19: Acting irresponsible and not caring
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I just asked Ton if he knew how to move the System Control room into the empty slot below my Approach surface ... and he's grinning.

"Indeed. I know how, I designed this feature. But. It's a one-way only move; it cannot be undone without heavy effort and even I'm not sure I could undo it even if I wanted. Not that I'd want to undo something I think is the right way-"

If I came all this way and my realm is what the system engineer who designed the base system made, then who am I to think it the wrong thing?

"I'm fine with going an unconventional route. At least it might prevent those raids again."

At last I see Ton turn dead serious. "Oh. You fell victim to that ... well I hope they get what's coming to them."

Now, my turn to smile. "They did."

His wry displeasure at last turns into one of gleeful mirth at another man's discomfort, and he pats me across the shoulder with a generous swipe. "Good man."

"Oh, I didn't do it myself but have word from someone in the know. But then, I'm also supposed to ask if you remember Ku Dara, the one who recommended you."

Instant smile ... with a hint of ... more. "Heck yeah. She and I were mates, back in the day ... used to swing on all the chandeliers we could find- Aah discretion keeps me from saying more."

"We're about there, too. Anyway," I clear my throat instead of coughing up a laugh, then go on. "Yes she and I are in an agreement and yes she did mention you, so I am certain she still does have good thoughts of you. Now. About my system agent Luria, and-"

"Luria is the name I gave to my prototype," Ton smiled with a wistful almost flashback look in his eyes. "She was ... the best. A bitch of a workout to develop all the nuances of personality; but I believe she should be fixed of the last problem I saw. I had to wipe her system memory of my interaction with her or it would corrupt the future interaction with a deity. But I'd like to see her sometime too, just to check over how she's held out, to time or circumstance. Um, you were saying?"


He's so random in his chat style; but then again, what true genius was not also in part scatterbrained at times? ... shut up, don't say it-

"... the directions ― how to insert the System Control into the Approach room slot?"

"Aah yeah that. Well it takes longer to explain it than do it; so if it's okay with you, I'd like to just come to your realm and do it. It would give me a fair chance to see it in operation, if you do not mind. Plus I did leave some trace source code in Luria if it's okay with you I take a look at again, and maybe copy back too."

"Sure. But, just to be honest with another thing, my world is going through an illness. The goddess who left me there got sick herself, and went to leap off some point but got saved by Ku, while I'm staying to fix things. If you can come and do the work while staying safe yourself-"

"-which goddess-"

"... Gabianna Rainforest." At his sudden downcast look, I feel compelled to add, "Aah but as I said, it's Ku who rescued her. She's safe, and in Carine's family ward for now."

At Ton's surprised whistle, I do a double take. He replies, "Sure must have cost a pretty coin. Carine's not cheap, or easy to persuade into this liberty. Also, who knew a goddess of merriment could fall so far?"

Wait, Carine is not ... cheap? But what she charged me in coming to her realm did not seem so costly. Then, something more must be going on, something which even not Ku but Carine would not dare to charge me more-

"... I don't know about cost, I only know she's there. Um, how soon you want to go to my place?"

This sounds like such a corny pickup line, never mind I'm not gay so that's out of line. But the invite is left hanging out there-

"Well you'll need to go back the way you came, I can take you back, and I can come to your realm once you're home. Speaking of," he extended a hand, and I took it, and the offered contact details. "That sets it. I'll come as soon as I'm off the taxi detail too, so it could be a few hours from both of our perspective. I'll call when ready, and we'll do the thing then."

"So ... what are your rates for this kind of direct visit?"

"Nothing costly; it's more like I'm happy just to see my old work too, so it's nothing expensive. Plus if Luria is still working ... I may have something I'll wish to discuss later. Hey did you know, a properly upgraded system of your kind would not ever allow a raid? True stuff;. I can show you the things you may need to know then, too. So I'll give you a free lift back to where you were, as I was working that district-"

A matter of minutes later, and I was again in my realm. A few hours, what could I do of worth in a few hours, before meeting with Ton Demo here-

-visit Anyah and her family? Go seek out Ku or Carine or even see how Gabi is doing?

Any of a hundred thoughts, all of them valid targets of my attention, ran through my mind. I want to do them all, but I only have so much time.

"Luria, is anyone in the mortal world needing specific attention I can give? Anyone?"

"... yes ... master ... and you'll find it hard to believe, but goblin king G'gorsk in captivity has also seen your messages, and now seems to believe in you. Further he's opted to purchase these Analysis and Questing systems and the Clean and Heal skills. If you wish to visit him, you may gain a follower in him. But the empire which has captured him has been torturing him. G'gorsk is currently resting, alone ― but his torturer is likely to continue."

I nod, then disappear from my realm, and reappear in where I sense the goblin king was being held.

A damp, darkened cell; the night outside gave no light but a dim glow of some street lamps. All around me I see the stone floor, walls, ceiling ― and iron bars holding the creature slumped on the fetid straw soaking up feces and urine from the ground.

The king of the goblins is asleep, faintly so ― at a mere breath passing my lips, he lurches himself awake and looks my way. At last he stands up on the raw waste filled straw to look me in the eye.

"God David. Why come, why see me."

"Because. You believe. Don't you."

"... yes. But, problem."

Even the king there can grimace in irony of this moment, while casting his arm wide to aim at the cell.

"How, get out."

"Iron bars are not a problem. We can even leave here without going through them. Although it would be nice to just leave the door open and let the others think you escaped ... through their mistake-"

I extend my own hand, to sense the iron mechanism ― the door lock ― pop free as if a key had turned within it; the door swung open at my touch. Nothing here can harm me or G'gorsk, if I don't want it to. We both step through the door; the king turns to a corner in the hall and dumped the bucket of water over himself, to wash away a foul stench.

"Is better?"

Large grin.

"Yes. But come. We will go now-"

I reach out with a hand on his shoulder, feel his muscles tense and then relax, and ... we return to my Approach room.

After ten minutes of the 'five cent tour', to explain and show how the worship mana well works, and take a proper bath in my tub ― he gets it.


His tribe ... is no longer his. How do I explain?

"About Kika ... and Kari-"

His eyes widened, more so for the last name than the first; but he settles to listen.

"I am curious if you still have a connection to them. Kika as you had thrown her out of your tribe has evolved. I suspect you know this already, but here I will confirm it as true. She is the same as you as a king, but female so is a queen. You are the goblin king, but she is the goblin queen. Since you cast her out, she is not in your tribe, but has joined mine. Yet, when you took your goblin tribe to attack the human kingdom, she had her own role to perform. At that time, she felt a need to return to the world and look for who she is now."

"... but Kari, is ... dead? I ordered her dead. I stepped on her head-"

His words are not accusative, only not understanding what I say to add the sister's name.

"Kari ... she was ... almost dead. But you remember when I took the mallet and the axe apart and put them together in a different way? Yes, from this. Kursk knew where Kari's body was, and went off to kill wolves, and used his mallet's ability to heal Kari. Maybe Kari was not all the way dead, maybe she was still alive enough to come back. But. He did heal her, and I am fine with it. It lets Kari and Kika be together. But. Kika went to your tribe's cave ― feeling like nobody was there to lead ― and so right now may be leading while you are away. Also Kari was with her for a while, but Queen Kika sent Kari to help me when I needed some help. I sent Kari back to Kika though, so they should be there at the cave."

I ended the chat, to wait for what G'gorsk has to say.

"What left for me?"

To be honest, I am as unsure as him in what he should do. I don't know even why I would have 'rescued' him from where he was being held. Only, it seems right, it feels like the right thing to do. But as they say ... the best of intentions do not always gain the best results. Or something like this.

"You are a king, Kika is a queen, both of you should have your separate tribes. What comes next? Hmm I suppose if you go by goblin tradition, maybe you two in some future time would be drawn to fight. One thing in other worlds is, goblin king evolves to something more dangerous to all mortal life in the world. Either you or Kika would have too much power, cause too much destruction. But. I ask you two to not fight, not this time, not ever if you can avoid it. Do not seek out a fight. For now, all races, all ages, and all peoples are still sick. The sickness is in the world, and I believe you can now see it, since you have gained the skills I made to be used. So ... leave Kika to me, for now. She can be at my side, my mate; and I will keep her busy-"

"How. Goblin make goblin. Goblin Kika with human David ... not good. Even Gabi say at times, would be too big, have too much power, mating goddess with goblin, or other race. Too much, for the world."

"Gabi did not tell me this, at first time. All I know of it comes from you, and from Luria my system agent. Luria has told me much that Gabi did not or could not say; Gabi was embarrassed for how she came to be ... so like a goblin."

"And you want to heal all? You want ― bring people here?"

"Yes. You tasted the water in my well and it tastes good. When I arrived here by Gabi calling me, the well was not here. But like goblins sometimes do to raid human villages, some other deities came to raid here. Some of my work here is to make this realm so no other deity can just break in and take things. I need to be ... stronger. But also. This world needs to be stronger, but not for a fight with each other. Stronger in this way means stronger by how they help each other. This is what I want, what I need, to help the world, and to help me. Yes, I can bring people here, but also I start with having people around the world to help each other. Think of what it would mean for me to stop every time each person had a problem to solve. What if you were here where I am, what if you had to do all of this for the whole world-"

G'gorsk broke in with a raw laugh, breaking out into an even louder laugh. I am perplexed; is this a challenge, or agreement?

"Oho, God David. You are right. Goblin way is first conquer, then destroy what cannot be conquered. I see. Goblin way only destroy, is good I not where you are. Is okay, I not interfere. I believe you. But ... still have need to go ... conquer something."

I sigh, in relief. This could have ended in a fight, between me a deity, and this goblin king-

"... anyway. G'gorsk now you are free of the cell. What do you want to do? What do you want to know?"

"Want to go back to tribe, see what left. Want to just be as I am. Want to have goblin territory, be safe in home with goblin people. Is all."

I nod, then admit to one thing. "Kika evolved, yes ― but to be my mate, when she evolved, she gave up the ability to always have goblin children. Her children with me will be as human as I am. Also I found another way to limit how many children, so they do not fill the world. And her evolve chance is not done, after goblin can become hobgoblin or some other thing, I am not sure. But! She is for now with me. If you return to the cave, do tell your tribe what things are different from before. And what I ask is, when you make more goblin babies, be more careful how many females you mate, you are still sick. Drinking of the well water did take some of the sickness ― and you have the clean and heal skills so you can use them to keep yourself and your people clean."

"Is good plan, good words, God David."

"I think you know what is now important, I do not have more to ask of you. You ready to ... go home?"

I extend my hand, palm up, and wait for his hand to meet mine.

"Yes. Want home." He did it, he set his hand upon mine ― it's all I need to switch our location, to where I sense Kika and Kari are.

PoV: Kika, Queen of the Goblin Tribe.

"Gagor. Stop coughing. Lummi not so bad."

I rustle Lummi's shaggy head of hair, and get a wide grin in return.

"... yes Queen Kika-"

One last cough with Gagor cast clean, then Gagor sighed. Lummi should go outside when is time to do this, but then outside starts smelling like this too. It let others know someone live here. So ... Lummi stay inside, for now.

I breath, then think what to say, but-

"Hello Kika. I'm back here, and with G'gorsk. Um, you may want to let him sit there, for now."

I gasp. Oh no, this king said he would kill- Hey. Wait. I am bigger now, so no need to fear-

"Is okay, God David," I see G'gorsk say, to wave me off of interrupting. "Kika did well to guard tribe. Is right to do. But, I here."

David looks to me, and motions.

"Anyway, how are you now, Kika? Did you find yourself yet?" he grins at me.

"... God David." My answer, so brief. How am I to speak to him now? What is this thing between him and my former king? Are they friends? If so, what does this make me, to David? "Is good to see you. So surprising, to see a message and now see you like this."

He nods, maybe aware of the new changes between us. "This is true. But are you still my friend? Do you still want to help me? I will need much help, and you can be one who helps me too. Or ... have you found a home back here, with the rest of the goblins-"

I stop. Is hard to answer. He asks a hard thing! How to say ... what to say ... what I do want? Is time to be ... sad.

"... I want ... some, both. David."

Some of my former memories, and ways of talking, are coming back to me ― rushing back, in wild agony! Back in my youth, after Gabi gave me and Kari this way to understand her I'd fought so hard to keep this knowledge alive in me. I felt it even then, to continue to be in the goblin tribe, where I also belonged, I would slowly lose the way Gabi taught us two. I fought! To keep alive the speaking and thinking and way of doing things! I had to, to keep me feeling ... important!

I could glare at G'gorsk for his part in trying to end me and Kari; or I could just continue here. I feel it, my eyes burn from the sudden recall of what he orders done to a smaller me. Could David let me take over here, to fight with G'gorsk, to end his rule of the goblin? Or is G'gorsk now back to being what he was before, or even something new? Aah, so many new thoughts from this moment, my head hurts, but I can't stop recalling and thinking and ... aah! A growl rises in my throat-

"Kika. Kari." David calls out to us both, and it cools my burning eyes. "Gabi may have had a special thought of what you both could become, in future times. I am sure she thought both of you would be able to help her while she was facing a serious problem. Unfortunately she got sick as well as all mortals in this world. What potential you both have, I do not know yet. Kika, you told me you would follow me wherever I go, and do whatever I do. I do not want to separate you and Kari if you should be together to be your best. But for this point I need to return G'gorsk to the tribe. The rest of the goblin tribe he took is no more, they met defeat in the fight against the human city. But I know a tribe only needs one leader in charge. Kika, if you will leave this tribe to G'gorsk ― and Kari if you want to go too, and any who follow you ― you can then follow me."

All of us goblins in this cave know, aside from G'gorsk, Kari will wait for me to speak my own mind before she will, as respect for me. Kari may be older by two minutes but for sure she knows how to respect the ways of the goblin tribe. She had it easier.

... but David is still waiting-

PoV: David.

If I start tapping my foot in desperation, would it be too much, in this scene?

I can see how Kika looks confused; maybe her time in this mortal world since G'gorsk wanted her dead ― mere days previous ― was already too much. She seems to have backslid to her former race trait; and now since she is a queen, she needs a tribe.

Would it have become this way, in the end ― Kika with me in the realm, wanting to make a tribe, up there? Would she and I have made a madhouse, a menagerie of oddities, of strange boy and girl half human half goblin ... things?

... well in this new scene, I don't think I'm ready to take Kika back with me. In this sense, she may not even want to come yet, if she's so troubled. And knowing my own will, I'm not going to drag her along with me without any reason ― she can stay if she'd be better in the mortal world. Only, I don't dare leave her with her evolved state; what, let a goblin king and queen be at each other's throats?

If it's such a reason as this, then either I can find a way to devolve Kika, or I can simply move Kika to the far side of the world. Kika can start a new tribe, even with the lone goblins near Elison ... and stay there. But, in either way, I should probably also take back the champion emblem, so Kika would not automatically find her way to G'gorsk again and cause a fight. Which way is the right way?

I give up waiting. It's time to force some change. Kika was an interesting one as my first time with a female in this world. But going forward ― I feel like my love and relationships could be better with someone who could be for and with me, a much longer time. Ku is a better choice ― even other goddesses would fit the bill in a better sense than Kika. No I'm not throwing Kika under a proverbial bus; but it's a true sense of what's important for here and now.

I need ... stability ... in my life.

"Kika, let's go outside, for a walk. I need to talk with you, outside of here. Just us two."

She groans faintly, but does as I ask. We walk, and walk, and walk, not speaking except to point out features of the forest we head into; yet but heading to no place in specific. Oh, wait, I think ahead of here is the cliff where we could go down to Samiel's dungeon.

I halt at last, and inhale with a strong breath, the forest air ― trying to place the sources and types of smells coming at me.

"Kika. If it is better for you to stay in the world instead of coming with me, is a thought up to you to decide. I will be fine whether you come with or stay here. In fact I will already have other chances to find love if you don't come. I also do not want you to come back if you think you owe me something; I can let the past be the past. It's why I also went to see G'gorsk, and let him out of his cage. He is back here but I have not set him up as a king of the goblin tribe yet. Only you being a goblin queen is also part of the issue-"

"-too many thoughts, God David!" Kika growls. "Give one thought at a time."

I laugh with a nervous laugh, but realize she is right. I wanted to push, even in this ― and Kika is not someone I should want to push.

"Alright, then. Let me ask. No pressure on you to come or go ― what's your first thought or choice?"

"... I will always be pulled back to this place, or somewhere in the world. Even as a little goblin, I did not know where to belong. When Gabi first touched me and Kari we both felt so special; I want to prove I belong. I am fine to be here too, or to go with you too; I don't know where to be."

I nod, knowing she speaks true, and sit upon the ground. She follows suit. "So, here are three choices. One, the default by what we both last knew, you would return with me and help me at what my tasks are. But you have to be sure you aren't being pulled back to this place or anywhere else. Two, you make your own life in this world in one of two different ways. Maybe somewhere else with your sister Kika; the other is in going somewhere else in the world to start a new tribe of goblins. Three; if you are here ... you either submit to G'gorsk, or fight him for who leads, or ... I devolve you so you and he don't fight. If you go to a new place in the world, you are more free to start a tribe your way."

"... eh well I too don't want to leave my sister if she wants to follow. I don't want to drag her along with me if she would be better here or somewhere else. Other than this, I would choose ... somewhere else. I don't want to be less than I am now, so please don't take away the evolve from me. I sensed the goblins near Elison when in that part of the world, maybe they would need me as I am."

"I'm sure they could. Then, we are good? You can let me go, and be with other goblins? I am not holding you or anyone else back from anything?"

"No, God David. I had fun with our time, I have good memories of what we did. But this is all; already Lummi is pressing me to mate so I suppose he could come with too. It's Kari's and Lummi's choice if they want to come. We will now not be mates, not married."

"I see." I stroke fingers at an absent beard but smile anyway. "Well then one last thought. You have the Champion's Token, which would still let you have access to my realm. It's changed since you last were there, and it will change even more too. If you keep the token, you can return and try some more crafting; but you will also have the champion's quests to complete. Whether you keep the token or not, I only ask you not to seek out G'gorsk or any other goblin king for a fight. I know it would be a bad thing right now for a fight among people of your race; and the goblins near Elison are ... passive. Let's go back now; I have to have a similar talk with G'gorsk, and I imagine you want to talk with Kari and Lummi before the change will happen."

We return directly, this time with me touching Kika and transporting back to the mouth of the cave. The walk out with G'gorsk is much as it went for Kika and I; but we soon arrive at a similar point for our talk.

"G'gorsk. The matter has been half decided. I have asked Kika what she wants, and now she is asking Kari and others what they want. I also want to ask you directly what you want, away from them." I see his rough nod, an assent at this moment meaning he's open to this talk. "With Kika a queen and you a king, I told you before, it would be bad right now for the two of you to fight for dominance, for who will lead. So I have an offer to move Kika and any who wants to go with her, to another place in the world. I have asked her not to seek you out for a fight, and I ask you the same thing for her. You might never meet again except through some stray chance, by me allowing it; and if you do, I hope the world is much more clean and healthy than now."

"Is good, God David. I know the way of the goblin, maybe my way to think needs to change. Can change? Maybe; will try. I sense the way has changed."

"... some of the change was from what fixing the war axe did. More of your children would have a tendency to be farmers ― dig in the dirt, plant seed, grow things. Maybe working stone so they can help expand the cave too. In future days, maybe your children and tribe will be known as great herbalists and alchemists and craftsmen. What you make more than what you need can be sold to humans and others. No need to fight, and you can trade with those willing to trade with you. Yes it's a new way to try at your tribe's new life. Also I would have a question of if you allow your tribe members to worship me too, on their own; but we can talk of it later."

"God David, I have seen the way you have spoke. It has opened my mind. The goblin way only took us as far as we got on our own. Is it true, Gabi can come back? Is this a good thing, or a bad thing?"

"Yes, if she wants to; but she did with so many others what she did with you and your tribe. She must not do the same things again. Gabianna cannot do this again, or she would make my world sick once more. She will have to resist having sex with anyone ... except the one who is her one mate for life. Do goblins know of this thought?"

"Yes was a strange thing. Some human women we capture to breed sometimes call out for just one name, one word of someone they wanted. Did not stop us, was a strange thought. For goblin it was more easy for making of babies with each other and no thought to who 'mother' or 'father' or 'husband' or 'wife'. We know those words from Gabi bringing the books, and Kari and Kika saying the words a lot; but is not easy to do this in our tribe. Who is first to change the way?"

"... I won't pressure your tribe to change except to say these words. A male and female goblin who have sex only with each other, will not have sex with others, or not get sick so easy. The more sickness is in the world right now, the harder my job is to make it well. Maybe you and your tribe who remains can think of these things, and do what you think is best for not only you but the world around you."

"Can do," G'gorsk spoke with a nod. "Is good words. Change not happen today, but soon."

Aah. The ever elusive, trademarked, 'soon'. It seems to be a joke even among the goblins, for the king to say it to me.

"Okay, we will go back then, and hear what the others have decided."

In quick order, Kika and Kari and Lummi and three other goblins will go to where Kika decides ― to the other side of the world. This still leaves G'gorsk and Gagor with twenty some goblins, more than two thirds are female; but they will have to find a new way than making so many babies.

Myself and six goblins touching me ― it's a first serious drain on my ability to move so many individuals across the world; but it's good. We end up just outside of Elison's place ― where we all see the horny incubus kissing an equally horny succubus whose form drapes on top of him ― riding him. I can see if she gets pregnant, the child will be an abomination. The odds though, are not so astronomic-


"-aah!" Elison turns out of the kiss, rolling the girl off while pulling up his pants ― to look shocked to see so many watching him all of a sudden. "G, God David!"

The succubus' eyes burn for a second; but her seeing no threat from me, and moreover seeing me with goblin creatures, leaves her confused. I push on past this, and roll right into the introduction of these ones.

"Elison ― this is my friend Kika who you met before; she since evolved to a goblin queen but she is wanting a new place to be. Before, you mentioned a small group of goblins near here, and I thought to introduce them to her, and her to them. Would you know where they are?"

"... yes." Elison gulps back saliva and wipes his chin from the drool; but also chuckles. "They aren't far; but they do not want intruders. Well I suppose if it's you, then they cannot object; and if I go with, they will know I send them no harm. Just ... wait a second-"

He disappeared inside his shack for a moment, then the girl ― succubus ― turns to me with a subtle smile after pulling on her shirt and skirt-

"So you are my new god?" she sidles up next to me, remaining a safe distance, charm oozing to the max. "My name is Anatamae ... but you can call me Ana, or you can call me ... anytime-"

"Be calm, I already have romantic options so you do not need to seduce me."

"... oh." The grin settles, but still she stays near, in lieu of this being an interesting chance for her to meet me too. "God David, if I may ask ... am I sick? Is something wrong in me?"

"No, I sense no sickness in you ... yet. Have you been keeping yourself clean and ... well, free from other body fluids?"

"Y, yes. El is ... my first ... and only." She blushed furiously, but offered no backtrack on this admission. "Just ... this one time."

She saved herself, for him only? What the two of them were just now doing, was ― taking her virginity?

I sigh. Well even if Elison mated with Gabi as well as so many others ― it's a roll of the dice whether or not she could catch something from one sexual encounter ― his with Gabi, to now his with her.

"But he may. And in this fact, it's more of a necessity to ask what your intentions are, with him. Whether it's for ... for love, or sex."

"Normally it's rude to ask this, God David; but I know what you mean. In the time of my life I already am considering what I want from life. El and I are what you might call 'childhood sweethearts' ... though he denies it. I've liked him then but I could not say. Only in this last week has it got so close between us. And yes I know he was with Gabi ― our former goddess ― yet she left us. But then, the problem of our mating, his and my chance of children-"

The door slams shut to the side, and Elison came traipsing back out in a hurry. "Let's go!"

I hold back a second from following an eager incubus, looking this girl straight in the eyes, to tell her the truth ― and also to not let Elison just lead off before I'm ready.

"You are right. Incubus and succubus genes, both would fight to set what the child would be. I see how your base chance of conceiving and sustaining a child is below one in eight. And even if arriving to a time of birth, what is born might have a nine in ten chance of being ... a monstrous creature. Neither a succubus, nor an incubus; but a new thing. To be honest, it would not be good for this world; but I am not saying anything about how you and Elison feel for each other. Romance, yes; sex and procreation ― please wait. I do see how in some near future this chance of your children being so far off from normal could be corrected. The question is more, what do you and he want, for and from each other?"

This time is the closest point to 'couples counseling' I will perform in this world; also the most drastic of circumstance for advising the two. I see how Elison is suddenly angry at this line of inquiry, and he wants us all to just go; but it's Ana who asked!

"God David! What, what's this talk of-"

"Ana here wants to know something, and she asks me herself. I only answer her query. Alright let's go then. Ana, you want to come along too?"

A slight upset there ― Elison yelps rashly but then opens his mouth to explain ― some wrinkle in our journey?

"Aah no, she can't actually. She once did something to their tribe; and ... they don't want to see her."

"... but I can still ask if she wants to go too?" I motion the succubus near. "Ana. Is it true, what Elison says?"

"Yes, my god. I did some provocative things among them, and caused some of them to be hurt or die. It's why their tribe is more pacifist now, and hide from contact."

"Kika?" I ponder. "Would such a tribe be what you are looking for? They will not want to fight so you have to hold back from bringing them to fight others. You too, other five."

"It's good David. I am ready to see them now."

The next short while went fast. We arrived; Ana got a chance for redemption for her past; Kika and her tag along goblins got accepted. Elison and Ana had a brief spat but end up kissing by the time we are ready to leave-

-seriously Elison, do you not yet see what your children become is not her fault, alone-

-and now it's time to return home, to my realm. Ton Demo should be about ready to show up, and I want to see what more I should arrange of structures and rooms, before the start of a new action.

... I have nothing of note to do; I've done all I could. But it doesn't matter now because I'm getting the ringing tone.


Full video, from Ton's shop, of him just picking up some tool totes, ready to leave there. This infers the process might even require tools I don't have ... or maybe he wants the chance to do further realm analysis while he's here.

"Yeah I'm finally ready to have a crack at your systems now. Is it a good time?"

Well now is fine; but what if I had something going, or wasn't here in the realm? Could I deny his eager attempt to get back to his former glory?

"Yes, I'm ready, so come over at your convenience."

The video call ends simultaneous to his arrival in front of me, right in my Approach room ― not even one whole second passed. He sets his tote down, looks around, and nods.

"Alright, nice so far; let's see if this mana well is- hey I sense Ku's mana in those bricks."

"Yeah and here's how and why."

I launch through the briefest of summary, the flow of the raid events, without naming Ku as being present in the raid ― though I suspect he knows. It's an agreement between gentlemen to not tell, then. I'm fine with this.

He stands here with a glum look, then only nods, with mutual feelings. "They done me like that, too, back in the day. It's how I lost my own realm, and had to work for the PegaSystem Corp, coding and building their realm system. You may not know it, but before my model ― the one I worked on first ― realms were totally unmanaged messes and had no upgrade paths. My corp's systems were the first of a new breed of deities' realm system ― but since then, half a dozen have taken prominence. But here ... your problem and my problem can be a mutual solution."

"Master, who is this man? I cannot analyze him." Luria appears next to us ... next to me.

Ton grins. "Hello my sweet Luria; it's been a long time."

She stared, unsure how to continue. "... I ... I don't know you."

"And you wouldn't recall. I had to wipe your diagnostic memories before you were sold on the market. That was from nearly eleven centuries past, and to a male dragon god."

"Male dragon? But I got this realm from Gabianna Rainforest, who lived only a small number of centuries ― seven centuries, if Luria tells me correct. You're saying a realm can change hands a number of times?"

"Indeed it could, David, and indeed it has. From Dragon Lord Lufy, to elven queen Shandra Nava, to ... someone else, not by the name of Gabianna or from a Rainforest clan name. Hmm, let me see your logs-"

He withdrew an instrument from his pack and activated it. At once a system display appeared in front of Ton; but also an alarm from Luria sounds.

"Master! Intrusion detected! Close access, at once!"

Ton looks at me with a matter of fact face; he's saying this act is part of the analysis.

"Hold on," I pause for thought. "Ton, you said before, for our mutual solution. What did you mean?"

Ton stalls as well, taking a deep breathe. "Well see, here's the other part. Since I could not in good conscience do all the corporate board members wanted in the realm system, the corp fell into debt. I stopped work and was fired; but no other system engineer can come close to what I was able to do. In short, board members sold their stock to me ― I own ninety one percent of the stock in the now defunct company. It fell to what you know of bankruptcy; but I can activate it again by taking over all its debt, and filing my claim. I want to restart it again from when I was once working on it ― but not if the past corporate board comes along too. But to do so, I need to ... dig in here, to see if certain system protocols are still available-"

"What does this mean?"

"... you won't like it but, in short ... I'll have to take over. For a short time. Proof of assets in the application for incorporation, you understand."

"... the counter problem of that is, the current sickness in the world which I'm struggling to fix. I've done some of my own ingenious things which require keeping the mortals active and at work on some things-"

"Yeah. I see here. Nice job on the messages; I see clearly how much mana came in, and is still coming in. You got guts. But if you're wondering, no it's not for any malicious intent; it's for a greater cause, and I'll return owner status to you as soon as possible."

I don't see much chance of getting through this alone and ... hey wait a minute! What's all this about if he's only here to install the system core into the slot under the Approach?

... also, this closely resembles an attempt of my own corp officers from back in the day. The Game Is Afoot.

It also clicks into place ― Ton claims Luria is and was his first, the prototype model, which launched his path to greatness for a system engineer. He likely held off letting Luria be sold onto the market until the last possible moment, looking for a way to change fate. It's possibly why and when he got fired ― and Luria was sold out from under him.

Would Ton Demo ... want to reclaim Luria ... as his right?

I'm wondering-

"Oh relax, David," he speaks out. "I see what you're thinking ― through the system oversight panel, not by myself ― but no I'm not stealing from you. You do own this realm and system, which includes system agent Luria as well. I'm not going to do something either as crass or illegal as theft. It's why I told you beforehand. Other system engineers in this day might not tell you, they might be arrogant but figure they know better than you. So, I'm not them. I know my job enough to do my job, even if they do not."

It could be true; so ... I suppose I'm worried for nothing-