my right, and my responsibility to make. Somewhere within the middle of this, is acceptable."

"I understand. I agree."

"And my second query. My mission is to improve not merely what is here, but also myself and what I am capable of doing, so as to help all peoples of this world. Are you also capable and willing of working to improve yourself, to the extent you are aware of your own self?"

"Yes. I have no strength, but I am smart and willing to learn more. I believe I am also caring and compassionate. While you were talking with the healer woman, she did talk to me and my father separately. The part she said I could tell you, she will hope I can be a core part of helping this world, and that I have the qualities to follow through. Even if something is difficult for you too my lord ― I will not leave it only for you to handle alone."

I nod. Well even if she were lying, it could be easy to check up on this story ... if I wanted to test her in small ways along our life. But for a girl so admittedly in love with me even before I am with her ― she's telling me the straight truth.

"Then. Third. I am also likely to be traveling to many parts of this world. Day, night, to many cities or settlements, or even in the sparse wastelands. You will also be part of a work of helping and healing others ― even some who may not like you or me or Gabi or anyone else we work with. Are you still willing to do what must be done, despite the difficulty? Despite sometimes even feeling disrespected?"

"Yes. I-"

She faltered. Hmm; this may indicate some latent problem.

"What daughter, do you have a thought you have not said?" Tika queries.

"Mother, I ... I fear being hurt, though. Being a mortal, and now ... to be here, at the side of a God-"

"... yet you were willing to be at your father's side, day after day if necessary," Tika replied, "while you helped ease his burning heat. At the side of the God David you may be required to do far more than you have yet, dear daughter. Is this not enough?"

I insert another thing. "Part of the blessings and favors I can grant may help you anyway, to be safe against harm. It is not an absolute factor of safety; but as we help others and find more willing to do the work too, then ... you will not be working alone. But this question remains: are you still willing to do what must be done, despite the difficulty?"

"... then yes. If I have help, and also am with you ― I have no need to fear."

Heartwarming thought; but I know I'm neither omnipotent or omniscient.

"One more question, fourth and final. Anyah. Do you love me."

Her eyes bug wide, and her answer is as immediate as certain. "YES!" she calls out loud.

And my point is ... I see all the 'worship mana' coming off of her; it's visible to me but not her. But, the effects of this can be seen. The surge of loving worship particles flow to the well, and make a slight tide inside. Hearing this, she turns toward it; but I'm already to explain it.

"From my asking that question, I am showing you one thing. Even as you answered, an increase in the worship from you has doubled. For you, personally. Now, take another sip, and see its taste."

Three sets of hands have done as I ask. Well, even Aaren and Tika have given some extra worship mana in this moment; but for now it's good to point it out to Anyah first.

"Mm sweet!"

And now, she gets it.

"This is what I do hope from the rest of the world. But just from what I assume, worship from others will soon merge into the worship you have given, so it will again be ... less than sweet. My point is, sometimes the approach to the person may need to be personalized to get the best results. And then ... Aaren. My remaining issue to discuss is with you, based upon your kingdom's resources."

"... me, sire?"

"This 'Approach to the Deity' room is just one part of the realm itself, which will expand, improve, and even grow as time and my efforts improve too. For one, this well in the center here. While the stone blocks or bricks look normal to you, in actuality they are pieces of stone molded and infused with a deity's essence, mine. A short time before I was able to rebuild this well, a thief from another realm broke in, and stole my remaining stone for this well-"

"What- Oh no, God David! Why did you not say so earlier; I would gladly give-"

"The initial situations have been handled; I am not saying the same thing cannot happen again, but it is less likely now. But also because I do not want to interfere in your existing business dealings ― as far as I know you may have allotments for every bit of stone you purchase. Only if you had room to set aside a small bit which I could purchase fairly-"

"But ― I would have given you as much stone as you need anyway!"

"Even so. Or I could go to the stone mine directly to barter with the dwarves but that would cut you short of your own agreements. In any case, another deity loaned me some of her stone, from her personal stores. In short, I am owing her back a certain amount, at a later time. Aaren, Anyah ― do you recall the other woman talking with Gabi ... a woman who left so soon-"

Fire in the girl's eyes, indicated some reaction to the person; I will have to properly ask about this, later. Tika had no thought to the matter as she does not yet have a context for this, but even Aaren glanced aside to his daughter.

"... how much. How many tons ... if this is the measure ... do you owe her."

"Five hundred tons of the initial loan. Plus a five percent interest fee, leaves the total at five hundred twenty five tons due. No due date; but I do have an interest in promptly repaying-"

"Why so low, on the interest. If I may ask. Because I can't find much for less than twelve percent."

Oh. Here's the hard part to admit.

"In part ... because she likes me." Anyah in some sense seems annoyed; but I can only continue. "And so she's not making this about profiting from me, but ensuring good relations between her and I. She did help me in other ways already; so I accepted her offer."

Aaren's lips twitched into an almost smile. "We have always wondered. Since Gabi has sometimes said things about other deities, other worlds ― we know they exist, and the interactions you may deal with are very unusual to us. I too would like to do something to help you pay off a debt."

"But it might not even be a thing to worry about for now. One part of it is, stone has a 'purity rating' for holding the needed mana ― mine in this case ― to which I can only admit it's less than thirty percent. I could take stone from the mortal world but it's such a slow process to 'improve' a lump of stone purity. Even if I process stone every day of my existence for these remaining years of your children's lives ― I'm not sure they could see the day I repay the debt. Not that it is a problem for either you or them; as I said, it is a mutually beneficial arrangement, without any end date, and without pressure."

Anyah can only pout; could she have thought I had nobody else as important to me, as her?

"Plus one final aspect of this arrangement. If I would take stone from the world ― which I could as my right as a god now ― it also takes away the mana potential of the world itself. Only a fractional bit of change, but even such a small part changes things slowly. The world will see less mana generation in all places, the more I would take from it. Conversely I see how I can obtain stone from elsewhere to also bring it into this world. The strangest thing is, a marketplace for deities exists for me to access, and one of the things I could buy are ... abandoned worlds. Imagine this; whole worlds for sale. Some of them are without any people even; just ... large empty worlds I could strip of resources, and bring some things here."

These words had piqued Aaren's interest; but he could only offer a passive comment to this future deed. "Well that could be interesting, I suppose."

"Yeah but. Again," I indicate the reason in pointing to the mana well before us. "The cost. I do not have enough yet to even purchase the cheapest one; I looked. Maybe twenty times this amount? And that's for a basic world with no life on it, already razed by whatever deity or malevolent event ... caused it to be so. Then right now too, I ... don't have enough of ... me. To split my attentions across multiple places."

Even if they did not understand, I still saw nods of awareness of the words.

"Well anyway. Enough of the negative side of things; do you wish to see the rest of this space?"

Main building. Garden. Workshop. The exploration went on, so brief in time; but yet so detailed to these three.

Next stop? Inside the main building, to allow the three mortals to follow me, and look at my space.

But Anyah has also ― in a matter of a half minute ― walked straight through bathroom, bedroom, lounge access, kitchen, Luria's corner and system access. And then to return back to this entry spot. Looking at me as if to ask, 'is this all you have'. When in the bedroom area, she'd blushed furiously, eyes locked to the single bed ... and then sighed. Aaren and Tika looked tentatively at the plain bed, still (maybe) just a small bit ... messy. Okay, so it's been a few years since I'd made my own bed ― I keep forgetting, I have no maid here!

"Like I said ... it's not much. But it's home," is my only weak defense.

Next; the Garden. I note the statues have changed to a generic form, to no longer represent the likeness of Gabi or Luria or whatever. Strange too, it looks more like what I remember of my former sister ... and also like SeraBot now since I note a similarity. But both Tika and Anyah have an interest in so many green things; the more exotic, the more interest they show. Healthy foods for me to eat; and thus for Anyah, too. From my explanation it can have more types of things based upon the plant types found in the world which get brought here, Tika asks something particular. Well she'd been looking at a lot of plants in detail; it seems she is just looking for one type of plant.

"Do you have any foxnip?" she hints with large beaming eyes, with her daughter following suit.

I have not seen any thing called 'foxnip'; so I do not know if this type of plant exists. Only due to the serious looks, I have to say ... yes, it must.

"... Alita?"

"Yes master. Foxnip is a plant type which is rare even in the whole of the planet. But the pattern for this vegetation can be accessed, at a cost. Currently it is beyond the total funds of this realm."

Tika promised with glee, she will get some, so if I can plant it and grow more ― it would be advantageous; Anyah also beams a smile at this. Maybe ... foxnip is something of a special treat, by which they want more of it?2... some day soon I might decide what foxnip actually is, or does-

Then, back through and into the Workshop room. Surprised, Aaren even tries to craft some item ... but failed its task because he does not have a token. Well I ... maybe at a later day. Besides ... he was trying to make an enchanted spear of lightning, so much like Zeus' triton, which he might just use ... to tip the balance in the world. (Yeah, right ― you think I want to allow that? Ally or not, it's dangerous.)

And so far, I do tell of how much I can yet grow this space. Mostly it depends on the 'worship mana' this space can receive and purify into some kind of 'currency'; and now all three of them truly understand. I think when Aaren and Tika return, they may even try to revolutionize how the peoples see and think about things. At least they do understand how all I've been saying will be to better effect, if the people treat each other well.

"So ... ready to return to your kingdom ― Aaren, Tika, Anyah?"

The moment is soon; a point at which I can see if they will truly 'trust' me to handle their daughter. Because in this case, they could just ... say no, and I would have to deal with the consequences, or feelings, or both of those things.

Aaren might be thinking the way I'd said it, 'your kingdom', by this I am softly distancing myself from him. It's not so intentional if that's how he's thinking; but to his credit he's not speaking out on this point. Now Anyah has a pouty look; I think she wanted to stay here already.

"Why do I have to go-"

"... just to go briefly. But first," I extract one of the champion tokens, and hand it to her. "With this token, it will allow you to come here and back to your home in the world. It has some properties upon it to assist in moving you from there to here, or here to there. One of the tests is to see if you can use it to enter my space on your own, as well as return to the world on your own. For any being which has the use of mana, the token will use only a minute part to make the transfer possible. Now clearly to enter and exit many times could wear out the user, as well as be a needless activity. But for the most part, in me gifting this to you, it's my way of saying, you are permitted to enter as and when you can."

"... oh. Thank you," she said with a soft smile, holding the token with a gentle touch.

"The back of it is made to allow pinning to clothing, on whatever you wear. It cannot be gifted to anyone else; if I give it to you, it is to stay yours. If it's stolen and used by a thief, I have plans for a future time ― as the mana well gets more full ― I could purchase what amounts to a 'prison'."

Aaren looked with a surprise, then settled for a chuckle in response. "I imagine, if any other thief comes to your realm ― a fellow god or not ― this would be how you deal with an intruder?"

"... yes. I also have much more to improve; like your castle has its defenses, so also my realm now will have to grow certain features. I would like to keep this space as simple as possible ... but in reality, I am aware a realm such as this must also be kept safe. Well ... it was no fun, being here when the thieves broke in-"

Three faces gaped in shock, then quieted to worry.

"-but as I said. I do not think that same situation will happen again ... or at least so soon. Aaren and Tika, if you worry for the safety of your daughter Anyah, then do know I will do all I can myself, to see to her well being. I promise this. But for now ... please hold onto my arm, and let's return to the world, to your castle home."

Returning the trio to the castle happened just like this. One second in my Approach room, and the next back within the castle on the upper floor balcony outside the king's bedroom.

"It's been a lengthy day; but at least I am glad to see you healthier. Put your time to good use, and it is enough to value what you have received."

"And ... you as well, God David." He tilted his head, with a quizzical expression. "So ... what do you have to do next there? If I can do any more-"

"I won't ask you to overextend yourself or the lives of your people ― my people as well, if I may call them this. But from the system which regulates the growth and health of my realm I do have alternative options. In addition to what I showed you, I might purchase a deity's shopping space where I can obtain some things not available to this world such as expansions for there. A prairie, a woodland, and a forest space. Each of those have a specific utility for me, and thus for how I can help this world and its people. Aah well it's still a while off. Perhaps the prairie first, if I think about it; I'd like to also see if I could take a few animals there for building a herd of creatures. A thought for another day-"

Aaren chuckled. "Sounds like you do have a lot of those."

To this, I can only smile in response; my thoughts of late have ran the gamut of the mundane to the fantastical. And everything in between. But for the needs of dealing with this epidemic, which still does not seem to be slowing down ― I have so many needs and so few resources. I'll take what little I can get.

And Aaren, all things considered ... extends a hand in friendship. I smiled, and grasped the hand.

"Be well, King Aaren ... ah what is your last name?"


"Aah. Be well then, Aaren Bechamel, Tika Bechamel." With both of the parents so greeted, I turn with confidence to the young girl at my side. "Now, Anyah. Your turn ... focus on the Deity's Champion Token I gave you, and then you should be able to return to my space."

I see out of the corner of my view, the sight of Erissa the daughter of another queen, glaring at Anyah. Thankful for Anyah herself to not notice; or maybe just not say anything about her ― it's a 'win' for Anyah as she is better off not worrying about such things. Not to say her relationship to her half sister isn't worth it; but for now it's less a concern to her, than her time with me is of value.

She looks intently at the token, a piece with a motif upon it; her forehead creased slightly ― and then, with a look of surprise, she vanished. I don't sense her arrival to my space just yet.

  • First time event: Receiving Visitors.
  • A mortal who is not marked as Champion has used a Deity's Champion Token under guidance to visit your deific realm.
  • The deific system awards you 420 DP for this first instanced event, and a declining amount for the next 9 visitors, too.
  • For each visitor, the amount given will be: {(420 / (ordinal + 1) + )} DP; all DP is given out in the form of vouchers.
  • Notice of token use will show once for each mortal; consider marking a person as a Champion to edit their access.
  • Control this mortal being's entry now? {Permit Always} {Permit} {Deny} {Deny Always} {-Imprison-} {Banish}

I notice, from this last line ― if I actually had a 'prison' then I could direct someone into the prison, properly keeping them locked up, until I could face them. But since my realm does not, this option is 'disabled' for now. These Permit and Deny lines are probably ... exactly as they say. Banish? Do I want to try this on Anyah? Nope; but ... nice to know the option is there, should I need it.

For now I'll select the first option. To an absent Anyah, I can only think ... please don't let me down.

"Erissa," I call out, directly to the glaring girl.

With a surprise for me, she softens her view ... aah so her harsh visage is specifically directed to Anyah and not anything in connection to me?

"... yes, God David, you called me?"

She's not smiling, but neither is she frowning. More of a neutral look. By which I understand ... nothing. I do not understand a thing about her, in this moment. Maybe ... could she be the type who does not want to believe in deities? Um that's a harsh way to go-

"Do you maybe also want to see my realm? If your parents will also permit this."

It's a daring thought; maybe it's a form of jealousy. Like, maybe she thinks Anyah is not 'deserving' of time with me? Or has some not so humble bragging been going on, behind the scenes?

"... if you wish it, I will not refuse."

This feels too much a passive aggressive move. It might not hit on the real reason for the frustration between her and Anyah or their parents and siblings. But for now, it's my attempt to heal any emotional wounds with her and others.

"My wish is not one of force, but one of seeking parity. Of course if you truly did not wish so, then I would not beg you either."

"... okay. I will ... go with you."

The half elf girl blushed, in such a pretty way on her.

What is this? She is actually ... looking more cute, just from a happy interlude?

At my side, Aaren cleared his throat. "Um, if you are thinking-"

"If I show her the well, will it help her to understand?"

He stopped. For a king in charge of a kingdom, he hesitates in this instant; if it were anyone but me here, it could be a fatal moment, and he knows it. But in me mentioning 'the well', it gives a context for why I want to take Erissa too, while Anyah is still up there. For now, 'the well' equaled what I had in mind; to Aaren and Tika already, they knew this, and I could keep using it for the right context for now.

"I ... believe so."

"... father? What well?"

"Go with him, he will explain to you, as he did to Tika and I."

She finally steps forth, touching my arm held out to her; then we vanish from here-

-to appear, at last, in front of Anyah.

"My lord what is she doing here?"

This, Anyah said this. Sure surprised me, to think the one who would have a problem here would be the one who agreed before to all those things. Ooh she looks pissed off, now. If I didn't want to try and defuse a ticking bomb right now, for certain I wouldn't bother; but I am in this mess, so I will try.

"... Anyah. From those questions I asked you before ... despite what you agreed to me then, but now you say this?"

The onus is upon her. I had previously asked for this reason if she could treat others (to the larger extent, anyone, including those she knew ― but I didn't say this by name) with kindness. She did just now though, realize her error, and began sobbing.

"D, don't abandon me, my lord! I'm sorry!"

"I'm not abandoning anyone; but first I wish to know what the problem is between you two. Twice now I have seen Erissa glaring at you, and maybe I assumed at first it is Erissa who has the problem. But now also I wonder, maybe you ― Anyah ― have some reason for your treatment of Erissa?"

"B, because, last year. Last year I said someone I liked ... and she said she'd be a better match! She wants to take all I have to make me happy!" The tears on Anyah started streaming harder now.

My eyes rolled too, in a spontaneous response. "Oh for crying out loud-"

But Erissa did something better; she stepped forward with arms wide open, inviting her half sister to come and hug her in return. "I'm sorry. I didn't know my teasing would hurt you, like this. Please, forgive me?"

"-teasing! That's-"

Anyah said nothing more, but turned and paced to the door, and disappeared beyond it into the inner structure.

Well it answers this point.

I turn to Erissa, and see her eyes tearing up.

"Even if it's like this, please do forgive her. I am sorry it turned out this way. Though if you will be patient, I believe she may mellow after a while. In the meantime, let me show you around. Does this sound okay?"

She shakes, so unlike the glaring girl I'd seen just a few minutes earlier. She tries to turn aside, then reconsiders and just stands here with tears streaming ― but I reach out like she did, arms open. In a second she is there, grabbing hold.