Chapter 17. Frosty mushrooms
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When I found out that all this time the solution to my problem was right at my doorstep, of course I couldn't remain indifferent.

One gold coin was enough to feed an average family for two weeks.

In other words, for a commoner to find such a mushroom was like discovering a treasure trove of gold. He could provide a comfortable life not only for himself, but also for his relatives for generations to come. Of course, the rates were slightly different for aristocrats. But that didn't change the point.

With these weeds, I could build a good business. And why did I only find out about such a lucrative idea now?

The universe itself must have blessed me. Not only was I born into a noble family. And a real gold mine was right under my nose! What was that if not a gift from fate?

According to Elisha, frost mushrooms were considered such a treasure for a reason. Not only were they capable of curing any disease. They also grew extremely rarely. It takes at least fifty years for such a mushroom to fully mature. Otherwise, the immature frost fungus can become poison rather than salvation.

It so happened that in the whole empire, frozen mushrooms grew only in one place. And purely by chance, this forest happened to be in the same place as the de Walt estate.

After hunters plundered and sold almost everything in the pursuit of profit, frost fungi became an endangered species. At the same time, the former emperor issued a decree that it was forbidden to pick them on pain of death.

Anyone caught doing so would have their hands chopped off.

On top of that, my grandfather also created a legend about wolves, to finally discourage unscrupulous smugglers.

Frosted mushrooms were forbidden to be picked for the next 500 years in order to restore their population. To disregard this decree was possible only in one case — if the Emperor's health was in danger.

What a cunning grandfather. So he's allowed, but not everyone else? I thought it was an injustice.

So even the loud article in the law on the subject didn't stop me at all.

When I told Elisha about my plan to pick frost mushrooms, she was horrified.

— M-my lady, but you can't do that…!

— Why not?

— W-what do you mean, why not? It's illegal…!

— If we do it quietly, no one will ever know.

I've decided that we must act today. It was a rare chance when Uphil and my father were away from the manor at the same time. Otherwise, the Duke would surely punish me. If not with his own hands, he would have me imprisoned…

In order to succeed, our «foray» had to be kept secret. After that I was going to sell mushrooms on the black market and thus make a good fortune. So what? Money doesn't smell.

Besides, it had been over fifty years. I hoped I could get a good harvest.

Elisha talked me out of what she thought was an «unwise» venture until the very last. And then, when she realized that I wouldn't give up anyway, she sighed deeply. Anyway, it was even more dangerous to let me go alone. Grudgingly, the maid decided to come with me.

After all, until the Duke and Yufil returned, we were going to do everything quickly.

Since I didn't know what frozen mushrooms were, I brought my usual mushroom «equipment. A basket and a knife. I took off all the jewelry and put on simple, comfortable clothes.

— Ouch!

At the very last moment, when we have already climbed over the wall and stood in front of the entrance to the forest, the maid suddenly panicked.

— What's the matter?

— My Lady, I forgot my gloves!

— Gloves?

— Frosty mushrooms can't be touched with bare hands! — Otherwise it can lead to frostbite on the extremities,» explained the maid. We need special leather gloves.

— Oh, I see.

I nodded my head slowly.

— Milady, please wait here. I'll go and fetch them.

— I will.

— Don't go too far!

I sighed.

— I understood everything. You don't have to worry.

When Elisha ran away, I stood there for a while, waiting for her. But more than five minutes passed, and the maid didn't come back.

What was taking her so long?

Meanwhile, it would have been dangerous to wait any longer. After all, the Duke and Uphil could come back at any moment, and I could not get away.

So I decided to go a little further, and see what the Wolfwoods were all about. According to Elisha, the stories around this place were nothing, and there really weren't any beasts.

Well, I was going to go in and see for myself.

But it just so happened that I had time to walk quite a bit. I did not go literally ten meters, and soon I almost tripped over something hard. At first, I thought it was a branch.

But after a closer look…

— Aah!

I think I'd just stumbled across someone's corpse.