Chapter 11. The Return of the Crown Princess
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The celebration held in the imperial palace was extremely magnificent and pompous. The nobility from all over the country gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the empire.

It really was a significant event.

The nobles joked and talked. All the cream of high society gathered at this evening: the latest rumors and gossip flew between them like hot cakes.

Basically, most of them were related to the disturbing news about the return of the crown Princess. I wonder if she'll show up today?

Perhaps in the last 500 years, there hasn't been a more hated member of the imperial family than her.

However… It's impossible. Right now, Cayenne de Ronan was engaged in military battles thousands of miles away. She could not return so soon: therefore, the nobles could have fun without any fears.

Some time after the banquet started, it finally happened.

— Enter His Majesty the Emperor, Her Majesty the Empress and Her Second Highness!

The nobles, who had been giggling and chatting before, knelt to the floor, facing the doors.

The Emperor and Empress were imperiously pacing the red carpet. Their second daughter followed them with a little more restraint. They radiated an aura of unearthly wealth and influence.

Golden hair, the symbol of the members of the imperial family, shone under the bright light of the ballroom.

They walked through the ballroom and up the stairs. There, at the top, there were special seats reserved only for royals.

— Everyone can come up.

The emperor waved his hand majestically, taking root on the throne. Obeying the order, the people stood up.

This man ruled the Dallas Empire, and concurrently the entire southern continent, for more than thirty years. Despite his advanced age, golden hair still broke through his gray hair. And the clear blue eyes shone just as brightly.

This evening, the Empress managed to dress up even more pretentiously than usual. Lillian, on the other hand, was in the official uniform of an Imperial Army captain. A white suit with gilded embroidery and a coat of arms in the form of a rose on the chest. A short golden cloak fluttered from behind.

The second princess did not change his clothes even at special events. Thus, this indirectly meant that she never forgot her duty as a defender of the empire.

However, what difference does it make? With that face, even a potato sack would look great on her.

These three spoke and looked godlike. Such was the influence of the imperial family.

The official start of the evening was about to begin. The Emperor was completing his welcoming speech, after which it was the turn of the Empress. At that moment, Lillian felt that something was wrong.

The couple exchanged strange glances with each other. It felt like there was a secret between them that only the two of them knew.

In fact, they knew everything for a long time. The reason Cayenne de Ronan would never return to the empire alive again was because… That the emperor had framed her in the first place.

In an attempt to get rid of their daughter, who became worse than a nightmare for them, the imperial couple tried everything. Assassins, accidents, poisoning, and so on. Cayenne managed to avoid each of these traps. Moreover, the girl did not even pretend to know about it.

This only made them even angrier. «Doesn't she take us seriously at all?!»

At least, that was the case until recently. After all, now this brat definitely didn't have a chance to get out. If she returns to the empire, it will be only in parts. The Emperor and the Empress came up with a cunning plan.

The war with Ragner was just a pretext. An excuse to get rid of her. Everyone said that this empire is weak and will collapse very soon. But in reality… Their military power was very great. Ten thousand warriors in the dry balance.

The Emperor deliberately sent only a thousand soldiers there for pre-allotted losses. Ten thousand against one. Even theoretically, it became impossible to win this war. And yet, the emperor decided to make such a sacrifice to get rid of the biggest thorn in their lives.

As soon as Cayenne de Ronan dies, order will finally reign in the country. At the same time, the emperor will launch a full-scale war with Ragner, and this time, he will send his second daughter there. He was sure that it would not be difficult for Lillian to win. She will return as a heroine and finally secure the status of crown princess.

It was a perfect plan that the Empress came up with and the emperor supported. And today, it finally comes to life.

Lillian, completely unaware of her parents' grandiose plans, became worried. She felt that something was going to happen today.

And so, it was the Empress's turn to speak. It was she who had to inform about the changes in the imperial family.

— Thank you all for coming today on the occasion of the anniversary of our empire! Every year Dallas becomes more and more powerful. And in honor of such a significant event, I want to give you and all my subjects a special gift…


There was a sudden loud crash at the entrance.

— Ah! W-what is this…?

The nobility was instantly alarmed. Everyone turned at the sound and froze.

Someone screamed. But mostly, there was a silent silence in the hall.

This could only be at a funeral. But now, at the imperial banquet, each of these people was afraid to twitch once again.

In the impenetrable silence of the banquet hall, a whistle was heard. It was getting stronger by the second.


A figure was walking through the crowd of the ballroom. Finally, she stopped in front of the imperial throne, and the cheeky sounds stopped.

That smile. She caused chilling horror in the Empress by her very appearance. The woman dug her fingers into the arms of the throne.

— Father, Mother, the Crown Princess is pleased to inform you of her return!