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{Brought over from Royal Road by my own intent, because not wanting to push against RR's "no reproduction" type of policy. Already had up to Chap 03 there; all will be caught up here quickly.}

At the end of a long (wealthy) life, the reclusive man David found himself as a young teenager again, in a goddess' space no less. Further, she told him she was "done" with her world, and oh he could have it, and do with it as he pleased. This confused him; how could a goddess get to a point of abandoning a world? or if she did, then how was he supposed to do better?

But. She didn't realize how damaged this David might be. Or, how screwed up she was in the first place (horny lonely and playing with herself and the mortals), to end up saying how done she was with it. She only knew by then, she could no longer handle being this world's goddess. Basically, she'd got to a point of "negative DP income" ― her world cost her more Deity Points in maintenance than was coming (pardon the pun, or not) from her worshippers ... and how she played with them. She cannot figure out how to handle these mortals anymore, so she's ... done. Screw it, she said. And here you go, you take it.

Finding himself alone in her deific domain after her departure, and trying to figure things out ― he has decided: he will clean up the icky mess she left all over the place, and the remaining task of finding any follower at all. And then, try raising the world's DP income the right way-



David Percival Schmidt, or 'DPS', died an old and happy human on Earth, as a wealthy but eccentric old loner too, and very much a deep thinker. For the beginning of the story, he's been just summoned to a goddess' world, not to be its Hero ― but instead, as a replacement deity, as she herself is leaving it all behind. So, pulling himself up by the proverbial loincloth ― he gets to work, in seeing what he can do in this new world.

Gabi the Goddess of Merriment ― somehow got herself into a position of having 'negative DP income' to her realm; and for it, she cannot now find a way back. So. Leaving behind her own world is her only chance of finding her own happiness in the cosmology of deities. ― Part of the reason for the 'problems' in the world is how in she got caught up in mating with mortals ― any race, even the monster races like goblins, she did that ― but withholding from bearing their children "because my children would be too strong for this world". A lot of perversion and overindulgence in desires are promulgated through this world, and a very nasty STD too ― which might be her fault. (She will remain absent from being present in the chapters for some time; but a lot of discussion and theorizing on her nature is relevant. She's the kind of deity you might come to love to hate.)

Luria ― an "AI" type of simulated being, the 'system generated personality' which stands in as a visual and audio interface to the deific realm's key systems. Having only had Gabi to follow all this time, the deific systems which are represented by this clone image of Gabi truly wants to be of use, to a proper deity. Commanded by a finally distraught goddess Gabi to go ahead and find a mortal to summon in her place, Luria then sought through billions of souls, to find David ― and then presented him as the one. In some ways, 'Luria/system' might not yet realize, 'she' chose someone to be 'her' equal.

Kika is a young goblin girl who ― maybe through Gabi's past interaction with the goblin tribe ― has come to be the highest ordinal worshipper of Gabi; and thus when Gabi leaves but gives David her received worship rights, she then will find reason to worship him instead. When David first sees her, it is because the goblin army is sent to kill her because she holds to the words of Gabi; and just before then, the goblin army also killed Kika's sister Kari too.

Samiel, a young lamia female who is also a dungeon mistress, left alone by Gabi except when the goddess comes to have her way with her, is the second most ordinal worshipper of Gabi, and then of David as well. She does not see a goblin such as Kika as a threat to her, and she wants to take that 'first position' by David's side, if he will just properly be her god.

Many other characters will enter the picture, as time goes on. Some will be friends, some will be less than friends.